Arminians' Dilemma


TOL Subscriber
So much for eternal and everlasting. You were already proven wrong. But you can assume you were the one correct. Be content with that.

Back to topic. Any objection that to be in Christ is to be part of His Body? I'm waiting...

If none, then you agree...

I clearly explained eternal and everlasting to you TWICE above. You still ignore it and proceed with your false understanding and assertions.

You're everything that is wrong with modernity in the Christian faith. I'm done. You won't listen to truth. You are accountable for every word you speak and write according to this untruth.

Your mind is not renewed, and you have made all mankind saved to the uttermost. I have no time for insolent and ignorant non-linguists who presume to be theologians while destroying the Gospel of Jesus Christ and insisting every living human in all of history has been saved.

And you don't get to determine that I agree with you because I won't respond further. What a douchebag.


New member
You are so enamored with your anarthrous invention. And who decides which is anarthrous and which is not? You?

That explains why you have to recourse to your anarthrous invention because you know you have no haven in Scriptures for your false theology.


Oh lookie. My study bible has it too!


New member
What does that even mean? You say these conceptual things that have no literal or figurative meaning.
You don't know its meaning when you are showing off your anarthrous invention? You're not aware of 1 Cor 12? Read it so you will know what I'm talking about being part of the Body of Christ.


New member
How can you access His Power if He did not apply it to you first?

You have an answer for this, so we can proceed with the remaining portion of your post? I'll wait.

...That's the point. It's only accessed by those to whom it is applied. I.E. Those that are called. Those who are His sheep and hear His voice. Those who hear the Word of God, repent and believe unto salvation. It's accessed when it is applied.

Because it is not about what man does. It has never been about what man does. It will never be about what man does. It is only ever what God has done in Christ. Period.


New member
I clearly explained eternal and everlasting to you TWICE above. You still ignore it and proceed with your false understanding and assertions.

You're everything that is wrong with modernity in the Christian faith. I'm done. You won't listen to truth. You are accountable for every word you speak and write according to this untruth.

Your mind is not renewed, and you have made all mankind saved to the uttermost. I have no time for insolent and ignorant non-linguists who presume to be theologians while destroying the Gospel of Jesus Christ and insisting every living human in all of history has been saved.

And you don't get to determine that I agree with you because I won't respond further. What a douchebag.
Thanks for your time, learned and wise one.

Best Regards,

Samie, a child in the arms of the Master.


New member
...That's the point. It's only accessed by those to whom it is applied. I.E. Those that are called. Those who are His sheep and hear His voice. Those who hear the Word of God, repent and believe unto salvation. It's accessed when it is applied.

Because it is not about what man does. It has never been about what man does. It will never be about what man does. It is only ever what God has done in Christ. Period.
So, when does one become His sheep? Before having been applied with His Power, of after having been applied with His Power?


New member
So, when does one become His sheep? Before having been applied with His Power, of after having been applied with His Power?
While waiting for your response to my question, here's my position: People are born in Christ, part of His Body, sheep of His pasture.

What's yours?


New member
While waiting for your response to my question, here's my position: People are born in Christ, part of His Body, sheep of His pasture.
It's all because of what God through Christ has done for humanity in His life, death, and resurrection.

Now, let's see your answer.


I'm not going to deal with you. You cannot and will not be reasoned with.

I understand.

You are too majority centered and popularly approved.

You don't want to deal with bottom line of hypocrisy.

It is too politically and religiously incorrect to do that.

good day.


New member
Looks like Aleth and PPS have thrown in the towel.

Let's get back to the Arminians' Dilemma.

Again, to resolve the dilemma, one only has to believe that people are born In Christ, part of His Body, sheep of His pasture, because of what God through Christ's life, death & resurrection, has done for humanity. Hence, non-believers are able to believe because they are already spiritually alive, being already In Christ. Unless Christ Himself removes them from His Body by blotting their names from the book of life, they remain part of the Body of Christ. And overcomers will not be blotted out from the book of life.

Any objections?


New member
There's one heremeneutical context you don't understand, and you don't know how Greek noun forms affect English understanding.

This is why you presume to be right when you read the text. And you'll fight to the death for your conceptualizations. This is why every man's false autonomy can't be THE standard for truth and scriptural meaning.

We can't even converse because of your erroneous presuppositions and resulting deductions. THIS is why the modern Church-at-large is so jacked. The entire New Apostolic Reformation and Third Wave Charismaticism and Denominational False Ecumenism are apostate and have Trojan Horsed endless theological garbage within the body as seed of A word to grow tares among the wheat.

If you knew language nuances in translation, you'd be appalled at yourself and all others like you. Instead, you refuse to take heed and just continue on more beliegerent than when you started.

I think you ultimately have a heart for truth. What you don't realize is the damage you're doing to yourself and any others who agree with you or learn from you. You're accountable for that, just as others are accountable for the many similar things they have infused into the Body that is shades of untruth because of language fallacies.


I bet they know that the blood of bulls and goats can't remove sins. Apparently the educated dumb a$$es haven't figured that out yet. Edumacation Fail!!!


New member
Bonus... Tell everyone exactly what it means to be "in" Christ.

You can't. At best, it will be some tedious descriptive nothing as an analogy or about the things we do, or whatever.

Being 'in Christ' means you're a son or daughter of Adam and we were placed there at the incarnation. Notice I did not say I believe in the universal 'goat' atonement like you.


New member
...That's the point. It's only accessed by those to whom it is applied. I.E. Those that are called. Those who are His sheep and hear His voice. Those who hear the Word of God, repent and believe unto salvation. It's accessed when it is applied.

Because it is not about what man does. It has never been about what man does. It will never be about what man does. It is only ever what God has done in Christ. Period.

It is accessed by faith and human faith does not happen at the cross. Paul spoke of those who make ship-wreck of their faith. How does a reprobate person make ship-wreck of their faith when they were never given any to begin with. More hyper-grace trash.