Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes you keep posting to folks whom you think are retards.

allow me to expand - i don't waste my time on retards like you and artie with any expectation that you'll ever learn

i-durrr said:
....and Jesus's last words were, in fact, ....sin no more.

in fact, His last word was "more"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You beat me to it.

I have never met Christians like that....... Not real ones.

i don't spose you spend much time in other people's churches telling them they're wrong and that they're "sad, dozy gits" either

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i don't spose you spend much time in other people's churches telling them they're wrong and that they're "sad, dozy gits" either

He probably doesn't. I call you it cos it fits you to a tee. You're not intelligent, you act like a complete prat and you troll this place up with your asinine bitterness by stalking posters and calling people retards.

Get a life, or at least an expanded lexicon...



Well-known member
Now I think I get to understand your opinion a bit more.
It seems that you could live amongst, socialise with, deal with, work with gays, but your faith believes that they live in sin and that this could affect their situation after death. Am I anywhere near right?

After death, and before it, too.

But I am as willing to live amongst homosexuals to the same degree that I am willing to live amongst any other types of fornicators.

A person who believes that ssm is unholy, wrong but who would leave them alone and accept legislation supporting ssm is a very fine Christian Imo.

I will try to be clear - I would like to see the SC's re-definition of marriage reversed.

That would only leave theological debate ..... Now I could trust that ....

Then let's continue it. Do you accept Paul's teaching on homosexuality?

Right Divider

Body part
Trolls come in many guises...


Well-known member
You clearly don't know what 'ad hominem' actually means.
I clearly do. I've heard this from a few people and I laugh. It is you guys that don't look up definitions.
And I gave clear reasoning to support my exclamation!
Naw ya didn't. Whatever helps you sleep at night. You lost as soon as you started name-calling instead of addressing the subject matter.

Now that, right there, is ad hominem.
"Actually, it was a poor sentence. Because I'm a guy that reads a lot of his posts, and have a reasonable amount of intelligence myself, you'd do well....including the and especially the posts to you." Ad Hominem means "to the man" as opposed to the message and redirection, distraction. Anybody can accuse of ad hominem when they see it. It is up to you, the one addressed to prove, you didn't. You did. End of that tune. I bet, Glassjester could have told you that. He is a fairly smart guy and tends to know what he is talking about in these threads. That means 'the content' is verifiable and trustworthy. You can figure that out yourself, perhaps (not an ad hominem, a thread evaluation and usually considered just an insult, rather than a redirect when you've nothing left). All for free. I hope you are well-corrected after this point.

No..... Jesus never did show hatred or prejudice against gays.
Assumption, assertion, and goofball amateur frankly. People who sinned, other than the one fortunate woman in adultery, were stoned to death.
Barring Rome, they may have sent all who broke the Law, out of the camp during this period. You and your church will pay for sloppy and inept exegesis of scripture. You, because you trust in their poor politicizing. It was never okay in your church, now? A couple of liberal nonChristians have kept a club going that no longer contains many actual Christians and they don't give a rip what God says or thinks. That is an assessment, having come from a church very similar. When we don't stand for Jesus, we stand for NOTHING Christian any more. We are no longer a holy church. I left. Be wise and leave too. Study the Word. Read your Bible.

Many Churches are coming over to 'love and understanding' where gays are concerned.
No it is not love. It is indulging sin. Who cares if an alcoholic tells you he is not sick. You do no favors and show no love to allow him to continue without a warning that it leads to death. Romans 8:9 Memorize it, if you are at all concerned with the Lord Jesus Christ opposed to what any fallen man thinks. Many liberal churches started with men who loved God and were new creations. Over time, unregenerate men take over these institutions and they no longer are filled with the Spirit. His candle is removed. You are simply going through humanitarian motions. Brotherly love is good, but it is void of eternal preoccupation and matters. I actually heard many of these unregenerate say "so heavenly minded, they are no earthly good." :nono: When God gets a hold of someone, they sacrifice and take up their cross. It is opposite of what they think.

There you go........ on a thread about Gay marriage, racing off into incest and goodnmess knows where else.
You are blind. Analogy is intended to assist in reasoning skills. For him who has ears to hear. Romans 8:4-8 Romans 8:9-13 How much do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? Enough to read and memorize His word? ▲Read it ▲

If you ignore what Jesus said, and did, first and foremost, then maybe you do desert Jesus.
The Lord Jesus Christ ate with publicans and sinners. He did not become a publican or sinner. 2 Corinthians 6:11-18

I don't know many Christians.
I believe you. More, I've told you that nonChristians have invaded your church and are making policy. In our church, we had a homosexual couple. We didn't hate them and preached scripture. They left on their own because they wanted to teach Sunday School and we have a policy of not having teachers who embrace a life that scripture calls sin.

Your ideas about Sin, Morality and all are just so far from the truth.
And please stop telling me about my Church! What Church?
Nope, they all come from the Bible. I read it. You? Wasn't it you telling me about your Scottish denomination?


Well-known member
After death, and before it, too.

But I am as willing to live amongst homosexuals to the same degree that I am willing to live amongst any other types of fornicators.
OK again..... There being thousands of Christian Creeds, many Christians believing that many or all of the others are false, and there being scores of other religions, and many differing LHPs, satanists, Druids, etc, and hundreds of varying Deists and Theists, the LGBTQIA individuals and groups, along with adulterers, polygamists, polyamorists, fornicators et al can merge into the billions of folks who do not believe in your faith, nor you in theirs.... or their ways, and be with and amongst them.
Fair enough....... that's what we all do from our various vantage points, I guess.

I will try to be clear - I would like to see the SC's re-definition of marriage reversed.
That's fair enough. That's what our democracies and votes are all about.
My wife voted for a different candidate (than my choice) in last week's elections....... we chat about this, and everything else. That's what lifts us above a mono-chrome relationship into a spectrum relationship.

Then let's continue it. Do you accept Paul's teaching on homosexuality?
Paul....... you write 'Paul's teaching'.
That worries me, because it suggests that Jesus did not teach about homosexuality, and that Paul takes the lead from Jesus, initiating laws and tenets of Christianity beyond those of Jesus.
Imo, Paul could only have been an examplar of the Christian life and Faith, so the suggestion that Paul 'teaches-initiates' is massively worrying for me.

I can only answer you by replying that I believe in the Life and mission of Yeshua BarYosef, Galilean handworker and supporter of the Laws of Moses (less the 96), who repeated Hosea's call along the Jordan and took it into Galilee to Genessaret...........


Well-known member
OK again..... There being thousands of Christian Creeds, many Christians believing that many or all of the others are false, and there being scores of other religions, and many differing LHPs, satanists, Druids, etc, and hundreds of varying Deists and Theists, the LGBTQIA individuals and groups, along with adulterers, polygamists, polyamorists, fornicators et al can merge into the billions of folks who do not believe in your faith, nor you in theirs.... or their ways, and be with and amongst them.
Fair enough....... that's what we all do from our various vantage points, I guess.


That's fair enough. That's what our democracies and votes are all about.
My wife voted for a different candidate (than my choice) in last week's elections....... we chat about this, and everything else. That's what lifts us above a mono-chrome relationship into a spectrum relationship.

I agree. It is indeed fruitful to discuss these things with loved ones.

Paul....... you write 'Paul's teaching'.
That worries me, because it suggests that Jesus did not teach about homosexuality, and that Paul takes the lead from Jesus, initiating laws and tenets of Christianity beyond those of Jesus.
Imo, Paul could only have been an examplar of the Christian life and Faith, so the suggestion that Paul 'teaches-initiates' is massively worrying for me.

I can only answer you by replying that I believe in the Life and mission of Yeshua BarYosef, Galilean handworker and supporter of the Laws of Moses (less the 96), who repeated Hosea's call along the Jordan and took it into Galilee to Genessaret...........

I believe Paul, as an apostle, taught with authority from Christ, Himself. His NT writings are the inspired Word of God. Do you agree?


Well-known member

I agree. It is indeed fruitful to discuss these things with loved ones.

I believe Paul, as an apostle, taught with authority from Christ, Himself. His NT writings are the inspired Word of God. Do you agree?
You already read what I wrote before.... :- Imo, Paul could only have been an examplar of the Christian life and Faith, so the suggestion that Paul 'teaches-initiates' is massively worrying for me.

This leans towards the religious-debates section now. If Jesus had full control of his life and mission, I find it difficult to reason that he forgot to mention anything of importance himself. And you use the words 'teach' and 'taught' as if Paul was/is the Meshiah himself. This is surely what theologians describe as 'Pauline Faith' or 'Pauline Christianity'. I believe in Yeshua BarYosef, his life and mission.

What this probably means is that my beliefs are far apart from your faith. To try and show you how far apart, I would guess that if a Jehovah's Witness stood a yard from your faith, I might be standing 50 yards off. But since I have Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christian-Spiritualists, JWs, Jews, all-manner-of-pagans and masses of others as friends, I don't think that I need be outright enemies with a Catholic.


Well-known member
Anybody can accuse of ad hominem when they see it. It is up to you, the one addressed to prove, you didn't.
Look up 'special pleading'. This is what you're doing, right there.

When we don't stand for Jesus, we stand for NOTHING Christian any more.
And you don't......... all you mostly quote is Paul..... amazing.

Romans 8:9 Romans 8:4-8 Romans 8:9-13 How much do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? Enough to read and memorize His word?
Well then.... please write some.

2 Corinthians 6:11-18
And yet more....... and you chuck your faith about like an angry gardener whirling a spade, Lon.
Look, mate, if I was to point to one of the most loving, genuine, faithful, devoted, trustworthy, honest and decent groups of people around where I live, it would be the JWs, and they have never ever shouted at folks like you do. They do not support SSM either, but they don't talk to folks like you do.

........... your church.
What is a church? Let's discover what on earth you think you're talking about.
I can't wait to discover what 'my church' is.

Nope, they all come from the Bible. I read it. You? Wasn't it you telling me about your Scottish denomination?
That's it. It's official. You're level of comprehension is zilch.
I reported that the Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to support SSM. I read that news on BBC teletext. Do you now believe that the directors of the BBC are all members of the SEC?