ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 3


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Did it ever occur to you that I may just be screwing around with tetelestai, because he's being stubborn?

The real problem is those who say God's omniscience is something other than what He says it is.

Is messing with him like 'lying'?:bowser:


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This leads to the question; Is God in control? If He is what does it say about His omniscience?

God can be providentially in control without being all-controlling, omnicausal, meticulous/tightly controlling.

The issue of the nature of creation/future vs omniscience is the crux. Is the future partially settled/unsettled and known as such (possible/contingent) or is it fully settled (exhaustive definite foreknowledge would then be true, but free will would not be...determinism).


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Well, I don't know why you feel compelled to explain someone else's reasoning but fine. Can you support Nang's accusation that God controls all creation, including rapists and molesters?

Their deterministic/decretal views are fatally problematic to a sound doctrine of God/theodicy.


The Dark Knight
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This leads to the question; Is God in control? If He is what does it say about His omniscience?
Control of what? That must first be established for the discourse to be honest and to the point.

Is messing with him like 'lying'?:bowser:
All I did was ask him a question. If he assumed that his previous assumption was wrong merely because he did not know the answer, how is that my fault?


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Their deterministic/decretal views are fatally problematic to a sound doctrine of God/theodicy.

Well, AMR's claim that Nang meant God knew men (including rapists and molesters) would do evil (including rape and molestation) makes sense. Don't know why Nang felt it wiser to pretend I'm accusing
God rather than explain it. Don't get why they feel using the word "ordain" for something other than what it's commonly understood to mean, either.
Still, I'll wait for an explanation on how I've misunderstood the word "control" before I decide whether Calvinism has indeed led them to blasphemy. It certainly seems that way and I can't imagine how it isn't.

In all honestly, I can only assume from what I've been given so far that Calvinism requires them to accept God literally ordains and controls rapists but their conscience requires them to backpedal from that position as much as they can while still presenting it. The fact Nang resorted to this...
You are being a silly, unhearing, unbelieving, contentious woman, refusing to recognize the theological answers being given to you.

You insist on focusing on the actions of reprobates, who are abandoned by God because of their vile sins, instead of focusing on the wonderful message of the grace of Jesus Christ, the righteous Man and Savior who resolves these very issues.

Your mind is clamped shut and your spirit appears truly dead and unable to comprehend the good news of God that gives answer to the horrors of sin committed by His creatures.

Your problem, not mine . . .

...rather than simply answer my accusation is rather telling, I think.

You'd think a theology that leads you to accusing God of evil would cause you some pause...


TOL Subscriber
Men are able to do as they will, even in contradiction to God's will. Yes?

Yes. In fact, that is all men are willing to do. All men sin and oppose God's will, whether they are rapists, murderers, molesters, or not.

God ordained to bring salvation to creatures, who He knew would ALL be sinners, before He created the world. God restrains the evil in this world ("controls"), in order to save many from their sins, in and through His Christ.

Otherwise you cannot claim God is not responsible for an act of rape or molestation because He is in control of it.

God is not the cause of sin. Man is the cause of sin.

Which statement do you disagree with?

Either He actively controls rapist and molesters, causing them to do evil, or He does not and the sin is entirely theirs.

The rapist's sin is entirely his. All sinners are controlled by their Maker.

Which statement do you disagree with?

You can't have it both ways!

Which is not reality? . . .there are wicked men who rape . . .Almighty God controls His creation. Which do you believe is false?

I'm railing at you for claiming He actively controls them while trying to hide your accusation behind assurances that this somehow doesn't mean He's responsible.

God has told us in His Word who is responsible for causing sin and death. Not me. God.

Do you not believe God?

God says man caused sin.
I say man caused sin.

Who do you say caused sin?
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TOL Subscriber
Men are able to do as they will, even in contradiction to God's will. Yes?

Yes. In fact, that is all men are willing to do. All men sin and oppose God's will, whether they are rapists, murderers, molesters, or not.

God ordained to bring salvation to creatures, who He knew would ALL be sinners, before He created the world. God restrains the evil in this world ("controls"), in order to save many from their sins, in and through His Christ.

Otherwise you cannot claim God is not responsible for an act of rape or molestation because He is in control of it.

God is not the cause of sin. Man is the cause of sin.

Which statement do you disagree with?

Either He actively controls rapist and molesters, causing them to do evil, or He does not and the sin is entirely theirs.

The rapist's sin is entirely his. All sinners are controlled by their Maker.

Which statement do you disagree with?

You can't have it both ways!

Which is not reality? . . .there are wicked men who rape . . .Almighty God controls His creation. Which do you believe is false?

I'm railing at you for claiming He actively controls them while trying to hide your accusation behind assurances that this somehow doesn't mean He's responsible.

God has told us in His Word who is responsible for causing sin and death. Not me. God.

Do you not believe God?

God says man caused sin.
I say man caused sin.

Who do you say caused sin?

God says He is sovereign over His creation.
I say God is sovereign over His creation.

Who do you say is in sovereign control over God's creation?


New member
Hall of Fame
God is not the cause of sin. Man is the cause of sin.

Which statement do you disagree with?
The rapist's sin is entirely his. All sinners are controlled by their Maker.

Which statement do you disagree with?
The second, by virtue of the first. If God controls all sinners then He is responsible for their sin. They're tools and nothing more.
Which is not reality? . . .there are wicked men who rape . . .Almighty God controls His creation. Which do you believe is false?
That God controls all His creation. Because if this is true then He is responsible for the sins men commit.

Why are you pretending you don't get this, Nang? It should be obvious why this makes no sense. Perhaps it makes sense to you but are you so kooky that you can't see it doesn't make sense to anyone else? Why do you continue to refuse to address this?
God has told us in His Word who is responsible for causing sin and death. Not me. God.

Do you not believe God?

God says man caused sin.
I say man caused sin.

Who do you say caused sin?
God created man. Man sins. God thus caused sin and death, through His creation of man. This is how man is still responsible for his sin. I get that. Just as if I created a child and that child sinned, I would be responsible for creating that person but not for their sin. Not a difficult concept, Nang.
What is difficult is this: Will you now explain to me, after the umpteenth time asking you, your assertion that God controls sinners even as they sin? Because that is what you have said. If that isn't what you meant then I'm going to ask you why you didn't explain that way back two pages ago on this thread.


Well-known member

Just so you know, Nang isn't interesting in the complete and obvious inconsistency in her theology, especially when it comes to free will and her view of God's sovereignty. Her strategy is to just keep spouting the same obvious logical inconsistencies, in the hopes that you will give up and she'll feel justified in what she said.


Bright Raven

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Who is Marie?

My view of omniscience is consistent with LFW. If both are true, no problem. Your rejection of LFW leads to a wrong view of omniscience. I am being consistent, not believing one wrong thing leading to another wrong thing like you.

I discovered Sanders and Boyd by way of confirmation AFTER I had adopted Open Theism views on omniscience/eternity, etc.

I would say Gordon Olson's 'The Truth Shall Set You Free' or Winkie Pratney was more influential. Clark Pinnock was more familiar to me, but I like Sanders and Boyd lately (though I disagree with some key views that they hold... Boyd and theistic evolution, views on the after life, etc.).

In the end, I trust my views are based on Scripture and godly philosophy, not the writings of men that are helpful, but not authoritative.

Marie Antoinette.

You didn't answer the question. Is God in control?


Well-known member
Your question isn't purely a "yes" or "no" question. The answer is "God has sufficient control to accomplish His will, and sufficiently not in control to allow men to have true free will." (Yes and no?) ;)



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Marie Antoinette.

You didn't answer the question. Is God in control?

God is in control providentially, not meticulously. His will is not done in every detail (rape, murder, suffering, starving, etc.), but He will triumph over evil in the end.

He is omnicompetent, not omnicausal.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
God is in control providentially, not meticulously. His will is not done in every detail (rape, murder, suffering, starving, etc.), but He will triumph over evil in the end.

He is omnicompetent, not omnicausal.

I did not ask about His will. Does He allow rape, murder, suffering etc.?


TOL Subscriber
God is in control providentially, not meticulously. His will is not done in every detail (rape, murder, suffering, starving, etc.), but He will triumph over evil in the end.

He is omnicompetent, not omnicausal.

God is omnicausal, in that He is the first cause of all things, which includes establishing secondary causes. Man, who has been given secondary causal agency and human responsibilities before God, making man accountable to God, can never act in any way (good or bad) that would diminish the full attributes of God.

God is in control of all things; patiently enduring with the wickedness of men, who have been prepared for destruction. (Romans 9:22)

You people speak as if rapists and murderers are getting away with their sins. They are not. They will face the wrath of God and be cast into Hell for their actions.

Which is part of God's will and God's purpose. God will eliminate all sin, death, the devil, and wicked men.

Just because Judgment Day has not yet occurred does not mean God is not in control over evil, and letting sin reach its full measure.

AMR has given thorough answer as to divine foreknowledge and foreordination, with sufficient Scriptures. I wonder if any of you even read the verses he presented. I doubt it, for it seems truth or the deeper things of God is not sought in this place.

Vile assertions are more fun and easier made . . .



New member
Hall of Fame
I do get it, Mary.

You deny God is sovereign over all His creation.


I get it, too. You're obviously a liar and like most liars the thought of defending your lies strikes fear in your heart.
Go ahead and run away then, blasphemer. And thank your false god that the law doesn't deal with blasphemy as it should.
:shocked: :whip:


TOL Subscriber
I get it, too. You're obviously a liar and like most liars the thought of defending your lies strikes fear in your heart.

I harbor no fears in my heart, Mary.

Go ahead and run away then,

I am not running away, Mary.

And thank your false god that the law doesn't deal with blasphemy as it should.

My God is not a false God, Mary, and His Law certainly deals with blasphemy as His holiness demands.

You are spiritually not in touch, Mary . . .

So sorry.



New member
Hall of Fame
I harbor no fears in my heart, Mary.

I am not running away, Mary.

My God is not a false God, Mary, and His Law certainly deals with blasphemy as His holiness demands.

You are spiritually not in touch, Mary . . .

So sorry.


You're a loon, aren'tcha? :squint:


Well-known member
Your question isn't purely a "yes" or "no" question. The answer is "God has sufficient control to accomplish His will, and sufficiently not in control to allow men to have true free will." (Yes and no?) ;)


Foreknowledge drives it further to a theological conclusion.
God allows and thus foreordains where as in the OV, God allows, and sort of/kind of foreordains, but it is a moment by moment consideration so that foreordination is rather omnicasual and unknown.

We both try to explain the same thing but have different parameters for getting to that theological conclusion. I believe both must necessarily come to a compatible explanation and this shouldn't be the hanging point between us as we all hang on the same problems. I do feel that saying "I don't know exactly" is admitting our finite limitations in a way that glorifies Him. I believe a few OVer's actually grasp their limitations but it seems a great many others cannot see the compatiblist needs and restraints of the OV position that are rival to the [o]rthodox position.


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I did not ask about His will. Does He allow rape, murder, suffering etc.?

He allows it despite it being contrary to His will. He does not desire, decree, nor intend it. A hyper-sovereignty, compatibilistic freedom concept is the problem re: theodicy. Since God judges these evils and Jesus opposed them, it is not His will (if it was, we should be passive about evil, unlike Jesus and the Church).