boycott the NFL

patrick jane

Trump and his motley crew of "deplorables" have perverse sense of American patriotism - they are outraged when someone kneels during the national anthem, but then actively undermine the credibility of the free press, the FBI, the Mueller Investigation and any attempts to prevent the Russians from influencing the 2018 Interims!


Well-known member
'That's the thing about revolutions; when they finally come, they don't look they are' --Orwell

'The pacifist has no concern about dictatorships of the Left, only about those of the Right.' --Orwell


Well-known member
The thread that is actually political that no one wants to think about.

Be careful America about 2-level, dichotomized thinking! If the NFL and Brady are bludgeoning what you know is virtuous about our country and law and justice, then it is bludgeoning them. You just didn't know it would look like this when such bludgeoning was cuddling with football.

How could an institution that is obese on statistics be so mistaken about statistics about criminal justice reality?


Well-known member
Do we have the guts of the Democrat WA governor 10 years ago who refused to let MuMu speak at Evergreen State College convocation while he was serving time for killing a policeman?

He overruled Evergreen. Will you overrule the NFL?


The thread that is actually political that no one wants to think about.

Be careful America about 2-level, dichotomized thinking! If the NFL and Brady are bludgeoning what you know is virtuous about our country and law and justice, then it is bludgeoning them. You just didn't know it would look like this when such bludgeoning was cuddling with football.

How could an institution that is obese on statistics be so mistaken about statistics about criminal justice reality?
You sound like a crazy conspiracist. They play football.

Greg Jennings

New member
It's the TMFL. Transformational Marxist. All about feelings, not fact. We need a new AFL.

If you are going to watch the game, wear a vagina hat. Protest the WIDESPREAD oppression of women in 2018 USA. There is no WIDESPREAD mistreatment of black, women or homosexual in this country; just the need for TM's to inflame, to explode, to fuel crises.

Vagina hat.


Have you missed the last 2 years? The Kapernick controversy?
Of course not. I also haven't missed that the NFL's handling of the matter was bumbling, and also that the President's weighing in on the matter publicly spurred them on to scramble and accelerate their bumbling. They've bumbled it, and they're bumblers in some regards. Social matters like this are not their bread-and-butter, they're about football, about getting a good "product" out on the field, and they're doing a spectacular job at what they do best, the reason they all earn paychecks in the first place---it's not to "tackle" social issues, none of them are good at that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Their "product" is to demoralize America, to shame it. It's in all the state universities.
Their product is football. It's a great game. If you don't like watching professional football that's fine. It will survive without you. But when you try to demonize the sport and read some anti-American agenda into a corporation that really only cares about capitalistic profit and providing an interesting enough spectacle to drive their bottom line you just end up sounding like someone with entirely too much free time. :plain:

Maybe baseball is your game. A great game too. And you can catch a good nap in the middle of it.


Sponsors and advertisers are feeling the boycott big league. ESPN is losing money and can no longer afford Monday Night Football.


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like marbles on glass
Former NFL player lays waste to the league’s hypocrisy on the American flag with one perfect photo

Former NFL quarterback Sage Rosenfels on Wednesday laid waste to the league’s new policy mandating that players either stand for the national anthem before games or wait inside their locker rooms until the anthem is finished.

Writing on Twitter, the former player attacked the new NFL initiative by saying that “forced patriotism is the opposite of freedom.”

He also said that, while he had the utmost respect for the men and women in America’s military, “peaceful protests are extremely important for us to remain a free country.”

Rosenfels then dropped the hammer on the NFL itself by quoting the official U.S. flag code that was established in the 1940s.

“The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery,” the code reads in part. “The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any way whatsoever.”

He then posted a photo of an official player jersey being sold by the NFL that incorporates the flag into a player’s number — which is a direct violation of the U.S. flag code.



like marbles on glass
New York Jets owner to pay fines for NFL player protests

New York Jets chairman and part-owner Christopher Johnson won't punish Jets players for protesting the national anthem, despite the organization being fined for it, and has offered to pay any fines himself, reports Newsday.
Why it matters: Johnson's announcement deliberately undermines the NFL's new rule requiring players to stand for the national anthem — a rule league owners unanimously voted to approve. If players choose to take a knee, the organization will be fined. Johnson, brother of U.S. ambassador to the U.K. Woody Johnson, is the first member of any NFL organization to publicly oppose the rule.


Well-known member
New York Jets owner to pay fines for NFL player protests

New York Jets chairman and part-owner Christopher Johnson won't punish Jets players for protesting the national anthem, despite the organization being fined for it, and has offered to pay any fines himself, reports Newsday.
Why it matters: Johnson's announcement deliberately undermines the NFL's new rule requiring players to stand for the national anthem — a rule league owners unanimously voted to approve. If players choose to take a knee, the organization will be fined. Johnson, brother of U.S. ambassador to the U.K. Woody Johnson, is the first member of any NFL organization to publicly oppose the rule.

Would/wouldn't it be a good thing for POTUS to set an example of "STANDING UP FOR AMERICA"? :eek: