Trust me, if it were millions open theists would be making a very big deal about it. I gave you the source for my millions, please find a source for your implied statement that any claim that there are only thousands of open theists is incorrect.
I never said truth was a popularity contest. I clearly stated that the numbers and years should give the reasoned person pause before they leap headlong into a radical redefinition of what so many other Christians believed for so long.
Paul believed and clearly taught the doctrines that are embodied in the acrostic, TULIP.
I know what I know from our discourse. You regularly dismiss commentary with a wave of the hand and some sarcasm. You hold in disdain the formally educated (as below once more). You claimed within TOL and at the discussion group to have once been a Calvinist. The whys of these things do not matter. You are what you communicate, whether you intend it or not, which is why
you should be more circumspect and less vociferous. But you appear incapable of doing either. You are like the beast of the field that is driven completely by instinctual urges. Clete simply cannot control himself.
Everywhere you insert yourself into a conversation you bring vitriol and arrogant pridefulness. As I stated
here, I have read all your words, and
no thread exists where you have participated for any length of time that does not have you berating someone with the "I am right you are wrong" aphorisms. Even at you did not take very long before you started the same behaviors (see
here) as you exhibit here. Those are the pure facts, whether you admit them or not.
Then please start a thread and lay out your arguments. I know many would be interested. In fact, world awaits Clete's refutation of Calvinism as logically incoherent and unbiblical. Honestly, do you ever step back, take a breath, and actually read what you write before reaching for the "Submit Reply" button?
I have already stated as much. No need to
reach for the rationalist favorite bible commentary, the book of logical fallacies.
Someone inform Clete of God's general and special revelation to mankind. 1+1 = 2, thus "revelation
s". I guess it does prove beneficial to be formally educated at times, no? The disdain I claim you hold for the educated is established out of your own mouth. Stop declaring the contrary for your words betray you.
I need not point to the many TOL posts. I will instead point to
this or
that God died or
this or
this, finally,
this (more of bad boy Clete's behavior getting called). You are convicted, Clete! A rationalist exposed!
Oh, my. Do I really need to point you to something? Or a web site containing bias? Pick up Grudem, Erickson, Berkof, etc., just about any systematic theology textbook, even the older tomes by Hodge or Strong. All will define omniscience and immutability as I have. It is only the openness and process theology movement advocates that have sought to redefine the attributes of God to fit their theology. How many systematic theology textbooks do you actually own? Note: Enyart's
The Plot is
not a theology textbook.
No, you have it wrong, Clete. None of God's attributes are held above His other attributes. Pick up that systematic theology book by Strong, for example, and read it carefully. You can download it at Google Books (in three parts). You just don't know what you are talking about because you have not objectively studied masters of the topic. You read with a red pencil in your hand, crossing out or writing "No!" as you read all driven by your closed minded inclinations.
I may concede this point if only to press onward. I know it is motivated by the open theist's view that God can somehow change His mind, even after He has decided to act in a certain manner. It is inexplicable, but I will yield to the modification.
I will take that as a "yes" in my case, despite the weasel wording.
Again, from the biased comes the analysis.
Again, I do not deny the connections between Calvinism, Arminianism, or open theism to the Greeks. In the end the result must be biblical. You assert my dogma is not. As above, I and the world awaits your proof.
You tried to make this stick here and at, but failed miserably in both locations. Please stop the Sophistry.
Two reasons. The first is that open theism trades too much away from God's perfections. You make the leap from an immutable God in attributes and characteristics to a contingent being. The second is that you and open theists won't seriously consider that perhaps, maybe, you are mistaken.
No, because you rely upon your bible commentary, the dictionary, to define your terms. Yet the lexicon of theology is not a dictionary, it is the scriptures. The terms love, hate, justice, freedom, etc., mean something different in a theological context when dealing with a transcendent God. This is the one fundamental flaw in all your reasoning. It is the bane of rationalism.
Letters of Augustine, pp. 949, 950.
See Calvin,
Institutes 1.17.12-14. See also J. Calvin,
Commentaries on the First Book of Moses called Genesis. (1554, reprinted, tr. John King; Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979), 248-9; and J. Calvin,
Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses arranged in the Form of a Harmony,(1563, reprinted, tr. C.W. Bingham; Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979) 3. 334.9Calvin,
Institutes 1.16.3. Berkhof's
Systematic Theology reminds us that the Reformed concept of divine immutability does not deny the reality of God’s intricate involvement in time and space. “The divine immutability should not be understood as implying immobility, as if there were no movement in God. It is even customary in theology to speak of God as
actus purus, a God who is always in action.” L. Berkhof,
Systematic Theology (1939, 1941, reprinted; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969) 59
Again, from the above I assert that you are uninformed.
You don't take the time to formally study the masters. Calvin has taught the biblical philosopher-theologian to think God's thoughts after him. Calvin refused to elevate reason above Scripture. You should do the same.