The problem is in saying the future is unknowable because it is not actual. Then there is Rob's question about creation out of nothing, your logic says this is a contradiction to know creation, because it did not exist.
Knowing what does not exist is knowing a nothing, correct?
And I notice you skipped one question...
I stabbed your question before. Muz has given perspective. You will not be happy until you here your answer to it, so drop it.
The future is correctly known as possible, not actual. Are you saying we make choices to be known before we are born?! This cannot be defended. Our choices occur in the present after we are born. They are not objects of actual/certain knowledge before they are made. This fits the language of Scripture which is a picture of reality. Your view is sci-fi.
Is is illogical to imagine a finished car before it is made when we have the drawings, clay models, and millions of other actualized cars? Just because the car does not exist yet does not mean we cannot imagine its existence in great detail. The issue is that you cannot touch and drive it based on plans. It must be actually built to be functional. God can envision great detail of creation and know it as such. When it becomes actual, then even man can touch, feel, smell, see. Your view makes matter co-eternal with God (Mormonism). I can picture myself in a coffin someday. I could even have a mock funeral now. But the reality is that my actual death and burial is not reality and is not a an object of certain knowledge yet. God knows reality as it is, distinguishing past, present, future, contingent and certain. This is the plain language of Scripture and logic. Anything else is a preconceived idea being read back into things without self-evident proof or reality.
Again, if the future is foreseen as fixed, God has no ability to change it, so there is no providential advantage, but a disadvantage. Prayer and our stewardship becomes nul and void leading to passivity and fatalism. The Living God is reduced to a Matrix-bound mechanistic machine instead of the creative Creator that He is.