BRXII Battle talk

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Merely Christian
Balder said:
Yeah, I expected you to say that! But to state my position more accurately, I'd put it this way: I don't believe at all that eternal torment awaits anyone.

That's great for you and your beliefs. But really, we are discussing what God has to say in terms of this thread.

I don't want to be burned alive or tortured. But if, in the extremely remote chance that there really is a "supreme" being who intends to roast individuals alive forever, then I'd prefer to be thus sentenced than to align myself with so monstrous and cruel a being.

Ok. This only underscores my point there really are people who would rather be in hell. It also underscores you really don't believe Christ rose from the dead.

Heaven would be eternally marred by the knowledge that so many beings are burning alive and suffering terribly at the edges of our little "paradise."

Christ made some promises to those who Love Him. You don't get to decide what goes on in Heaven.

Rather than saying I want eternal torment, it's more accurate to say, I'm willing to take my chances that Christians like you are wrong, because it will be profoundly disappointing to me if you are not.

To say the least.

Yeah, but I could also say, I believe he may have.

Really? "...But if, in the extremely remote chance that there really is a "supreme" being ..." Sounds more "no" than a "yes" or "maybe".

However, even if he did, my conception of the nature and import of this "resurrection" would no longer align with your beliefs, or my former beliefs.

I'm sure you will believe that which you want to believe, most do.


Well-known member
logos_x said:
If you are making punishment out to HAVE to be lasting for all eternity, and from which God cannot redeem them from...that would be placing limits upon God...would it not?
If that weren't what He had said were the case, then yes, it would. He said that those whose names aren't written in The Lamb's Book of Life would be cast into the Lake of Fire, and that their torment would be forever. He said that today is the day of salvation (note that He didn't say eternity would make salvation available, only today, meaning where sunrise and sunsets take place: the temporal realm). He sets the limits, we come to grips with them or we invent imaginary scenarios of our own.


Well-known member
Solaris said:
Common sense as well as our consciences (for the most part) dictate that eternal tormenting is pointless/sadistic and cruel
The point is, "You don't want to go there." Sadism would be not giving those who are subject to such torment any option of avoiding said fate. Same for cruel.


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logos_x said:
You are intentionally missing the point.

There is no sin that MUST last forever. There is no punishment for any sin that MUST last forever.
That is not what the Bible says. Read Mathew 25 again and again and again and again and again until you understand what Jesus says.

logos_x said:
What do we call "punishing"...just to punish but not to change behavior?

Sadism. Abuse. Punishment, just for it's own sake.

Will God engage in that behavior toward everyone that has not repented before physical death? Or will He forever be intentionally working to save them?

What say you?
God is working towards saving everybody right now. If you die before entering a saving relationship with Jesus then the lake of fire awaits you. No fun, is it?

Gods wrath is held back right now. But Revelations teachs us that it will not be held back indefinatly and that when it is released those not in the book of life will be in the lake of fire.

You can prove me wrong very easily. Show me one verse where Jesus or one of the Apostles says something like its okay if you don't believe now, God will give you a second chance. I can point to Mathew 25 where Jesus says the goat go the lake of fire forever and ever (yes, I know you deny forever and ever). Can you show me one similar verse? Note: you God will be all in all does not say there is a second chance. I need a verse that says you will get a second chance after you die.


New member
Aimiel said:
Actually though, not any more than limiting Him to ten minutes or ten million years' worth of torment.

Is this supposed to make sense? on the one hand I can believe that God can restore his own world, you by definition of your belief cannot, who limits God?


New member
Aimiel said:
The point is, "You don't want to go there." Sadism would be not giving those who are subject to such torment any option of avoiding said fate. Same for cruel.

Unfortunately it is only some of those who believe that they're spared from this 'said fate' who have any difficulty in recognising it for the sadistic cruelty that it so obviously is. Its very saddening that this depiction of God is what is so monstrously portrayed


Well-known member
Solaris said:
Is this supposed to make sense? on the one hand I can believe that God can restore his own world, you by definition of your belief cannot, who limits God?
No one, since God cannot be limited by His creation. You attempt to, by claiming that He must obey your idea of morality / justice. I accept what He has said, in light of all that He has said, instead of 'picking and choosing' what I want to believe. I'm not limiting Him any more than saying that Jesus was circumcised. What I'm doing is called agreement. What you're doing, which is perverting and re-interpreting Scripture to fit your ears, is limiting God.


Well-known member
Solaris said:
Unfortunately it is only some of those who believe that they're spared from this 'said fate' who have any difficulty in recognising it for the sadistic cruelty that it so obviously is. Its very saddening that this depiction of God is what is so monstrously portrayed
Only to those who make The Word of God into foolishness by their own un-belief. Those who God directs His Message to understand it perfectly well. Please read my signature... it might help you to more clearly understand.


New member
CabinetMaker said:
That is not what the Bible says. Read Mathew 25 again and again and again and again and again until you understand what Jesus says.

God is working towards saving everybody right now. If you die before entering a saving relationship with Jesus then the lake of fire awaits you. No fun, is it?

Gods wrath is held back right now. But Revelations teachs us that it will not be held back indefinatly and that when it is released those not in the book of life will be in the lake of fire.

You can prove me wrong very easily. Show me one verse where Jesus or one of the Apostles says something like its okay if you don't believe now, God will give you a second chance. I can point to Mathew 25 where Jesus says the goat go the lake of fire forever and ever (yes, I know you deny forever and ever). Can you show me one similar verse? Note: you God will be all in all does not say there is a second chance. I need a verse that says you will get a second chance after you die.

There are many verses that talk of God willing his people to be saved, to find the truth, that God himself has worked everything out in accordance with his will, are we supposed to think that this God of LOVE has worked everything out to ultimately end up with billions of people being relentlessly tormented? Surely the obvious doesnt need to be said that there is something very very wrong with that picture!

Fod God to be ALL IN ALL is a clear hint that everything will be subjected to him in his own time decreed by himself,

All eternal torment does is decree that God's sacrifice wasnt for the world but only for an infintessimally small part of it, there will always be a part in the universe where sin exists and people suffer serving no purpose for God, themselves or anything, it also means that God cannot subject his whole universe to himself (as it is declared) because of this

Common sense and conscience as well as the word itself declare eternal torment to be nothing more than the darkest human psyches at work, in medieval times its understandable (although still sickening) that the church sought to control its populations with fear tactics such as this, the early church certainly didnt promote such nonsense...


New member
Aimiel said:
Only to those who make The Word of God into foolishness by their own un-belief. Those who God directs His Message to understand it perfectly well. Please read my signature... it might help you to more clearly understand.

unfortunately I am not surprised that you cannot see the hideous cruelty of the message you promote considering you believe yourself capable of dispensing it for one thing, your signature is little more than an attempt at condescension towards those who disagree with you, nothing of substance there I'm afraid


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Solaris said:
There are many verses that talk of God willing his people to be saved, to find the truth, that God himself has worked everything out in accordance with his will, are we supposed to think that this God of LOVE has worked everything out to ultimately end up with billions of people being relentlessly tormented? Surely the obvious doesnt need to be said that there is something very very wrong with that picture!

Fod God to be ALL IN ALL is a clear hint that everything will be subjected to him in his own time decreed by himself,

All eternal torment does is decree that God's sacrifice wasnt for the world but only for an infintessimally small part of it, there will always be a part in the universe where sin exists and people suffer serving no purpose for God, themselves or anything, it also means that God cannot subject his whole universe to himself (as it is declared) because of this

Common sense and conscience as well as the word itself declare eternal torment to be nothing more than the darkest human psyches at work, in medieval times its understandable (although still sickening) that the church sought to control its populations with fear tactics such as this, the early church certainly didnt promote such nonsense...

So what you are saying is that you cannot find a single verse that says there will be a second chance. Therefore, you re-interpret scripture in light of how you want God to be. Remember, Mans wisdom (common sense) is foolishness to God.

God has set up a system that ALL WHO BELIEVE are saved. God does not force us to believe, that is up to each and every one of us. Choose wisely.

As for being ALL in ALL, those in the lake of fire will be subject to God just as those in prison here on earth are still subject to the government. Location does not determine subjegation in this case.


New member
CabinetMaker said:
So what you are saying is that you cannot find a single verse that says there will be a second chance. Therefore, you re-interpret scripture in light of how you want God to be. Remember, Mans wisdom (common sense) is foolishness to God.

God has set up a system that ALL WHO BELIEVE are saved. God does not force us to believe, that is up to each and every one of us. Choose wisely.

As for being ALL in ALL, those in the lake of fire will be subject to God just as those in prison here on earth are still subject to the government. Location does not determine subjegation in this case.

Then you determine your own meaning of 'subjegation' to mean anything other than what it means! By its definition eternal torment means excluded AWAY from God and therefore cannot mean that God is all in all.
As for mans 'wisdom' being foolishness then I can only agree, God is love, mans wisdom = love meaning eternal torment, mans wisdom = God being limited by wrath/justice instead of those being restorative attributes of his character.
if God had 'set up a system' where only those who belive in the here and now are saved then why would he declare his intention of his sacrifice being for the propitiation of the world? That he wills that all should be safe? Do you believe that God has worked all things out within the accordance of his will?


New member
Aimiel said:
No one, since God cannot be limited by His creation. You attempt to, by claiming that He must obey your idea of morality / justice. I accept what He has said, in light of all that He has said, instead of 'picking and choosing' what I want to believe. I'm not limiting Him any more than saying that Jesus was circumcised. What I'm doing is called agreement. What you're doing, which is perverting and re-interpreting Scripture to fit your ears, is limiting God.

You accept what your doctrine teaches you which limits God's restorative powers/his love and his will, you categorically say that God cannot restore his own world because of what your teacing has told you, you agree in so far as what your teaching allows God to accomplish, to say that I try to place limits on God by believeing him capable of saving the world is rather bemusing!


New member
Aimiel said:
No one, since God cannot be limited by His creation. You attempt to, by claiming that He must obey your idea of morality / justice. I accept what He has said, in light of all that He has said, instead of 'picking and choosing' what I want to believe. I'm not limiting Him any more than saying that Jesus was circumcised. What I'm doing is called agreement. What you're doing, which is perverting and re-interpreting Scripture to fit your ears, is limiting God.

This might be valid if eternal torment was actually what He said.
Since it isn' isn't valid.

Our "idea" of morality and justice is,. in fact, the application of what the Word proclaims.

God has sworn by Himself that every knee will bow, every tongue confess Jesus as Lord to the Glory of God the Father.

The doctrine of eternal torment says this means that billions will do this while burning for eternity. It forces one to accept a mind-set that redefines what "subjection" to Christ actually entails.

Explain how "Hell" spells subjection to Christ. How is it that never ending banishment outside of God and His will (supposedly) is subjection...and how that picture could possibly be veiwed as what God has in mind by being "all in all".

I child could see the absurdity of it...but people defend this doctrine as if it is the only thing that gives the gospel any validity whatsoever.

This is how much this doctrine of unending misery has warped men's minds, so much that we think that we are vindicting God while upholding the most monterous thing anyone could ever possibly concieve of.

So much of what has been said by the adherants of eternal misery is blatently ludicrous and absolutely standing God's intentions and character upside down that it is a wonder so many don't seem to recognize it for what it is. It is so insidious that the warped logic used to "support" it is even called "common sense", as though it is all perfectly logical that making an endless hell is something God defines as "just" and "moral".

Randy Klassen, in his book "What Does the Bible Really Say About Hell?", wrote the following:

Made in the image of God, all humans have a moral sense, a judicial sentiment. Even the unredeemed cringe when the Holocaust is reviewed. Our moral intuition rejects the idea that anyone, human or divine, who endlessly inflicted pain on another could be called "good."​

The doctrine of eternal torment, alone, calls upon man to find a way to make it appear that God, who is moral and just, considers said outcome to be both.

The sad part is, the people who believe that it is really the teaching of the Bible think they can, and have, when what they say is so patantly morbid and ridiculously blasphemous...literally accusing God of creating a situation where He literally cannot accomplish what he has set out to do, in spite of what the rest of the Word of God says clearly in opposition to it.


New member
CabinetMaker said:
So what you are saying is that you cannot find a single verse that says there will be a second chance. Therefore, you re-interpret scripture in light of how you want God to be. Remember, Mans wisdom (common sense) is foolishness to God.

God has set up a system that ALL WHO BELIEVE are saved. God does not force us to believe, that is up to each and every one of us. Choose wisely.

As for being ALL in ALL, those in the lake of fire will be subject to God just as those in prison here on earth are still subject to the government. Location does not determine subjegation in this case.

No need for a second chance, universal salvation occurred at the cross.

Now all that's left to do is to help people see it, experience it, participate in it.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Solaris said:
Then you determine your own meaning of 'subjegation' to mean anything other than what it means! By its definition eternal torment means excluded AWAY from God and therefore cannot mean that God is all in all.
Why? What in the definition of subjegatioin requires that you must be present with God to be subject to God? Are you with God now? Does that mean you are not subject to Him?
Solaris said:
As for mans 'wisdom' being foolishness then I can only agree, God is love, mans wisdom = love meaning eternal torment, mans wisdom = God being limited by wrath/justice instead of those being restorative attributes of his character.
if God had 'set up a system' where only those who belive in the here and now are saved then why would he declare his intention of his sacrifice being for the propitiation of the world? That he wills that all should be safe? Do you believe that God has worked all things out within the accordance of his will?
Yes He has. And His will is that we each make a choice and our everlast soul goes up or down based on that choice. I can even point to Mathew 25 and Revelations for support.

You, on the other hand, have not yet shown me a single verse that has Jesus or one of the apostles saying that there will be a second chance afer you die.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Dave Miller said:
No need for a second chance, universal salvation occurred at the cross.

Now all that's left to do is to help people see it, experience it, participate in it.
So you don't believe that people go to any sort of hell for any sort of time at all. If universal salvation occured at the cross, why did the Apostles waste all that time evangilizing? Why did Jesus waste His breath giving us the Great Commission? None of it matters in your theology.

It is amazing how far people are willing to twist scripture to make it fit their comfrotable little world.


New member
CabinetMaker said:
Why? What in the definition of subjegatioin requires that you must be present with God to be subject to God? Are you with God now? Does that mean you are not subject to Him?

Yes He has. And His will is that we each make a choice and our everlast soul goes up or down based on that choice. I can even point to Mathew 25 and Revelations for support.

You, on the other hand, have not yet shown me a single verse that has Jesus or one of the apostles saying that there will be a second chance afer you die.

For God to be ALL IN ALL does not mean subjegation "away" from God!
So you believe that God has planned ALL things in accordance with his will and that he envisaged and planned for a place of torment to exist for billions of people? And that this God is love? Please dont say that the lake of fire was never intended for man, if the majority of men are going to end up there then this is part of God's will.
Can you explain to me in precise terms just what the lake of fire is?
I believe that God has worked all things out, that his will is fulfilled, that there will be no more suffering/evil or sin as its declared, that God is the saviour of all men to be testified to in its proper time. You on the other hand would sooner believe God to be an eternal torturer satisfied with having billions of people suffer interminably and for no purpose, no reason at all......for ever.
Jesus himself knew the fallibility of man when the disciples approached him with just such concerns. He said that with God all kinds of things are possible, are they?
I'm sorry you believe in such a message of abject misery and horror and that you attribute it to the God of love,


New member
CabinetMaker said:
So you don't believe that people go to any sort of hell for any sort of time at all. If universal salvation occured at the cross, why did the Apostles waste all that time evangilizing? Why did Jesus waste His breath giving us the Great Commission? None of it matters in your theology.

It is amazing how far people are willing to twist scripture to make it fit their comfrotable little world.

Is the only point of evangelising to warn people away from eternal torment? Let me tell you something, I've encountered misery of all kinds during my travels in this life and life is no picnic for MANY people in this world, bringing a message of hope is something that should be MORE THAN ENOUGH to think is worth spreading a message of the existence of God,
Its just as amazing that people would sooner paint God out to be sadistic/eternal barbarous torturer than take the time to dismantle and question their own ingrained teachings when its so blatantly obvious that a God of love would do no such thing,
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