How do you see compatibilism obviated by your statement for the settled view above?
Without going into exhaustive detail, my inclination is that incompatibilistic, libertarian freedom will win the day over confusing compatibilism. If you tweak hyper-sovereignty, you can retain genuine freedom. If you retain hyper-sovereignty, you must water-down genuine freedom. The way to have our cake and eat it to (not to mention resolve the sovereignty vs free will tension) is to have a right understanding of sovereignty and freedom. The two motif theme (God settles some vs all of history) also is part of the solution.
I still maintain that an omnicompetent God simply does not need to be omnicausal to be sovereign over the universe (He could have been a settled God/method, but the evidence is that He chose otherwise to preserve love, relationship, and that a bad thing? No. Is it risk-free? No. Will there be victory in the end? Yes).