Clete,you quoted me saying the following:
For those who are able to use their "reason" I will use the Scriptures to show that the Father would not have told the generation then living that the Son of Man would return while they remained alive.
This excercise in "reason" is for those with a dispensation understanding of the Scriptures. The folllowing event has not yet happened:
"...they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Mt.24:30).
This event will happen only once, and it will happen in the future. For the sake of argument I will arbitrarily assign a date for His return, say at 7 o'clock P.M. on March 25, 2025.
Now before the crucifixion and before the kingdom was offered to Israel the Lord Jesus said the following:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Mt.24:36).
So at the time when the Lord Jesus said those words the Father KNEW that the Son would not return until 7 o'clock P.M. on March 25, 2025.
And here is the best you could say in answer:
Clete said:
That isn't what the text says Jerry, as has been demonstrated several times already.
You have NOT demonstrated several times already that that isn't what the text says.
That idea only exists in you little mind. If you could show what I said is not true then you would say exactly why I am wrong. But you do no such thing. You just make a blanket statement that is not supported by anything other than your assertion.
You have no answer!
And since you have no answer you attempt to assassinate my character in the hope that no one will notice that you have no answer.
If His knowledge was of the type you suggest then this conclusion would be a valid one. The problem you have is that Jesus explicitly stated what you are here denying.
I say that His knowledge was EXACTLY the same knowledge that the Lord Jesus said that He had--that the Father knew the day and hour when the Son would return. You say that I am denying what the Lord Jesus explicitly stated:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Mt.24:36).
It is you who denies what the Lord Jsus states in that verse. According to you the Father did not even know if Israel would repent. You said that the Father expected and hoped that they would but He did not know. If He did not know then how could He know the day and time when the Son would return?
Your interpretation is subjective while mine maintains total objectivity by both the use of plain reason and the preservation of the plain meaning of the text of Scripture.
In order for anyone to believe your interpreation they must throw their reason to the wind and abandon their common sense.
Just because you are able to do that don't expect others to do the same.
How does a person know that their theology is correct?
First of all one has to BELIEVE what the Scriptures say. For instance,you SAY that you believe the following words spoken by the Lord Jesus:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Mt.24:36).
You say that you believe that the Father knows the day and the hour of the Son's return, but then you turn around and say that the Father did not even know if the nation of Israel would accept the offer of the King and the Kingdom. You say that He expected them to accept the offer and hoped that they would, but He really did not know if they would.
Despite the fact that the return of the Son at that time depended on Israel's accepting the kingdom you give lip service to the words that the Father KNEW the day and hour when the Son would return. But then you deny it with your ridiculous argument.
We are supposed to believe that the Father knew the day and the hour of the Son's return but He did not even know if Israel would repent so that He could send the Son back to them!!!
How can you expect anyone to take you seriously,Clete? You are an embarrassment to all Christianity.
As the sticker on the back window of my truck says, "I'm not opinionated, I'm just always right!" Get used to it or present at least some sort of valid argument against my position.
You wouldn't know a valid argument if it hit you right between the eyes.