babies conceived in rape should b aborted? You are NOT pro-life

King cobra

Hey righties....just curious but are you guys for abortion in cases of illegal aliens with unwanted fetuses? :Wamba:

Back to the subject you brought up:

Are you in favor of murdering the unborn offspring of illegal aliens...even if they are raped?

King cobra

No, that's illegal :duh: and has nothing to do with the liberty to choose abortion or not. :duh:

Why do you suppose it’s illegal to get pitbulls to fight each other
but ripping a small human to pieces (unless of course there is a buyer for organs, then care is taken how the body is crushed) is not?


Why do you suppose it’s illegal to get pitbulls to fight each other
but ripping a small human to pieces (unless of course there is a buyer for organs, then care is taken how the body is crushed) is not?

Teach yourself something by learning to discern the major differences between the two...then get back to me.

Otherwise, the only thing your rhetoic serves is in displaying your self-serving ignorance.

King cobra

Teach yourself something by learning to discern the major differences between the two...then get back to me.

Otherwise, the only thing your rhetoic serves is in displaying your self-serving ignorance.

You're stuck in a corner so you're trying to chew through the wall.


You're stuck in a corner so you're trying to chew through the wall.

How's that? You're against abortion -- I'm stuck in a corner?

:confused: ...if you say so. :idunno:

(BTW, have you figured out the difference betwixt the former two?)

King cobra

How's that? You're against abortion -- I'm stuck in a corner?

:confused: ...if you say so. :idunno:

Witness a Linda Ronstadt moment. ("blew by you")

(BTW, have you figured out the difference betwixt the former two?)

If you really require figuring to differentiate between dog and human, you’re further gone than even I suspected.
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New member
The US is pushing abortion in LA as a justifiable homicide clearly misleading Latinos as to the legal aspects of how abortion is legal in the US. I know part of this is done on purpose by the abortionists given they are well financed and without principal, after all if you are willing to kill a child you will do or say anything to further your agenda, and another part is the language issue further made more complicated by the American presses lack of credible reporting.

This is creating a lot of legal precedence that could be used by the Supreme Court to fight any legal challenges to abortion or laws that get approved, such as the RCC is currently been trying to do since 1973, because we already have Human Life laws here. Ironically this legal precedence is based on propaganda but that wouldn't make a difference to the SC.


I only only thoroughly u/stood the LAST paragraph here... (not shown)



New member
few people seem to understand Post Abortion Syndrome

of course, MEN generally speaking don't WANT to (God bless you Ben Carson 4 not being like that...)

a lot of Neanderthals... "men" so called don't want abortion to go away... they want back up for all their mistakes... Hey, i have an idea... learn how to control yourself..

do ya think?



I suppose the only real argument for abortion in the event of rape is in the emotional trauma of the victim. It could be proposed that the fetus is a token of the event, and that the child would be a living reminder.


New member
I suppose the only real argument for abortion in the event of rape is in the emotional trauma of the victim. It could be proposed that the fetus is a token of the event, and that the child would be a living reminder.

so let's add Murder to the woman's problems?

so much for pro death folks being pro woman...
