babies conceived in rape should b aborted? You are NOT pro-life


New member
Actually that is not true. We have evidence of what the lions (and other animals were used for), feeding christians to them wasn't among them, this is however completely off topic.

Please post any references you believe support your claim.

What I'm sure we will find is a "sample" of lions used in Rome, and not all of them. Therefore, no scientific support of the claim to say with 100% confidence that lions were not fed humans.


New member
Your kidding right?

No I am not. A woman SHOULD have the choice. Whatever she decides to do, I will support. That being said, I still have never ever heard someone say that a pregnancy that was caused by rape SHOULD be aborted.

King cobra

Because our government is supposed to be the will of the people... if we want it to be murder, it should be a constitutional amendment.

If all of our rights come from the government, then the government can logically take them away.
There would be no inalienable rights. Is this your position?


New member

So.. you aren't a Christian?... you don't believe that we are conceived in iniquity in our mothers womb?

And I have two kids and 4 grand kids ... I love them to pieces... but there is no doubt they were evil the moment they were born.


New member
If you believe that babies conceived in rape (incest) should be aborted, you are NOT pro-life
You are saying that some babies are more equal than others
I think Megyn Kelly is not pro-life... She refers to the child as Fetus... and then there are other things she says that imply she is not pro life as per the aforementioned definition
who knows... Some people are good @ hiding their true beliefs...
I notice such "little" things, however...

I know both sides of the argument and personally can only say IF your ARE pro-life, you would not abort a baby caused by rape. EVERY person is responsible to God for their own actions, and whatever is NOT of faith, is SIN. Rom 14:23 (NIV)

The Horn

A child conceived & born through incest is at risk for many genetic defects and illnesses . This is NOT a good thing .


Hall of Fame
A child conceived & born through incest is at risk for many genetic defects and illnesses . This is NOT a good thing .

And you see this as a reason to intentionally kill an unborn child? My brother, as a baby, contracted spinal meningitis and was left moderately retarded. By your standard, his life was no longer valuable.

The Horn

Rusha, sorry to hear about your brother, but was he conceived through incest ? Doesn't look that way . I'm not saying he should have been aborted ,just that children who are the product of incest are at terrible risk of genetic defencts and disorders .
Your comparison is not valid .


Well-known member
Rusha, sorry to hear about your brother, but was he conceived through incest ? Doesn't look that way . I'm not saying he should have been aborted ,just that children who are the product of incest are at terrible risk of genetic defencts and disorders .
Your comparison is not valid .


Child that might possibly be born with some disorder = kill the baby!

Child will be born with a disorder = still a valuable life, not a valid comparison.



New member
I know both sides of the argument and personally can only say IF your ARE pro-life, you would not abort a baby caused by rape. EVERY person is responsible to God for their own actions, and whatever is NOT of faith, is SIN. Rom 14:23 (NIV)

and God planned things so that He would hear our prayers primarily ONE way: @ the Church He founded, the Roman Catholic Church

Many don't agree, but those many who don't agree... are clueless. They don't know how clueless they are. They think they don't need the Church. Well, true, they don't need the human side of the Church.. no one needs that. But the divine... Yes, we need the divine side, which is Jesus



New member
A child conceived & born through incest is at risk for many genetic defects and illnesses . This is NOT a good thing .

a child is a child is a child

all are equal b4 God

too bad you think some are better than others, more equal than others. In that case, I am sure you'd agree t here are many who are superior to YOU. So what gives YOU a right to live?

nothing (according to the libs)



"I think Megyn Kelly is not pro-life... She refers to the child as Fetus..."
If child-killer Megyn Kelly (Pr 23:7) can get you to dehumanize the child, then she can get you to kill him (Pr 8:36).


"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” ~ Saul Alinsky


New member
If child-killer Megyn Kelly (Pr 23:7) can get you to dehumanize the child, then she can get you to kill him (Pr 8:36).


"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” ~ Saul Alinsky

well, I wouldn't call her a child killer... not just yet... not unless we find out whether she... thinks abortion is OK in certain situations



It's not a question of "should ". But I think it's absolutely wrong and indefensible to tell a woman who is pregnant because of a rape that she MUST GIVE BIRTH or else . If a woman decides to have the baby in such awful circumstances , that's her right . But she should nto be forced to .

Fathers must not be put to death on account of their children's sin; nor shall children die on account of their fathers' sin (Deut 24:16A).


New member
and God planned things so that He would hear our prayers primarily ONE way: @ the Church He founded, the Roman Catholic Church
Many don't agree, but those many who don't agree... are clueless. They don't know how clueless they are. They think they don't need the Church. Well, true, they don't need the human side of the Church.. no one needs that. But the divine... Yes, we need the divine side, which is Jesus

Well there's a clueless assertion if I've ever heard one. :nono: