Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!


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Hall of Fame
Throughout his life, Bernie Sanders has been working for socialism, the forum of government where all enterprise is controlled by the State, and is transitional to communism, where everyone is prohibited from enjoying their desire for a better life. He calls himself a socialist, specifically a "democratic socialist", yet he is really a pinko commie!

Sanders has made most of his campaign promises to socialist groups, the words he uses betray that his end-goal, which is actually to spread communism.

Sanders embraces the communist ideals that markets are detrimental to "the people", and are fundamentally unjust.

In an address on class warfare, envy, and hatred, he declared that financial inequality "is immoral, it is bad economics, it is unsustainable." This is tantamount to saying that the only just society is one in which everyone has the same amount of money or that anyone who has the ability to make a lot of money is an enemy of "the people".

Bernie Sanders is Anti-American and those who vote for him should be deported to a communist country of their choosing!


New member
What's sad is how some people buy into it. I could not believe the Democrat debate, where he and Hillary were beating each up trying to say they would raise the capital gains tax the most and Sanders thinks that somehow from that he can provide free college tuition to everyone! Don't they understand WHY capital gains are lower? And what would happen if they really raised it as high as they want to? They WANT to destroy investment and kill the golden goose?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Right, Bernie Sanders is the most un-American, worst person to seek office since the 1930s. I am not fan of Hillary, but if I had to choose, it would not be Bernie Sanders!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Throughout his life, Bernie Sanders has been working for socialism, the forum of government where all enterprise is controlled by the State, and is transitional to communism, where everyone is prohibited from enjoying their desire for a better life. He calls himself a socialist, specifically a "democratic socialist", yet he is really a pinko commie!

Sanders has made most of his campaign promises to socialist groups, the words he uses betray that his end-goal, which is actually to spread communism.

Sanders embraces the communist ideals that markets are detrimental to "the people", and are fundamentally unjust.

In an address on class warfare, envy, and hatred, he declared that financial inequality "is immoral, it is bad economics, it is unsustainable." This is tantamount to saying that the only just society is one in which everyone has the same amount of money or that anyone who has the ability to make a lot of money is an enemy of "the people".

Bernie Sanders is Anti-American and those who vote for him should be deported to a communist country of their choosing!

Spot on Kat, the man is not just a socialist but, more of the garden variety marxist/communist. It just shows how far America has sunk that he would be even up for consideration but hey, most people in this country are either too lazy, or too stupid, to figure out how to capture a piece of the American dream for themselves, it is far easier to steal from those who achieve, to give to those who want a free ride.


New member
What's sad is how some people buy into it. I could not believe the Democrat debate, where he and Hillary were beating each up trying to say they would raise the capital gains tax the most and Sanders thinks that somehow from that he can provide free college tuition to everyone! Don't they understand WHY capital gains are lower? And what would happen if they really raised it as high as they want to? They WANT to destroy investment and kill the golden goose?



Well-known member

That about sum it up?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Spot on Kat, the man is not just a socialist but, more of the garden variety marxist/communist. It just shows how far America has sunk that he would be even up for consideration but hey, most people in this country are either too lazy, or too stupid, to figure out how to capture a piece of the American dream for themselves, it is far easier to steal from those who achieve, to give to those who want a free ride.

Some people don't know, or care about anything but poverty. Why go and work when the government will give you money to not work? Sometimes they are lazy, and others are afraid to fill out an employment application. Most people want to work, I believe, yet this system of welfare promotes those receiving it to do nothing.

The socialistic program leads to stagnation. It sounds good to those without work, but it makes then a permanent underclass.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Most of the people I know who support Sanders are my daughter's age, unfortunately. They (including my daughter) thinks that they're owed a free college education, free health care, etc. They're buying into what Bernie says without thinking about who is going to pay for all of their free stuff.

The Berean

Well-known member
Most of the people I know who support Sanders are my daughter's age, unfortunately. They (including my daughter) thinks that they're owed a free college education, free health care, etc. They're buying into what Bernie says without thinking about who is going to pay for all of their free stuff.

Why do young people believe that they are entitled to "free" stuff?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Most of the people I know who support Sanders are my daughter's age, unfortunately. They (including my daughter) thinks that they're owed a free college education, free health care, etc. They're buying into what Bernie says without thinking about who is going to pay for all of their free stuff.

This seems funny to me; Bernie is too old to be president, yet kids like him? Bernie has not done so well in life, not for a senator.

Most in homes, not savings?
"Just 6% of Bernie Sanders’ campaign spending has come out of the senator’s pocket" "Bernie Sanders has an average estimated net worth of $330,507,

Does having money matter? Not so much when we are looking at billions, or Hillary Clinton.
Net worth: $15.3 million-$55 million
Why such a big range difference with Hillary?

What matters to me is knowing the candidate knows how to manage his own house.

To consider Sanders, a man who does not seem to manage money well, I mean not so well for a president, leaves me feeling his understanding of the economy is lacking. Besides, he seems to stand behind empty promises, hand-outs, if you will, which, I believe, little insight as to how to manage these handouts, other than take money from others.

The sad part of this is, the high taxes drives out the small businessperson and leave all the business to the likes of the Walton's. Killing off the small entrepreneur only feeds the the large entrepreneur.

All those who dislike capitalism and the 'business class' favour the big money interests. They always seem suckers for the super wealthy.

Look up income distributions in the Soviet Union of the 60s, you see they had a few very rich and many poor people.


Well-known member
Most of the people I know who support Sanders are my daughter's age, unfortunately. They (including my daughter) thinks that they're owed a free college education, free health care, etc. They're buying into what Bernie says without thinking about who is going to pay for all of their free stuff.

What I find amusing is that those same people were adamant about no more "old white guys". Once they see all the free stuff that most old white guys usually don't think is a good idea, they sure have changed their tune. Bernie is one of a kind, that's for sure. :chuckle:


Throughout his life, Bernie Sanders has been working for socialism, the forum of government where all enterprise is controlled by the State, and is transitional to communism, where everyone is prohibited from enjoying their desire for a better life. He calls himself a socialist, specifically a "democratic socialist", yet he is really a pinko commie!

Sanders has made most of his campaign promises to socialist groups, the words he uses betray that his end-goal, which is actually to spread communism.

Sanders embraces the communist ideals that markets are detrimental to "the people", and are fundamentally unjust.

In an address on class warfare, envy, and hatred, he declared that financial inequality "is immoral, it is bad economics, it is unsustainable." This is tantamount to saying that the only just society is one in which everyone has the same amount of money or that anyone who has the ability to make a lot of money is an enemy of "the people".

Bernie Sanders is Anti-American and those who vote for him should be deported to a communist country of their choosing!
7,000 Millionaires Paid No Income Tax In 2011
Sep. 18, 2012

The chart below from the Tax Policy Center shows the distribution of federal income taxes paid by income level in 2011.

It contains a number of interesting factoids, including the following:

- 7,000 people made more than $1 million but paid no income tax.
- 22,000 people made between $500,000 and $1 million but paid no income tax.
- 81,000 people made between $200,000 and $500,000 but paid no income tax.
- 381,000 people made between $100,000 and $200,000 but paid no income tax.

So that's 491,000 Americans who made more than $100,000 a year who paid no income tax.
These 7 000 are doing their patriotic duty while living the American Dream - earning over $1 000 000 annually, but paying no income tax!

Only a covetous, pinko commie Marxist-Leninist would complain about their God-given right not to pay tax!


Active member
Some people don't know, or care about anything but poverty. Why go and work when the government will give you money to not work? Sometimes they are lazy, and others are afraid to fill out an employment application. Most people want to work, I believe, yet this system of welfare promotes those receiving it to do nothing.

The socialistic program leads to stagnation. It sounds good to those without work, but it makes then a permanent underclass.

Why don't you ask the Nords, who have 4% unemployment rate and higher labor force participation than the US, but generous enough social programs to where no one has to work.

Only those who have miserable jobs would ask why people work without the threat of starvation and homelessness looming over their heads.


Well-known member
These 7 000 are doing their patriotic duty while living the American Dream - earning over $1 000 000 annually, but paying no income tax!

Only a covetous, pinko commie Marxist-Leninist would complain about their God-given right not to pay tax!

So who are these 7000 people?


Active member
So who are these 7000 people?

They likely come from two categories:

1. Large amounts of interest from municipal bonds, which are tax exempt. Don't be fooled, they may not pay any tax on it, but they pay for it with lower interest rates essentially equivalent to the tax savings.

2. Carry-forward losses from previous years - likely business losses from the recession. Don't be fooled here either - the money that was lost came from savings or retained profits that was already previously taxed, so essentially it is just evening things out.