Sozo said:
You're a moron. You can't even answer a simple question.
Are you holy or not?
Yes or no?
Short answer: Yes. (this is like asking if I stopped beating my wife yet..can't win that question)
Long answer: Yes and No...if I am to represent the whole counsel of God on the subject.
One problem I have with you is that if I changed some words in my post, even if I or others did not fully understand them, it could make the difference between heaven or hell for me. I have given a classical understanding of sanctification that most believers would agree with in general. Different people like John Wesley or Jonathan Edwards or Packer or whoever might spin it a bit different or emphasize things differently. We would have to deal with the same texts that can only be distorted in limited ways.
YES: I suggested that you look at a simple Expository Dictionary of the NT like Vine's. It lists the various uses of the same word in various contexts. In some contexts, holiness or sanctification refers to the initial setting apart as holy unto the Lord as we are justified (legally declared righteous and treated just as if we never sinned). We are holy in Him, as you rightly maintain. Our positional standing is as a saint in Christ, no longer as a godless sinner without Christ in our lives or His finished work applied to us.
NO: Other contexts about holiness and sanctification link it with a progressive element, a practical holiness. This is why I gravitate to the Pentecostal (a Holiness movement) Church and not a nominal religion that says you can live like the devil all week as long as you go to Mass or confession (without godly repentance and renewed obedience) one hour a week. It divorces positional and practical/progressive holiness.
God wants a holy people separate from the world set apart to Him. He does not want people who believe a theory without practical fleshing out of it.
In the progressive sense, I sometimes have a wrong thought, motive, action. I am still in Christ. I respond to the conviction of the Spirit through the Word. I do not persist in it because of my initial sanctification or His grace that covers a multitude of sins. The fact that I want to beat sozo up is not consistent with Christ-like holiness. The fact that I have lusted at some point in my Christian walk is not virtuous.
We can talk about our holy standing in Christ, but we should also be able to look at each individual thought, motive, choice on a case by case basis. No matter what you say, adultery is sinful and contrary to holiness, even for the believer.
The verses I gave do not divorce holiness from obedience. Why badger me to accept an inferior view? Be holy as I am holy...this is an imperative, a is to be obeyed, not simply to spout off a positional understanding that is isolated from actual Christ-likeness.
I want a second opinion (post #365 and longer one following this one). Since sozo wants a yes or no...would someone show me where my thinking is totally wrong (besides e4e who is a one string fiddle also) and give an alternate understanding of the practical, progressive vs initial, positional verses (if we looked at all references in the OT and NT about holiness and sanctification, the pattern would not be limited to positional only).