The Barbarian

I'm glad you brought that up. Everywhere in this planet where black people are in control we have living hell zones. Look at Mandela (the fool is dead) and South Africa. Look at Haiti. Black people don't have the capacity to govern themselves.

You're saying our government is currently run by black people? I'm just noticing that the previous occupant of the White House got more done, and is in much higher regard by the American people than the current occupant. Guess which one is black.


New member
Pro gay marriage pro transgender pro abortion? That's the standard Rex? Wth is wrong with you man? Have you lost your mind son?

Deflect and distract, but never answer. That's your game. You're pretending your issues with black people aren't just racial bigotry, but you advanced a standard which you don't hold the white "president" to. You're a hypocrite and a liar, who covers their bigotry is faux concern.


You're saying our government is currently run by black people? I'm just noticing that the previous occupant of the White House got more done, and is in much higher regard by the American people than the current occupant. Guess which one is black.

You'll have to stop trusting the media, they and a handful of black supremacists are the only people holding barakzabub with any positive esteem. That's why Trump won and the media was surprised.

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Aren't we so glad that Obama and Killary aren't popping up in the media no mo. The bottom feeders sent back down where they belong. MAGA

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Why can't we be allowed to use profanity? That way Anna, Lyin' Rex, Bain and them can ... express their true colorful selves.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why can't we be allowed to use profanity? That way Anna, Lyin' Rex, Bain and them can ... express their true colorful selves.

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I don't need to use profanity on here thanks. You're just another boring whackjob who'll get himself banned soon enough anyway...



Aren't we so glad that Obama and Killary aren't popping up in the media no mo. The bottom feeders sent back down where they belong. MAGA
THE GOOD NEWS: "The Donald" and his supporters are desperate to resurrect Obama and the Clintons as "scapegoats" to divert attention away from 9 months of chaos and failure!

What they have yet to realize is that this is as good as its going to get!


THE BAD NEWS: Bashing Obama and Hillary will not influence the ongoing investigations by the Congressional Committees, the Special Prosecutor, The New York Times, The Washington Post ...

The "drip, drip, drip" of stories concerning Russian interference with the 2016 Election and the role of Trump and his surrogates, which has already consumed this White House, will become a "maelstrom" - under the pressures of a succession of legislative failures, the approaching 2018 Midterms, the threat to Republican majorities in Congress and Trump associates facing prosecution willing to plea bargin!
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THE GOOD NEWS: "The Donald" and his supporters are desperate to resurrect Obama and the Clintons as "scapegoats" to divert attention away from 9 months of chaos and failure!

What they have yet to realize is that this is as good as its going to get!


THE BAD NEWS: Bashing Obama and Hillary will not influence the ongoing investigations by the Congressional Committees, the Special Prosecutor, The New York Times, The Washington Post ...

The "drip, drip, drip" of stories concerning Russian interference with the 2016 Election and the role of Trump and his surrogates, which has already consumed this White House, will become a "maelstrom" - under the pressures of a succession of legislative failures, the approaching 2018 Midterms, the threat to Republican majorities in Congress and Trump associates facing prosecution willing to plea bargin!

Delightful post

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patrick jane

You're saying our government is currently run by black people? I'm just noticing that the previous occupant of the White House got more done, and is in much higher regard by the American people than the current occupant. Guess which one is black.
The Kenyan accomplished nothing. Obama did everything with Executive Oder, most have been reversed.


BLM "better let them mob"
Black Americans are lucky their ancestors were brought here. The alternative would be simply unacceptable. They should be thanking God that they ended up here.

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Hawaiians lost their land and that's a blessing too. Just like slavery was a blessing. Glass half full

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Some African Americans are so ignorant (brainwashed by the "son of a whore" Obama) that they don't realize the NFL is going down because of anti Kapernik sentiments. The delusion among these people is absolutely incredible. They call for a boycott ins support of Kap and his knee of denial, and fail to see we already quit watching because we are disgusted with Malcom Halfernigg.

Blacks endured persecution for being black in the 50's & 60's, today blacks endure racial profiling because blacks are murdering blacks for their tennis shoes. Why do we have to watch NFL players take a knee to support tennis shoe killings in our country. Fire them all along with the "white" players in solidarity with them.

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PC White people, when are you going to recognize that these black protesters aren't intelligent enough or rather so unintelligent that they are supporting black murderers and criminals. Don't you remember the great party they had when OJ was acquitted? Or the Rottny King riots? When Deny the white trucker was bricked in the head and black people gave that a pass? Now Kapernik wants us to give black criminals a pass? Cause that's what he's asking for even tho he's too stupid to know he's asking for it. Which is why I call him out on his knee of denial and surrender. Denial of needed racial profiling and surrender to black criminals.

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Black hoods are dangers my nigs, face it. You can't deny this. Black women have raised black children for 40 years now without any support from their kids fathers. Black pop music glorifies this type of arrangement . Martin Luther King was a moral giant while Knappynik is a fornicating spoiled rich kid. Rex, you keep supporting these reprobate negroes like poop dog and jzeezabub and all you are doing is defecatin' on the real Christian black brothers who would have voted for trump. You crazy son.

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New member
Black hoods are dangers my nigs, face it. You can't deny this. Black women have raised black children for 40 years now without any support from their kids fathers. Black pop music glorifies this type of arrangement . Martin Luther King was a moral giant while Knappynik is a fornicating spoiled rich kid. Rex, you keep supporting these reprobate negroes like poop dog and jzeezabub and all you are doing is defecatin' on the real Christian black brothers who would have voted for trump. You crazy son.

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Another non-responsive dodge.