Read it again, these were not nationwide laws. Not a single one. And many were anecdotes outright.
Laws that legalized, by men against women, violence and rape... You'll have to supply some evidence to support that claim.
I didn't say they were, and that wouldn't make them anecdotal either. I believe all 50 states had laws to similar effect not all that long ago though, so the notion of spousal rape was nationally non-existent. And I have to say, your ignorance of easy to verify history is...well, not as surprising as it should be. Here's a starting point, do your own Googling if you want more:
First, love and respect are very similar and in practice only differ in a matter of authority. Thus, women would prefer to be loved.
Since you're pleading ignorance of the difference, let me explain the salient distinction. People can justify anything as an outgrowth of love, no matter how grotesque. If you respect someone as an adult, you treat them as a full equal, with the same rights, the same choices as anyone else.
Second, there were no nationwide laws making life harder for women on their own, and no woman was barred from living where ever she wanted to live.
What a strangely limited way of viewing gender equality...
Third, even where there were pockets of odd laws that wrongly targeted women, such as those listed by anecdote, they were only there because people with a mindset like yours enacted them.
What "mindset" is that, exactly?
Unlike you, people like me and all other right-wing folks believe in liberty and equality under the law.
Yeah, sure. That's why your posts on this topic started out with a sneer at all women in general. Your commitment to equality.
You realize the custody system is wrong then? So you'll fight right along side me and denounce everyone else on the left wing that fought for and fights for those very laws on that issue?
But even further than that, do you realize why they fight for those laws? If you did, and you don't like it, then you'd have to denounce being left-wing.
Specifically, which laws? The law, at least at the federal level, should require equal treatment.
In broad terms, a marriage is merely a "joining together" and through child support and alimony the man is required to stay in the marriage contract financially.
Just breaking the legal union doesn't remove the liabilities that arise from it. Child support and alimony are both there to share that load between two people who once were married. However, it enables both of the former spouses to move on and marry again while still honoring their commitments.
Women cannot be happy without men taking care of them, but men can be happy entirely without women.
Oh, ok then, I guess that's why they never asked to vote, to go to school, have careers, and live alone.
This is a personal decision. Some women may feel that way. Some men may as well. But some people are perfectly happy living alone.
How do you back up that claim?
Being deprived of the vote does not mean being deprived of liberty. You'll have to back up the claim that women were not free before they had the vote. In fact, you'll find that laws have made things worse for women now than then.
So, you'd say the US Founding Fathers were on about nothing then? Why do you suppose the men running the country didn't let women vote or serve on juries?
This cannot be true since there has always been a fair percentage of single women living in the US.
For one thing, I didn't say it was impossible for women to live independently. The laws that were in place made it more difficult. And I'd love to see what statistics you're relying on to say that.
Coercion and injustice has been the only outcome of the feminist friendly laws - just look at the family court laws you (perhaps) denounce above.
Obsessed much? Did you have to go to family court at some point in your life?
There was never a time when coercion was the norm for establishing relationships between men and women and if you think so you'll have to establish it with more than the anecdotes you've brought to the table so far.
Murder isn't "the norm". That doesn't mean it should be legal. The fact that spousal rape and spousal violence was legal in all states fairly recently at least suggests that the men who made those laws considered it normal.
If you want to see the horror of relationships, then go no further than the hookup culture that feminist friendly culture has promoted.
You'd think wrong. Men and women are not the same, and women prefer their men be stronger and smarter than they are.
What happened to your commitment to equality?