TOL Subscriber
I think most Open Theists retain their denomination bias on salvation issues while embracing aspects of a different understanding of omniscience, immutability, etc.
Undoubtedly this is so, but I do not believe it will be a successful experiment. For the reasons I have already stated: Truth is a whole, for the essence and attributes of God affect all His workings, and all His workings reveal His essence and attributes.
OVT'ers can come together in strong agreement regarding omniscience (or lack, thereof) and mutability in the Person of God, but their "various views" of His works of redemption will deteriorate, to the point that the OVT'ers will be left without a soteriology at all.
Like many anti-OT books, they make issues overlap and are really defending Calvinism vs Arminianism as much as Calv. and OT.
Well, that is not surprising, because these are the only two systematic views existent with Christendom. One is either semi-Pelagian, or one is Calvinist. I agree with Lonster's assessment in post #882, who said, "The real point of debate is omniscience vs. free will as they and we define it."
Most Open Theists are probably, basically Arminian in their soteriology.
Yes, this would be so, for one functions according to his supposed "free-will" or one functions by faith in God's sovereignty. It is an either/or condition, unless one completely abandons theism altogether and adopts paganism in one form or another.
I see no conflict between justification/glorification issues and OT distinctives. OT is not an elaborate, systematic theology like Calvinism or Arminianism.
That is what I am trying to determine. Do the OVT'ers bother to formulate a soteriological or ecclesiastical view, amongst their ranks, at all?
There is room for a variety of soteriological views even with Calvinism, Arminianism, and OT.
There is NOT! There is only ONE gospel.
For example, I am OT and deny Augustinian original sin that is embraced by Calvinism and Arminianism. It is simply not related to OT issues, per se. I also hold to Moral Government Theology, which most Arminians and Calvinists reject. Again, it is not germane to OT anymore than justification is.
Well, I would say you do not embrace Christianity at all, then. You are a humanist/rationalist; not a biblical theologian.
OT are orthodox/traditional on soteriological issues
You are contradicting yourself, for you just said there is "room for a variety of soteriological views." Which would not describe "orthodox/traditional" at all.
(not necessarily Calvinistic though,
Well, no, not according to you, for you have already stated: "Most Open Theists are probably, basically Arminian in their soteriology."
(I found this post very hard to follow, for you seem to be just rambling.)
so your beef is really an Arminian vs Calvinism debate...but even then, all Protestants agree about justification issues even if we differ on things like free will, election, etc.
It is incorrect to say all Protestants agree about justification issues. Arminians diametrically oppose Calvinists regarding obtaining justification as well as maintaining the justified state.
Free-willers credit themselves for working their justification through their choices and good deeds; where the Calvinist teaches justification was accomplished by, and is maintained by, Sovereign God on behalf of His elect people.
..again, not just an OT issue, but more Arminian vs Calv....and OT is NOT just Arm. since we disagree about some vs all issues).
Sigh. I wish you would make up your mind. You just said OT is orthodox/traditional, but now you say OT and Arminians disagree about some issues.
First, I do not believe Arminians are orthodox, but if they were, it would only be because they all agree on Scriptural doctrine and church tradition. Which they don't, and if you differ further with them, you can hardly call the OVT "orthodox/traditional."
An attempt to have a more biblical understanding of some of God's attributes (vs philosophically tainted) is not a denial of the essentials of the Christian faith, including justification.
When one denys any part of the Personhood (essence) of God, their soteriological beliefs will eventually crumble, because the ONE gospel of Jesus Christ reveals all the true and perfect attributes of God. In the case of the OT, their soteriology (whatever that may be) will suffer, probably due to neglect and lack of studious attention.
You are attacking straw men and making a mountain out of a molehill due to your lack of understanding of OT.
I feel you have given me much greater insight into the OT.
I must say I do not believe your future looks very hopeful, because your focus seems to be too much upon yourselves and not enough on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.