
13 Men, and No Women, Are Writing New G.O.P. Health Bill in Senate
The New York Times
MAY 8, 2017

WASHINGTON — The top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has a reputation as a shrewd tactician and a wily strategist — far more than his younger counterpart in the House, Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

So the Senate majority leader’s decision to create a 13-man working group on health care, including staunch conservatives and ardent foes of the Affordable Care Act — but no women — has been widely seen on Capitol Hill as a move to placate the right as Congress decides the fate of President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.

Beyond neglecting Republican women, Senate Republican leaders overlooked Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only black member of their conference. Before his congressional career, Mr. Scott sold insurance and owned one of the most successful Allstate insurance branches in South Carolina.
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patrick jane

13 Men, and No Women, Are Writing New G.O.P. Health Bill in Senate
The New York Times
MAY 8, 2017

WASHINGTON — The top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has a reputation as a shrewd tactician and a wily strategist — far more than his younger counterpart in the House, Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

So the Senate majority leader’s decision to create a 13-man working group on health care, including staunch conservatives and ardent foes of the Affordable Care Act — but no women — has been widely seen on Capitol Hill as a move to placate the right as Congress decides the fate of President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.
Don't forget that, lil jgard, Obama's SIGNATURE achievement is a FAILING healthcare system. A system that is too expensive to use and leaving millions with no healthcare.


Don't forget that, lil jgard, Obama's SIGNATURE achievement is a FAILING healthcare system. A system that is too expensive to use and leaving millions with no healthcare.




The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith


Based on the % of GDP devoted to healthcare, Americans are already been paying for the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems in the world, only to have it substituted for a "clunker!"

Every other modern democracy spends far less on healthcare and still manages to provide universal access for all their citizens - alleviating the prospect of facing staggering bills and personal bankruptcy to pay for medical costs.

Obamacare may not be the final answer, but it has already demonstrated to the American public that they deserve something better what the "fake news" the Republicans have been serving up.

The American public has finally turned the ideological corner on healthcare - the only real question that remains is whether it will take some form of Obamacare or evolve into a universal system.

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Hall of Fame
Not if it happens in 2019... I hope. But I'd settle for President Ryan. He can't get anything done in Congress, his own caucus hates him (because they hate anyone forced to do something pragmatic), and he's absolutely incompetent.

True ... and seriously, anyone stepping into that position would be more competent and less of a danger than what we are currently stuck with.

The Barbarian

Pulled us out of the worst downturn since the great depression. Restored respect for the United States in the rest of the world (and fear of the United States among terrorists, whose leaders he captured or killed in greater numbers than any president before or since).

And accordingly is highly regarded by Americans generally.

You've been misled. The Affordable Care Act,for example, was passed by Congress.

I see where Trump's lack of leadership just botched another attempt at ending Obamacare.

Trump voters don't see it that way,

I get that. They really believe Obama passed the Affordable Care Act by executive order. They actually believe he's a Kenyan. We're not talking about Nobel Prize winners here.

they don't blame Trump for Obamacare and the failure to change that failing plan. NJo real dilemma, with at least more than 3 years to go.

Assuming he doesn't get tired of losing, and quit. Or things get dicey with the several criminal investigations and a plea deal is worked out.

patrick jane

Pulled us out of the worst downturn since the great depression. Restored respect for the United States in the rest of the world (and fear of the United States among terrorists, whose leaders he captured or killed in greater numbers than any president before or since).

And accordingly is highly regarded by Americans generally.

You've been misled. The Affordable Care Act,for example, was passed by Congress.

I see where Trump's lack of leadership just botched another attempt at ending Obamacare.

I get that. They really believe Obama passed the Affordable Care Act by executive order. They actually believe he's a Kenyan. We're not talking about Nobel Prize winners here.

Assuming he doesn't get tired of losing, and quit. Or things get dicey with the several criminal investigations and a plea deal is worked out.
Obama will go down as a failure


Don't forget that, lil jgard, Obama's SIGNATURE achievement is a FAILING healthcare system. A system that is too expensive to use and leaving millions with no healthcare.


FAKE NEWS ALERT: doctors, nurses, patient groups, hospitals, healthcare insurers all oppose "Cassidy-Graham"




No need health care. Suck it up and kick the bucket.

With a Republican White House and GOP majorities in the House and Senate, if "suck it up" is the best that conservatives can offer the American public, then good luck selling that during the 2018 Interims!
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New member
My dream is to see the whole Trump crime family in jail, and Pence along with them. President Pence is far from my dream. It's the salvation of the Republic.

Exactly :thumb:

Right now I am reading this massive history of the most powerful worldwide criminal organization in the history of Organized Crime in America - Capone's organization: The Outfit.

Guess who makes a guest appearance praising their number one corrupt influence peddler, for his influence on some deals otherwise not possible with out the help of this individual so powerful he was once able to command New York's Five Major Crime Families to back off when they were trying to keep the movie The Godfather* from being made via threats of bodily harm and actual, various acts of arson?

Guess who sings that man's praises for his help - The Donald.

The man is simply corrupt through and through.

* Said individual owned a huge stake in Gulf and Western; the actual company behind movies like The Godfather.

This from other sources...

As with much in the movie, The Godfather, that scene where his personal attorney goes to Hollywood to tell that movie mogul who he will be giving the lead to in a huge upcoming movie, is actually based on the fact of Frank Sinatra's connections with The Oufit (Capone's Mob today).

The actual movie having been "From Here to Eternity."

Likewise that story of The Godfather's "offer he couldn't refuse" to that bandleader who'd refused to let the Godfather's godson out of his contract.

The actual singer was, again, Frank Sinatra, back when he decided to go solo, but the bandleader (if memory serves me - Tommy Dorsey), had refused to let him go.

In a sense, the character, Michael Corleone, ends up the worldwide criminal powerhouse this individual had actually been.

The actual guy was in bed with Kings and other world leaders; the Vatican; you name it.

Nope - you Trump supporters can keep your corrupt false idol who's hands are stained with the blackness of that Outfit power broker's evil heart.


Again you're missing the issue here.
Black criminal activity is causing police to have to shoot.

There are more white people than black people in America.

There are more bad black people than there are bad white people.

Do the math.

Blm is not asking for support for the Ben Carsons and Herman Cains of our great USA. No as a matter of fact blm calls these good men evil and call the ferguson thug and saint louis thug angels.

Blm is actually bull shat lives matter because that's who they expect good white people to support when a cop has to use lethal force.

No one thinks that good black people's live don't matter but everyone knows bad black people's lives are worthless and aren't worth crying over when they get shot. Same thing for bad white people. If the kkk gets shot down we don't care.

Our problem is that white people are so busy butt kissing black people that they go into paranoid mode when some idiots start protesting. Our problem is that we have white politicians who use black thugs to their advantage.

When are we going to wake up and quit supporting lazy black men's children? We don't owe black people nuttin. They didn't build squat. They picked cotton and tobacco for a small minority of rich white men. The majority of whites didn't own slaves.

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Owning slaves was very expensive and housing them feeding them keeping them healthy was the goal. Most slave owners didn't beat there slaves, slavery was not four hundred years of roots across the continental United States. It wasn't a gigantic roots fest contrary to popular opinions.
Furthermore, it took less than one hundred years after independence for WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN to abolish slavery.

In the north blacks were targeted by white men and lynched because they were a threat to the job market.

Black people need to update their narrative.

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Obviously slaves were not treated very well. But it was not one giant roots fest. These people captured after centuries of paganism and idolatry were judged. But now they're so blessed. They should get down on bended knee and praise God that they had been rescued from cannibalizers and head shrinking etc etc. but no, they're too prideful to count the many blessings white people bestowed upon them in the last 100 years. Selah

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