Atheists, do you hope you're right?


New member
That limits to a very specific kind of history. More parts of history is about what some historical figures did and said which can hardly be evidenced.
Well yeah, many minor actions and quotes that are attributed to historical figures are of questionable veracity. Major events and actions are generally easier to corroborate because they leave more evidence/contemporaneous reports.

Apples and oranges, not every scenarios share what is common to known wars. Most of them can only be conveyed by witnessing. Answer me, how can a sentence said by a historical figure be evidenced?
Independent recording of the sentence by contemporary sources is best. Eg. Someone present at the time writes about it. Even then we have to have an air of scepticism, since people lie or get things wrong.
But then again most people aren't basing important decisions on the sentence so don't care that there remains a degree of doubt.

Unfortunately the bible seems to fail to have even this however.

The trick is, no witnessing can be made more valid then those martyred themselves for what is said and done.
So I should become a Muslim then? They seem to have a monopoly on martyrs nowadays and claim Jesus as a prophet anyway!

In reality we do not have witnessing of martyrs from Christianity anyway, we have books written by unknown authors well after the claimed events.


Well-known member
A retired Christian?
Agnostic these days then? :)

twist it if you like,I'm still christian. And no,me and a few friends became partners back in 79 we started with one store,worked our way up to 13 ,then we bought a Dairy Queen franchise. After a certain point I just thought I needed not to struggle any further and I sold my portion. There's a way to do it either way,honest or dishonest,the dishonest cannot figure out how to do it either way,,,


New member
twist it if you like,I'm still christian. And no,me and a few friends became partners back in 79 we started with one store,worked our way up to 13 ,then we bought a Dairy Queen franchise. After a certain point I just thought I needed not to struggle any further and I sold my portion. There's a way to do it either way,honest or dishonest,the dishonest cannot figure out how to do it either way,,,
I was 54 when I retired 10 years ago, I sometimes struggle to fill the time these days which probably accounts for my time here. :rolleyes: :)


Well-known member
I was 54 when I retired 10 years ago, I sometimes struggle to fill the time these days which probably accounts for my time here. :rolleyes: :)

I'm 55 I've followed the internet christian forums since aol stated they broke the 1mill member thing,lol,,,,it's an odd path I have found Christians who on one forum were Satanist,,who now use the same screen-name and are christian,and Christians who hate certain denominations so much they join forums and claim to be those to make them look bad. Take the list of screen names and search "screen name,profile" and see how many of them you find are enemy's here and are friends elsewhere,,,


New member
I'm 55 I've followed the internet christian forums since aol stated they broke the 1mill member thing,lol,,,,it's an odd path I have found Christians who on one forum were Satanist,,who now use the same screen-name and are christian,and Christians who hate certain denominations so much they join forums and claim to be those to make them look bad. Take the list of screen names and search "screen name,profile" and see how many of them you find are enemy's here and are friends elsewhere,,,
That doesn't worry me too much, we are all advocates for a specific point of view, but even trolls need to find out which buttons to push. Those I suspect of being trolls or insincere are those I generally try and make work harder than I do at it.


Well-known member
That doesn't worry me too much, we are all advocates for a specific point of view, but even trolls need to find out which buttons to push. Those I suspect of being trolls or insincere are those I generally try and make work harder than I do at it.

as long as your aware of it,,straight up I'm Christian,,everyone's not though I find though they say so it haunts them. I would not have thought so though at a glance you have to take their screen names and search for them elsewhere on the www to know for sure,,,,,,,


New member
Not do you think you're right--do you hope that you are right that there is no God and therefore no ultimate justice in the afterlife?

I'd prefer to rot in hell than spending an eternity praising a dictator. I don't mind if I get eternal hell, I will suffer and you will be enjoying my suffering, watching the show from above, licking the boots of my executioner, while He enjoys the sanguinary show as well... and one day, you'll ask yourself if that was really fair, if maybe you chose the wrong side...

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
You can dismiss me and the countless others who have experienced the goodness of Allah. You can refuse to seek Him to surrender to Him. You can snub your nose at what countless say is good, and say. You can say I'm not gonna try him just cause so many say He is good. And you will miss out on the only way your science will confirm Allah. Trial and error. Or your pride can keep you holding your breath that He will stand before in all His Glory before it's too late for you. It your choice.

Is that a compelling argument for Islam? No? Now you know why it's not a compelling argument for Christianity either.

A loving relationship with the creator of the universe, and further unity with Him through His Spirit, and Sons payment for sin. Is different than all religions. Saying Christianity can't be true because others say theirs is true is no argument against Christ. You all can pretend you don't want and need His love, but you know that is not true. It is a need of all humans that no one can satisfy except Him.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Absolutely, and this has been pointed out to him many times, yet he is unable, or unwilling to even acknowledge the point.

But others say they are right. Try them and you shall see... Knowing Jesus, is unlike all the others. Don't be afraid to try Him. Letting go of your own personal kingdom of yourself will be freeing. The only way you will ever know is if you try Him on for size. Don't be deceived it doesnt involve just believing He exists as some say on here. He doesn't want your view. He wants you. He loves you.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I'd prefer to rot in hell than spending an eternity praising a dictator. I don't mind if I get eternal hell, I will suffer and you will be enjoying my suffering, watching the show from above, licking the boots of my executioner, while He enjoys the sanguinary show as well... and one day, you'll ask yourself if that was really fair, if maybe you chose the wrong side...

Until You get there. He knows what is good for you. The rules are for our benefit. A God who suffers immeasurably for those that spit in His face proves His loving mercy. You wanting to be God will not change reality.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
You have no idea what a God does any more than you have been able to produce a single shred of evidence that yours, in particular, actually exists.

And in addition, this particular thread was specifically directed at atheists, and if you think atheists and sceptics are going to be swayed by preaching then you have much to learn. There are many on this board who can hold a conversation without preaching at people.

You can believe what you like, I don't care what you do with your mind, but I value my rationality and I am not going to buy a bunch of mumbo jumbo from some dude on the internet.

I have urged you to make your own critical examination of your cherished beliefs but you won't do that. Your preaching is wasted on me so please find someone else to preach at. Thanks.

You don't have read my posts. I do have to defend the truth.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
You have no idea what a God does any more than you have been able to produce a single shred of evidence that yours, in particular, actually exists.

And in addition, this particular thread was specifically directed at atheists, and if you think atheists and sceptics are going to be swayed by preaching then you have much to learn. There are many on this board who can hold a conversation without preaching at people.

You can believe what you like, I don't care what you do with your mind, but I value my rationality and I am not going to buy a bunch of mumbo jumbo from some dude on the internet.

I have urged you to make your own critical examination of your cherished beliefs but you won't do that. Your preaching is wasted on me so please find someone else to preach at. Thanks.

You discredit my experiences with your opinions about the supernatural. I discredit your opinions with my experiences with the Supernatural.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Well yeah, many minor actions and quotes that are attributed to historical figures are of questionable veracity. Major events and actions are generally easier to corroborate because they leave more evidence/contemporaneous reports.

Independent recording of the sentence by contemporary sources is best. Eg. Someone present at the time writes about it. Even then we have to have an air of scepticism, since people lie or get things wrong.
But then again most people aren't basing important decisions on the sentence so don't care that there remains a degree of doubt.

Unfortunately the bible seems to fail to have even this however.

So I should become a Muslim then? They seem to have a monopoly on martyrs nowadays and claim Jesus as a prophet anyway!

In reality we do not have witnessing of martyrs from Christianity anyway, we have books written by unknown authors well after the claimed events.

Martyrs are murdered for their convictions. They don't murder for them. An enormous difference. Yet overlooked by atheists.


I'd prefer to rot in hell than spending an eternity praising a dictator. I don't mind if I get eternal hell, I will suffer and you will be enjoying my suffering, watching the show from above, licking the boots of my executioner, while He enjoys the sanguinary show as well... and one day, you'll ask yourself if that was really fair, if maybe you chose the wrong side...

No, we didn't. God is just (Deut. 32:4).

Then they said, “Come and let us devise plans against Jeremiah; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come and let us attack him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.”

Give heed to me, O LORD,
And listen to the voice of those who contend with me!
Shall evil be repaid for good?
For they have dug a pit for my life.
Remember that I stood before You
To speak good for them,
To turn away Your wrath from them.
Therefore deliver up their children to the famine,
And pour out their blood
By the force of the sword;
Let their wives become widows
And bereaved of their children.
Let their men be put to death,
Their young men be slain
By the sword in battle.
Let a cry be heard from their houses,
When You bring a troop suddenly upon them;
For they have dug a pit to take me,
And hidden snares for my feet.
Yet, LORD, You know all their counsel
Which is against me, to slay me.
Provide no atonement for their iniquity,
Nor blot out their sin from Your sight;
But let them be overthrown before You.
Deal thus with them
In the time of Your anger. Je 18:18–23


Break Down in Morality, Then and Now by Michael Youssef
Last edited:


New member
A loving relationship with the creator of the universe, and further unity with Him through His Spirit, and Sons payment for sin. Is different than all religions. Saying Christianity can't be true because others say theirs is true is no argument against Christ. You all can pretend you don't want and need His love, but you know that is not true. It is a need of all humans that no one can satisfy except Him.
As I see it Jamie, human beings from all around the world, whether from isolated or large communities, typically have a perhaps innate dualistic desire to suppose in the existence of a higher power, and have accordingly all developed their own versions of religious belief. They will all of course want to believe that their own particular religious belief is superior to all the rest.

As a non-believer I can still have some spiritual feelings myself and even sometimes suppose that a supernatural higher power nevertheless exists, but imo pretty much all humans seem to have a spiritual side to their nature. Clearly then wherever you go human cultures have all expressed their own individuality and spirituality in their own way through their various religious institutions, supernatural beliefs and customs.

Given that only one truth exists could any one of these beliefs be true?
Yes, I suppose so, maybe. Personally however I rather doubt that any are.

So what is going on if the majority of religious belief, if not all, is so misplaced and false?

If, as I believe, we are evolved beings then just as we evolved arms and legs we have also evolved mental traits such as a tendency to unite around a common culture and spiritual belief. None of it need be true of course from a Darwinian perspective, it only has to work better as a group than as individuals all doing their own thing.

So is your particular belief really any better than all the others?

It's not for others to argue against your Christian ideas or Christ, the onus is rather on you to demonstrably show your truth and not to just assert and preach it, as all the others do that we can both agree are false.


New member
But others say they are right. Try them and you shall see... Knowing Jesus, is unlike all the others. Don't be afraid to try Him. Letting go of your own personal kingdom of yourself will be freeing. The only way you will ever know is if you try Him on for size. Don't be deceived it doesnt involve just believing He exists as some say on here. He doesn't want your view. He wants you. He loves you.

Please stop being obnoxious and find someone else to preach at. If you cannot hold a rational conversation without the sermons then we are done. I don't like using this sites ignore feature but you are getting really close.

Give it a rest!