Except that I supported the truth rather than jump on your bandwagon based solely on the fact that you call yourself a Christian.There is nothing in your contribution to the thread in question that would support your notion that you are "seen" as intellectually honest.
It was not my intention to encourage you. My hope was that the sting of a godless atheist handing you your butt on a platter would serve to snap you out of your delusion of a "rational worldview".You have not engaged one bit other than to take a cheap shot at me.
He wasn't maligning our Lord you idiot, he was maligning your insane doctrine.Do you prefer to let our Lord be maligned by a non-believer while sitting idly by, content with yourself?
He wouldn't fare nearly as well against me as he has with you. I've engaged him before and in the end, he proves to be no more willing to be swayed by rational arguments than you are but that doesn't mean that he can't be allowed to prove your blasphemies for the irrational nonsense that they are.If you are so intellectually honest, engage honestly with Duck and I will be the first to rejoice with you should she be moved to repent.
You're truly stupid AMR.Otherwise, you would do well to proceed cautiously for God has placed this person in our path for a reason and He will not be mocked.
For all you know, God "placed this person in our path" expressly for the purpose of showing you to be the fool you are.
Liar. You will eventually do the same with him as you have with everyone else on this forum. You have no choice, there is no where else for you to go but to mindless repetition and obfuscation.Pay close attention to the dialog between mDuck and myself. You will find (and should already observe) that I have no problems engaging as long as the discourse is civil.
You stop responding to my argument LONG before anything "personal and vitriloic [sic]" ever came from me and you know it.That is my non-negotiable condition. Once the discourse turns personal and vitriloic (as in your puerile style) what is going on is no longer discourse by any definition of the word, and I am under no obligation to subject myself to abuse.
Which only proves you to be a hypocrite.Moreover, you have observed that when the engagement goes south I am quite able to give as good as I get, too.
You can stick you terms where the Sun don't shine AMR. I won't waste any more time expecting anything resembling intellectual honesty from you.I have seen how it wearies us both. Now we can continue in this manner, you being Philippic and me being mordant, or you can unconditionally accept my terms for civil discourse.
I have no desire to be civil to you AMR. In case you haven't yet figured it out, I hate you. You are my enemy. You can stop attempting to be buddies and pretending like you want to have a civil conversation with me. I bent over backward one too many times trying to get you to respond to the arguments and all I get is you trying to impress everyone with your vocabulary and more insults and condescension. At this point I'm no longer interested. You are my enemy and that makes things really simple for me. I will treat you exactly like I treat any other enemy of the Gospel of Grace. I will expose your every lie, I will point out every flaw in your thinking, I will show every obfuscation of the truth until either you leave or repent of your dishonesty.No reply is necessary (although I doubt the eristic can forego). Just walk the talk and you will see the fruits of your civility.
Resting in Him,