The above was posted on April 23rd.
I thought it best to wait before replying, but I didn't really have to wait so long.
This thread:- Britain - Land of the Fear and the Home Of The Sheeple? Started by ok doser, April 23rd, 2020, 05:30 AM
................................ In the UK, people want even tougher restrictions.
...and then this thread followed:- UK Deaths At 20,732 10% Of ALL Global Fatalities Started by ok doser, April 26th, 2020, 05:54 PM
And now, despite our communal efforts to support a very tough lock-down routine, our losses have topped with 30,000 deaths.
But our NHS held out..... it's still there. Somehow the peak has leveled out........
The two threads, above, show either the baiting of a sick troll, or a loss of reason causing such contradicting threads.
So which is it?
Was a communal determination to lock-down a wise decision throughout the UK and its people, or the pathetic weakness that you have tried to portray right through this thread?
And you know what will happen when the lockdown is removed? You will get hit with a large secondary wave of infections. Do you know why? The lockdown plus sanitizing your hands multiple times a day, wearing a mask, not touching your face with your hands, and social distancing. Yeah, your NHS really did you guys a favor.... You know why? Because following those guidelines has weakened your immune systems a lot.
To build a baby's immune system after it is born it must touch it's face, rub it's eyes, crawl around on the floor, get into the dirt and grime, put it's fingers in it's mouth, etc.... And when adults stop doing all those things, and stop shaking hands, stop touching other people, stop touching all parts of their faces, sanitize their hands multiple times every day, sanitize every counter in the house, all the door knobs, etc... they are weakening their immune systems to a considerable degree. You don't believe me? Start researching how your immune system works. If you have religiously followed all those instructions you're going to catch every bug that you come in contact with.
You've been conned into doing the very worst thing you can do to protect yourself. You will have made yourself a prime target for every germ, virus, and microbe around.