ARCHIVE: The reality of "Hell"


New member
Which One

Which One

Then prove this verse says what you want it to say.

What I want it to say...

Now, that's a loaded request!

What verse?

Meanwhile, can you give me a couple verses that you contend support your position? (Or refer me to a post?)


New member
Originally posted by cirisme
Let me try to understand what you're saying here. You say that all be raised up(Acts 24:15), but not immortaly? got that one right at least. ;)
What exactly would the point be for God to raise up someone just to the next minute destroy?
Because God is God and that's how He decided He wanted things done. He will judge each one individually and all will see His justice prevail and witness the total destruction of all that which is evil and wicked when they are cast into the lake of fire and cease to exist altogether. All those who are dead, the just and unjust, will be raised but not all will put on immortality. Only those who are saved and whose names are written in the Book of LIFE will live for all eternal with God and with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Still waiting for your proof with scripture that ALL will be raised immortal?


New member
Why God Raises The Lost

Why God Raises The Lost

God is raising the dead lost after the millenium so that He can demonstrate to the saved universe that condemnation is inherent to sin.

The redeemed (and the unfallen) will be shining as the sun. God will require the lost to perceive this same fiery presence of His unquenchable love.

This will cause the lost to have their full evil state revealed to them as in a moment (revealed by God's love). Their response will be shame, guilt, despair and will be the final identity of their persons.

If the psychic agony does not cause their persons to expire, it will be an act of mercy on the part of God to permit them to die.

The universe will be given this testimony of the awfulness of sin.

That is why, cirisme.

Tony (o2)


New member
im soory if i repeat anything that anybody has said before, but i got tired of reading all the posts. I beleive that hell in not as much of a burning torment but more the thought of you not being in the presence of god. Where as hevean is to be in the presence of god.


Will you guys play with me at recess???.......

Will you guys play with me at recess???.......

**************************** ><>

Let me try to understand what you're saying here. You say that all be raised up(Acts 24:15), but not immortaly? What exactly would the point be for God to raise up someone just to the next minute destroy?

That is an excellent point, Cirisme. One which the other side must resort to private interpretation in order to explain, yet for us there are scriptures....

God is raising the dead lost after the millenium so that He can demonstrate to the saved universe that condemnation is inherent to sin.

O2, this is still redundant. The saved will already know that the lost are condemned to sin....

The redeemed (and the unfallen) will be shining as the sun. God will require the lost to perceive this same fiery presence of His unquenchable love.

This is inconsistent. Those who reject God in life, will not CARE in the afterlife either. Satan for example already knows (or experienced) this love....yet fully rejected it.. Satan WANTS annihalation OVER eternal life with God...Therefore is annihalation considered "punishment" under these circumstances??

This will cause the lost to have their full evil state revealed to them as in a moment (revealed by God's love). Their response will be shame, guilt, despair and will be the final identity of their persons.

True. How will this exclude eternal punishment and the requirment thereof as I have explained pages past..??
Additionally, what of Satan, who knows no remorse?

If the psychic agony does not cause their persons to expire, it will be an act of mercy on the part of God to permit them to die.

The universe will be given this testimony of the awfulness of sin.

The universe has ALREADY been given this testimony in Genesis and on...

That is why, cirisme.

Is it just me, or is no one answering my questions?? I mean, does no one want to play with me anymore or what?? :confused:....

God bless you Agape,
God bless you O2,
God bless you Cirisme,
Jeremiah L.G.


New member
Not Seen Yet

Not Seen Yet


Whether the penalty comes from God or from sin has not been determined.

An example of what I am saying is the testimony of the two houses when confronted with the same storm.


New member
Originally posted by AVmetro [/b
cirisme--Let me try to understand what you're saying here. You say that all be raised up(Acts 24:15), but not immortaly? What exactly would the point be for God to raise up someone just to the next minute destroy?
That is an excellent point, Cirisme. One which the other side must resort to private interpretation in order to explain, yet for us there are scriptures....
"the other side?"...LOL. Don't need to resort to PI when you and cirisme do such a great job of it on your own. :rolleyes:

Hey guys where's the proof text that ALL will be raised immortal??...still waiting :D


Hey guys where's the proof text that ALL will be raised immortal??...still waiting

Where's proof of annhilation? Still waiting, and I've been waiting longer than you...


Meanwhile, can you give me a couple verses that you contend support your position? (Or refer me to a post?)

I refer you to all posts made by me in the last 17 pages. :D


Also, agape, when you're presenting your "verses" please read them first. I don't want anymore non-existent Psalm 24:20s. :rolleyes:




Also, agape, when you're presenting your "verses" please read them first. I don't want anymore non-existent Psalm 24:20s.

It's in the Qu'ran or the Book of Mormon one....:confused:....not sure...


New member
It's As Clear As Language Gets

It's As Clear As Language Gets


Where's proof of annhilation? Still waiting, and I've been waiting longer than you...

We offer what we think is proof, you just happen to believe it is not proof. I've offered texts that say:

The gift of God is life.

The lost perish.

The lost are no more.

Their thoughts perish.

They are destroyed.

And (for you), none of that is proof. Language simply does not get clearer than that.

Have A Good One (God Bless You),

Tony (o2)


New member
That's Cool

That's Cool

Hi cirisme,

I refer you to all posts made by me in the last 17 pages.

That's not good enough for me, but it's OK if we stop.

I don't want to go through 17 pages, especially as I believe most of the texts will be reliant on aion or aionios, which (as you know) I have already asserted is no support whatsoever.

If you can't spare the time to quote just a couple of texts with accompanying thought as to why they support your position, I am certainly comfortable to let this topic go.

God Bless,



New member

Please stop trying to cop out and give us proof text that ALL will be raised IMMORTAL.

If you can't, then just please say so. :)


I've offered texts that say

And I've shown you that they don't say that in my rebuttal. To date, you haven't answered.(PS: that rebuttal is on page 15.)

Please stop trying to cop out and give us proof text that ALL will be raised IMMORTAL.

I have it but it is irrelevant to the topic of "will people annhilated?" Now, care to give your responses to my post on page 15?


New member
I See It Differently

I See It Differently

Hi cirisme,

And I've shown you that they don't say that in my rebuttal. To date, you haven't answered.(PS: that rebuttal is on page 15.)

That is your opinion. I do not believe you showed me that AT ALL. I believe your rebuttal is wholly inadequate.

Are you going to show me a couple verses that you contend support your view (verses other than those with aion/aionios)?

God Bless,



That is your opinion. I do not believe you showed me that AT ALL. I believe your rebuttal is wholly inadequate.

Doesn't surprise me. Care to quote what it is that you find "wholly inadequate"?

Are you going to show me a couple verses that you contend support your view (verses other than those with aion/aionios)?

Look at the verses on pages 14-15, I think I have a few there. Also, care to quote any verses that support your private interpretation?