
Desert Reign

Merkel has been one among several leaders of the EU bringing Muslims into Europe by the tens of thousands, with no say so from the citizens who are ordered to make room and adapt themselves to Mohammedans who have NO INTEREST in assimilation into European culture, but view it as corrupt and unholy and so want to replace it with their own. Look up Paul Weston and Pat Condell if anyone doubts this.

Now, relevant to this thread, the point is that many Brits cited this specific EU insanity as their biggest reason (but not the only reason) for voting Leave. And oddly, maybe tellingly, the powerful Remain movement seems to have barely mentioned immigration...almost as if it didn't want to help remind voters of the issue. Instead, Remain focused almost exclusively on threats of economic damage to Britain as the reason not to leave.

It didn't work. The Brits didn't buy it and voted Out, indicating that something bigger than economics was scaring them.

Fair assessment, DR?

I only just noticed this post by accident. If you want to draw y attention in future you must cite or use hash.
It is a partially fair assessment. The ecnomics didn't scare us one iota. We knew there would be some teething problems, of course, that is only to be expected. But the scare-mongering on the Remain side was just farcical. It was so exaggerated as to be unbelievable, comical even, with talks of global meltdown and WW3 and I think this persuaded a lot of people that Remain didn't really have an argument for staying at all. And when Obama chipped in after no doubt a long phone call from Cameron, the deal was complete.It sounded so much like he meddling with us, proclaiming that we would have to sit at the back of queue for trade negotiations. How would you react if you were me?
So people began to ask 'why are all these big names and big organisations all saying we should stay in? We thought and thought and concluded it was because they wanted to continue to exploit us, letting all the migrants come here and puttng all our facilities to bursting point. Never mind, the Brits can take these. Never mind, if we need another bailout, we can get the Brits to contribute a bit more; Cameron's easy meat, he'll agree to anything. This is what we feared the most: not immigrants, but having no say over the matter, Having no say over almost any matter.


Well-known member
Oh, and...

Name one.


Maybe you should start another thread about liberals ruining your life


You've chimed in on many such threads and agreed with them. Now you say something like this. Hard for anyone to know day to day what you actually believe, Patrick. You've been that way since you got here.


Well-known member
I only just noticed this post by accident. If you want to draw y attention in future you must cite or use hash.
It is a partially fair assessment. The ecnomics didn't scare us one iota. We knew there would be some teething problems, of course, that is only to be expected. But the scare-mongering on the Remain side was just farcical. It was so exaggerated as to be unbelievable, comical even, with talks of global meltdown and WW3 and I think this persuaded a lot of people that Remain didn't really have an argument for staying at all. And when Obama chipped in after no doubt a long phone call from Cameron, the deal was complete.It sounded so much like he meddling with us, proclaiming that we would have to sit at the back of queue for trade negotiations. How would you react if you were me?
So people began to ask 'why are all these big names and big organisations all saying we should stay in? We thought and thought and concluded it was because they wanted to continue to exploit us, letting all the migrants come here and puttng all our facilities to bursting point. Never mind, the Brits can take these. Never mind, if we need another bailout, we can get the Brits to contribute a bit more; Cameron's easy meat, he'll agree to anything. This is what we feared the most: not immigrants, but having no say over the matter, Having no say over almost any matter.

Thank you! I'll quote or hash you next time.

And yes, Obama has made it clear how disappointed he is with all of you, as he is with all of us. We sure have let him down.

patrick jane

Oh, and...



You've chimed in on many such threads and agreed with them. Now you say something like this. Hard for anyone to know day to day what you actually believe, Patrick. You've been that way since you got here.
I agree that Britain should have left. I'm a conservative. I never falsely agree with something. Ever since I got here you've been a gruff moron


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I really don't know much about this whole Brexit thing but it's clear that liberals and the left-wing media hate it therefore it must be good.

I agree. If George Soros and 'The Bummer' are against it on such a world scale as this, then I'm for it.

I have to agree with you both here, if the media, Obama, and Soros are opposed to BREXIT than by all means the UK should pull the plug and get out.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If I didn't have family in Texas, I'd be all for a Texpulsion. Conservatives would never win another important election in the US for a generation. But I suspect you're just excited to see anything that feels like the breakdown of society above the individual.

Breakdown of society? or your version of society? your version is what is being rejected just as the clip you posted the progressive liberal, utopian, open borders, nanny state, socialist, one world government, multiculturalism crappola is what is being rejected...because it doesn't work.
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