The Barbarian

The Kenyan accomplished nothing.

Pulled us out of the worst downturn since the great depression. Restored respect for the United States in the rest of the world (and fear of the United States among terrorists, whose leaders he captured or killed in greater numbers than any president before or since).

And accordingly is highly regarded by Americans generally.

Obama did everything with Executive Oder,

You've been misled. The Affordable Care Act,for example, was passed by Congress.

most have been reversed.

I see where Trump's lack of leadership just botched another attempt at ending Obamacare. Trump could, of course, fail to implement the act in various ways, which would only further infuriate Americans against him.

He could deport the DACA kids. Which would likewise take down what little respect most Americans have for him.

Something of a dilemma.

patrick jane

Pulled us out of the worst downturn since the great depression. Restored respect for the United States in the rest of the world (and fear of the United States among terrorists, whose leaders he captured or killed in greater numbers than any president before or since).

And accordingly is highly regarded by Americans generally.

You've been misled. The Affordable Care Act,for example, was passed by Congress.

I see where Trump's lack of leadership just botched another attempt at ending Obamacare. Trump could, of course, fail to implement the act in various ways, which would only further infuriate Americans against him.

He could deport the DACA kids. Which would likewise take down what little respect most Americans have for him.

Something of a dilemma.
Trump voters don't see it that way, they don't blame Trump for Obamacare and the failure to change that failing plan. NJo real dilemma, with at least more than 3 years to go.


New member


New member
It's not a matter of opinion. Trump voters are delusional.

Besides, he hasn't shot anyone yet.

He's got you played for a fool.

Say it with me: "President Pence".

Be nice to PJ, rex, he is headed for one heck of a major wake up call - of course, he and his fellow drones won't be home :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
My dream is to see the whole Trump crime family in jail, and Pence along with them. President Pence is far from my dream. It's the salvation of the Republic.

That would be outstanding ... with one exception. In steps Paul Ryan.

patrick jane

On a different note, being white does not give me any powers or privileges that blacks and minorities don't have as well.


New member
That would be outstanding ... with one exception. In steps Paul Ryan.

Not if it happens in 2019... I hope. But I'd settle for President Ryan. He can't get anything done in Congress, his own caucus hates him (because they hate anyone forced to do something pragmatic), and he's absolutely incompetent.


New member
BTW, that's a fantasy, not a dream.

Maybe, we will see. Unlike the many conspiracy theories Republicans launched against Barrack Obama, the Mueller investigation is neither partisan nor witch hunt. There are going to be people going to jail. Whether Trump is one of them remains to be seen.


Maybe black people will start to realize that the demonratic party has been holding them back for decades, oppressing them.


It is the height of paternalistic arrogance for "white" conservatives to assume that they somehow know more as to what is in the best interests of "black" Americans than they do themselves.

All one need do is to look at the composition of the 13 members of the Senate Committee chose wrote their first healthcare bill in the spring, the one with the 17% public approval rating.

No "blacks", no women - just older, staunch conservative "white" male millionaires in expensive suits!

Whatever conservatives may think of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democrats, the fact remains that they were able to pass Obamacare through the proper order - where their Republican counterparts who attempted to rush it through have failed miserably!
