Calvinism Dishonors God and Insults Jesus Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member



Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Saving faith is a dependency upon Christ and his Gospel. If they had this faith they would not be Calvinist or Catholics. Saving faith does not need a religion. Saving faith is a faith that rests in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Hebrews 4:2. They have not entered into his rest and are under the wrath of God, Hebrews 4:3.


New member
Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Saving faith is a dependency upon Christ and his Gospel. If they had this faith they would not be Calvinist or Catholics. Saving faith does not need a religion. Saving faith is a faith that rests in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Hebrews 4:2. They have not entered into his rest and are under the wrath of God, Hebrews 4:3.
I really mean no disrespect, and appreciate your perspective generally.

However, if your knowledge was at the height of your zeal then you wouldn't speak of those you see as deceived as if they are damned not to change. Read more closely what is said of the faith of any... It is counted to them for righteousness. That is to say that though they can be wrong or ignorant of things, that in no way makes them damned. Rebuke, refute, contest, what you know to be wrong. Do not claim ones faith in the Christ to be of no worth or the work of deception regardless of what you perceive. Admonish and direct friend. Do not break the faith of others. GOD forbid, for your own sake and the sake of all.

Peace friend, please know that I'm not attacking you,


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Active member
Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Saving faith is a dependency upon Christ and his Gospel. If they had this faith they would not be Calvinist or Catholics. Saving faith does not need a religion. Saving faith is a faith that rests in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Hebrews 4:2. They have not entered into his rest and are under the wrath of God, Hebrews 4:3.

How can anyone be under the wrath of God if He is at peace with the world, can't see them and all are in Christ? Do you ever even for a second just pause from your tirades to see how foolish and self contradictory your own doctrines are?

Brother Ducky

New member
Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Saving faith is a dependency upon Christ and his Gospel. If they had this faith they would not be Calvinist or Catholics. Saving faith does not need a religion. Saving faith is a faith that rests in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Hebrews 4:2. They have not entered into his rest and are under the wrath of God, Hebrews 4:3.

So, all who call on the Lord are not saved, then??????


New member
Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Romans 14:4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand for God is able to make him stand.​

Robert, so many of your posts are verbally abusive for no reason. You're not being helpful.

Romans 14:22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.​

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans 14:4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand for God is able to make him stand.​

Robert, so many of your posts are verbally abusive for no reason. You're not being helpful.

Romans 14:22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.​

It might be added, as well, you are a wee bit confused on some important issues.


So, all who call on the Lord are not saved, then??????

It's hilarious that he JUST made a thread talking about those so called "YOU MUST religions"

They don't like Calvinism because it stacks high and narrow over the scattered pile their beliefs are :)


Well-known member
Calvinist and Catholics do not have saving faith.

Saving faith is a dependency upon Christ and his Gospel. If they had this faith they would not be Calvinist or Catholics. Saving faith does not need a religion. Saving faith is a faith that rests in the doing and the dying of Jesus, plus nothing, Hebrews 4:2. They have not entered into his rest and are under the wrath of God, Hebrews 4:3.

Faith that is from God doesn't dishonor Christ by believing that sinners He died for wind up lost in their sins in hell. That is what you teach and believe.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Romans 14:4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand for God is able to make him stand.​

Robert, so many of your posts are verbally abusive for no reason. You're not being helpful.

Romans 14:22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.​

The fact that you defend those unbelieving religions tells me that you are in the same boat with them.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Faith that is from God doesn't dishonor Christ by believing that sinners He died for wind up lost in their sins in hell. That is what you teach and believe.

Faith that is from God honors Jesus Christ by confessing that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

That leaves you out.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
How can anyone be under the wrath of God if He is at peace with the world, can't see them and all are in Christ? Do you ever even for a second just pause from your tirades to see how foolish and self contradictory your own doctrines are?

There is no wrath of God until Jesus returns, Revelation 19:11-21 and then all hell is going to brake loose.

For now God is at peace with the world because of Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20. This is the age of grace and faith, no wrath.