Do you remember the choose-our-own-adventure books? That is great example of how OVs think about reality. he author of one of theses books sets the parameters of the book, but leaves the certain parts of the main character's story in the hands of the reader. The story HAS boundary's, but there-in lies genuine possibility's.
Even if you do not agree...does that make sense?
I know what you are describing, but when an end is established, every single detail leading to that end, contributes to that end.
Each of us can appreciate the truth of this, when we take our own existence as an end in itself, and then do a geneological study of the multitude of lives from the past, whose joining together, led to "me."
Since God determined my identity and existence, He determined everything that happened in the past, from day one, to bring me to birth. I don't see how random or "free" acts of mankind or chance could have possibly produced "me."
This is not to say that all the peoples that God ordained would produce my birth, were not willful people who functioned volitionally. God made men in His image, possessing wills of their own.
I just don't think the will of man was ever given by God, to act contrary to the sovereign will of God. To willfully act in opposition to God is spiritually and instinctually deadly. Just as surely as a herd of swine running and leaping off a cliff against all nature, killed them; so too, a sinner exercising his will in opposition to the will of God, kills himself.
And due to the original sin of Adam, the human will is less free than when Adam was created; in fact, Adam threw humanity into total enslavement and bondage: body, soul, mind, and will . . .to serving satan, sin, and all wickedness. The sinner is not only not free to exercise his will as he wants or to do Godly good; he is only inclined to choose to do evil, and experiences
no freedom at all.
But God brings good out of even this tragedy of moral, spiritual, and natural enslavement, still accomplishing and choreographing His purposed end. His will be done, and it cannot be thwarted by the willful actions of men.
"There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless, the Lord's counsel . . that wills stand." Proverbs 19:21
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
"O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks, to direct his own steps." Jeremiah 10:23