Oh, I see a misconception on your part here, that I was not full aware of. It seems you believe for God to act as absolute sovereign, that He dictates the willful choices of all sinners?
God is sovereign over His creatures as Creator, and predestines the fate of all (life or death), but God also created man, in His image, accountable and responsible to subject the human will to the sovereign will of God. It is the natural resistence and failure to submit the human will to the will of God, that constitutes sin.
In the beginning, Adam was created in God's image as a morally responsible creature, with intelligence, creativity, sentient qualities, and ability to work secondary cause and effect, in submission to God's superior and sovereign morality, intelligence, creativity, consciousness, and cause of all things. Adam had the ability to fellowship with God, communicate with God, accept domain from God, and gifts from God (Eve), and fulfill human responsibilities according to Godly command. Adam knew God's goodness and greatness, and Adam was told about evil and death. Adam was put under the Holy Law of God and as designed, accountable to serve his Master in subjection, submission, humility, and thanksgiving.
Adam refused to submit his God-given abilities to his Maker, and fell into corruption, bondage, enslavement, misery, curse, and the sentence of death . . .not because God gave him a free choice to make . . .but because Adam despised how God had created him. Adam refused to believe he had to live a life of submission to the will of God, and when the serpent lied to Adam and told him there would be no consequence to rebelling against God's command, Adam fell out of fellowship and communication with his Maker, and the creation that Adam took for granted, corrupted and suffered death under his domain.
A&E reproduced as God commanded, but all their chilren were conceived and born under Godly curse and the sentence of physical and spiritual death. Adam never achieved becoming "like God," but instead simply subjected his will to Satan, rather than His Maker . . .for man was designed to submit and serve a master.
Now, due to Adam's federal headship over the human race, no man can serve God as Master, but are all in bondage to serving Satan . . .until and unless God extends His grace, and gives faith to individual sinners to believe in the redemption of the God/Man, the last "Adam," Jesus Christ.