Battle Talk ~ BR XI

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
theo_victis said:
I believe what he was trying to say was: sentenced to life in prison... oh silly semantics
Yeah, that's what the 17,500 others meant to type too. :freak:

By the way: People often use the phrase "sentenced to death," too.


[/QUOTE]The death penalty is punishment for committing certain crimes. Receiving the death penalty does not necessarily mean that one is condemned to hell.

Sure, sometimes people use the word condemned in association with the death penalty, but people say "condemned to life in prison" too. People even use "condemnation" as a synonym of "rebuke" at times. Words have a range of meaning.
Yes, words have a range of meaning, but biblically speaking, death and condemnation are not relative terms. Are you a relativist?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Eisley said:
Yes, words have a range of meaning, but biblically speaking, death and condemnation are not relative terms. Are you a relativist?
I assumed you would think a relativist was a good thing to be.


Hey, I am NOT a relativist and I don't think it is a good thing to be. And I'm sure that you would assume that about me. You probably assume a lot of things. Did you realize that I agree with believe in righteous judgement of other Christians, and church discipline as Turbo irrelevantly outlined in his argument? Probably not.


novice said:
Don't ya hate it when you are having a great conversation and then you make a post and the other party ignores it and vanishes into thin air????

I hate that. :madmad:

Theo? Primghar?

Let me re-post....

I think it's rather obvious you do not understand what forgiveness means.

What you have described above is my son "paying the price" for his disobedience.

You have confused restitution with forgiveness.

It seems to me you and Theo are attempting to redefine forgiveness. Let ask you something... do you believe that you need to add anything to the forgiveness that Jesus offers on the cross? Do you need to "give the money back", "clean the house" or have your license "taken away" (to borrow from your analogy above)?

Do you believe that to attain forgiveness you need to not only repent but to pay restitution?

It's difficult for you to explain because you are forced to alter the meaning of the word forgiveness to make your point.

What you describe as forgiveness... is actually restitution.

Hey, I heard you novice! But I already admitted to you that my last few posts were....a trainwreck. So, I am going to stop with that before I dig myself into an even deeper hole. However, I do have a request....please do not put me with Theo as if we are a "team." I don't want anyone reading my posts to consider my words and theo's to be the same, because I am sure we differ in ideas. Anyway, novice, how are you?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Eisley said:
Hey, I am NOT a relativist and I don't think it is a good thing to be. And I'm sure that you would assume that about me. You probably assume a lot of things. Did you realize that I agree with believe in righteous judgement of other Christians, and church discipline as Turbo irrelevantly outlined in his argument? Probably not.
I assumed that because you identify yourself as more left than right.


Yes, I know. I think that all of you are very good at assuming things, and not very good at listening to what people actually say. The spectrum is political, not philosophical or religious, so why would you jump to conclusions?

Christians should at least try to act decently towards each other, even when debating on controversial issues.


Who is the stooge now?
Eisley said:
Christians should at least try to act decently towards each other, even when debating on controversial issues.
Who should I address? You, or your other username Primghar? :confused:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Eisley said:
Yes, I know. I think that all of you are very good at assuming things, and not very good at listening to what people actually say. The spectrum is political, not philosophical or religious, so why would you jump to conclusions?

Christians should at least try to act decently towards each other, even when debating on controversial issues.
I believe I have acted quite decently toward you! You will notice that even after I wraped up Turbo's argument into a single sentence that a five year old could understand ...
Delmar said:
Turbo has explained the connection more than once, but let me have at it one more time.

Theo claims that the DP does not apply because Christ paid the price and we do not need to be punished! If that is true we should not be punished for anything, ever!
... You continued to claim it was "irrelevant" ...and after all that I didn't call your intellect or your honesty into question.
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