Ben Carson’s Marxist Tax Plan


As AcW's favorite author said,

Suppose I come at you with a gun, and threaten to shoot you unless you give me half of all your money. You’re an argumentative sort, and you say, “But, wait a second, this is a felony! Don’t you realize what you’re doing? You’re committing a crime.” My reply, “Oh, sorry, I forgot. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you some services. Here is a paper clip.” Big deal.

As I recall, Atheist/Libertarian and defender of the North American Man Boy Love Association (Walter Block) defends your ideology, not mine.

Since you're obviously obsessed with talking about me, how about you show us how the government should be run by using lotteries and donations (we'll leave underwear out of this conversation if that's ok with you).

Let's start off with the military. As a Libertarian, would you even have a military, and if so, how would you fund it?


Well-known member
That quote has been quoted twice now so I can either agree or disagree with AcW's assessment, but HE STILL REFUSES TO ANSWER. Which leads me to the conclusion he agrees with Block here.


That quote has been quoted twice now so I can either agree or disagree with AcW's assessment, but HE STILL REFUSES TO ANSWER. Which leads me to the conclusion he agrees with Block here.

"Suppose I come at you with a gun, and threaten to shoot you unless you give me half of all your money. You’re an argumentative sort, and you say, “But, wait a second, this is a felony! Don’t you realize what you’re doing? You’re committing a crime.” My reply, “Oh, sorry, I forgot. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you some services. Here is a paper clip.”

We've had this discussion earlier in this thread (as I recall, you didn't respond to it, so it really wasn't a discussion).

The key words used by atheist/Libertarian and defender of the North American Man Boy Love Association Walter Block is "some services". When the government demands that I give money to put food on other peoples tables (food stamps), that would be theft. For those that can't feed, clothe or house their families, that's the role of the church and other charitable organizations.

In that aspect, the role of government is entirely different. While I am responsible to a certain extent when it comes to protecting myself and my family, I cannot hire my own police force, fire dept. or military (nor should I be allowed to).

As mentioned before: Government has a legitimate role when it comes to providing indispensable services. When that government taxes it citizenry for those services, it fulfills the righteous role of government as seen in Holy Scripture and the Constitution of the United States (which has a biblical basis).


New member
Hall of Fame
It's called a contract KMO. During an open enrollment period, you can either sign up or opt out. In the case of medicare, the enrollment has to be when your a young worker. Medicare is a system, as is Social Security, that pays the older generations of workers along with those diagnosed disabled a set amount when they retire. That money the young give do not see it until they themselves retire.

Point is, if you agree to the contract MediCare provides, you signed the contract and should pay. Unless you can show in a court that the government defrauded you in some way.

But to say you have no choice, you must pay this tax by law and if you dont, some sort of retaliation falls upon you, is morally wrong.

Until you really draw a picture of how you see this all happening it's hard to respond.


New member
Hall of Fame
As AcW's favorite author said,

Suppose I come at you with a gun, and threaten to shoot you unless you give me half of all your money. You’re an argumentative sort, and you say, “But, wait a second, this is a felony! Don’t you realize what you’re doing? You’re committing a crime.” My reply, “Oh, sorry, I forgot. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you some services. Here is a paper clip.” Big deal.

Is that exactly how it happens though? Does the government take your money and then offer services after the fact? Or are they offering you services and then demanding payment?

I imagine your response will's still wrong to start providing a service to someone who doesn't ask for it and then demand payment.

Is it possible to live in the US without benefiting from anything the government does?

You've talked about contracts and voting with your feet and money. What about actual voting? If you're exercising your right to vote you are attempting to influence the government. Is it wrong for the government to expect something of the voter as well?


the problem with these tax plans
they don't mention fica
that is 15.3%
with a 15% flat tax

even the poor will pay 30% on the first dollar they make

just do the math

that would be correct.

Pay attention boys, there are deductions and individual income tax changes that will lower that number substantially (read our next President's tax plan).

And don't forget that besides cutting down the size of our huge bureaucratic government, he'll be bringing American jobs sent abroad back home.

Ted Cruz's plan to 'bring jobs back from China' better than Trump's

Read more:


Well-known member
Pay attention boys, there are deductions and individual income tax changes that will lower that number substantially (read our next President's tax plan).

:sigh: You just don't get it do you?

Now you pay attention. Very close attention.

I do agree with you this is a better plan than what we have currently. But tax reform isn't really the issue. It is government spending that is the issue.

Once again, like ole Ben's proposal, this isn't a flat tax. You can pretend all you want that this is, but the reality is it isn't. Since Ted's plan has exemptions to what is considered taxable, then it stands to reason that we all won't be paying the same percentage of our taxable income. Do you get it now? If you don't get what I am saying, then please show me how we pay the same percentage when you have exemptions on the table?

My 2nd objection is this is still an income tax. This plan still says that the government is entitled to a portion of my or your income. ENTITLED!!!!! I don't think so. As Frank Chodorov said, “the amount of your earnings that you may retain for yourself is determined by the needs of government, and you have nothing to say about it.”


:sigh: You just don't get it do you?

Now you pay attention. Very close attention.

(My my, I've been brow beaten by a Libertarian, woe is me).

I do agree with you this is a better plan than what we have currently. But tax reform isn't really the issue. It is government spending that is the issue.

And if you'd quit reading your Loony Rockwell articles for a minute you'd see that Ted Cruz is despised because he wants to reform government.

Once again, like ole Ben's proposal, this isn't a flat tax. You can pretend all you want that this is, but the reality is it isn't. Since Ted's plan has exemptions to what is considered taxable, then it stands to reason that we all won't be paying the same percentage of our taxable income. Do you get it now?

All that I "get" is that you and your Libertarian Party don't like taxes at all yet have no solution to the problem. Actually, your social policies (abortion, homosexuality, recreational drug use, etc.) have added to the problem of big government, not lessened it.

If you don't get what I am saying, then please show me how we pay the same percentage when you have exemptions on the table?

Review Ted Cruz's tax plan and show me how that won't be helping the American taxpayer and thus America in general.

My 2nd objection is this is still an income tax. This plan still says that the government is entitled to a portion of my or your income. ENTITLED!!!!! I don't think so. As Frank Chodorov said, “the amount of your earnings that you may retain for yourself is determined by the needs of government, and you have nothing to say about it.”

Back to those "donations" and lotteries". I'm just dying to hear how me buying a lottery ticket will help defeat ISIS.


Well-known member

(My my, I've been brow beaten by a Libertarian, woe is me).

And if you'd quit reading your Loony Rockwell articles for a minute you'd see that Ted Cruz is despised because he wants to reform government.

All that I "get" is that you and your Libertarian Party don't like taxes at all yet have no solution to the problem. Actually, your social policies (abortion, homosexuality, recreational drug use, etc.) have added to the problem of big government, not lessened it.

Review Ted Cruz's tax plan and show me how that won't be helping the American taxpayer and thus America in general.

Back to those "donations" and lotteries". I'm just dying to hear how me buying a lottery ticket will help defeat ISIS.

That's what I thought, a non response. Just attack attack attack. <Click>


Well-known member
But tax reform isn't really the issue. It is government spending that is the issue.

The most important issue, the one that is underpinning the other issues, is deposit expansion by banks. That is where the money is being created, the means by which the corrupt gain their power.


Well-known member
The most important issue, the one that is underpinning the other issues, is deposit expansion by banks. That is where the money is being created, the means by which the corrupt gain their power.

True, but don't expect anyone in either party except maybe Rand Paul discuss that issue.


Well-known member
Changing the banking system would do so much to improve the quality of life in the U.S., I wish people could understand why and how to make it so.


Well-known member
Changing the banking system would do so much to improve the quality of life in the U.S., I wish people could understand why and how to make it so.

No doubt. That day may be sooner than we think hopefully. After we implode and all....


The most important issue, the one that is underpinning the other issues, is deposit expansion by banks. That is where the money is being created, the means by which the corrupt gain their power.

And here I thought that our country's moral decay is. But then you're ecstatic over the Obergefell v Hodges SCOTUS ruling aren't you Doormat?