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8 what?
8 what?
Ok. How does my statement differ from yours?
I just don't buy the whole, "God doesn't want to know", arguement. Just clay pots arguing over what the Potter intends for His creation. And when you really analyze it further, He isn't just the Potter.
He made the clay!
I mean, come on! He merely spoke and whole worlds were created! :noway:
Now that's power!![]()
The ultimate fallacy:
"God creating creatures that are not under His control"
Using loaded language like robots, sock puppets, etc., is the tactic of the desperate and reflects the humanistic underpinnings of unsettled theism. Its proponents shake their fists in the air and declare their autonomy from their Maker.
Adam pridefully thought he was autonomous, too. It was the very first sin.
The ultimate fallacy:
"God creating creatures that are not under His control"
Using loaded language like robots, sock puppets, etc., is the tactic of the desperate and reflects the humanistic underpinnings of unsettled theism. Its proponents shake their fists in the air and declare their autonomy from their Maker.
Adam pridefully thought he was autonomous, too. It was the very first sin.
Imperializing? Not in the least. Making god in ones own image? You’ve got to be kidding!
Agape4Robin said "he merely spoke" and reduced ALL of creation to an exercise of power-over by the imposition of divine will, coercion. Freedom to respond to the divinely spoken word by living-soul-beings is different. God also spoke, "Thou shalt NOT EAT" and they ate anyway. Go figure. They exercised their God given freedom to do what they were commanded NOT to do. Sinned. Power expressed in love is more than merely speaking the word. That does not imperialize (if you mean place the authority of man over God) anything. They died as God also said they would.
What Calvinism can’t get a handle on is the simple truth that God created mankind in HIS image – living souls - individuals. God isn’t a lump of clay. Neither is man a mere lump of clay. In fact the thing about us before the fall most unlike-God is that we are made of clay. But that is not all we were or are. Calvinism reduces all of creation including mankind to EMPTY clay pots. God remains supremely powerful yet grants mankind dominion over His creation. Imperializing? My foot. You have to do better than that.
Clay thinks! Only an omniconfident God could allow that one.
The ultimate fallacy:
"God creating creatures that are not under His control"
Using loaded language like robots, sock puppets, etc., is the tactic of the desperate and reflects the humanistic underpinnings of unsettled theism. Its proponents shake their fists in the air and declare their autonomy from their Maker.
Adam pridefully thought he was autonomous, too. It was the very first sin.
Godrulz said:Your straw man would be valid if finite man could overthrow God's rule of the universe (even though individually His will is rejected for them Lk. 7:30) or not get thrown into hell.
Muz said:Unfortunately, he refuses to engage in any language that would accurately describe meticulous control, calling it "loaded", and eliminating all possibility of discussion of this point.
LOL... And then he admits that Adam acted with autonomy, and that God's judgment resulted from it.
Philetus said:and/or hate it
Mainly because I make my comments with Scripture support and explanation, you do not, as the post immediately above indicates.why can AMR make unsupported assertions based on his beliefs and other posts, but I am a simpleton and rebuked if I do the same thing due to lack of time?
He knowingly and intentionally rejects everything that makes God who He is. Even his own descriptions of God, which sound the same as ours, he acknowledges as mere figures of speech. He reject the notion that God died for his sins. He rejects the notion that one is saved if they call on the name of Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, in fact he believes the opposite. That one calls on the name of the Lord and believes God raised Him from the dead IF they are saved.Can you support this?
I should point out that it is possible that while AMR is not currently a believer in the God of Scripture, he may well yet be saved. I have no idea what he believed before he became so up to his neck in the cult of Calvinism and so if he responded to God in faith, calling upon Christ for the forgiveness of his sins and believed on the basis of God's word that God raised Jesus from the dead, then regardless of how deceived and depraved his mind has become in his flesh, his soul is hidden in Christ and he will be saved but as though through fire. However, since I have no evidence that this is in fact the case, the best course would be to give him the benefit of the doubt and presume that he is unsaved and remains in his sins.I think it is possible to be Reformed and saved, don't you?
No kidding!I would also object if someone thinks I cannot be saved because I am Open Theist.
You are so naive its embarrassing. Ask AMR if God died for his sins and watch him squirm.Neither of us deny the essentials of the faith and can equally love Jesus as Lord and Savior despite different academic understanding of issues that have been debated for centuries by godly, capable people.
He bloviates uncontrollably about Calvinist doctrine but he doesn't even make any attempt to persuade anyone nor does he make any actual arguments. He simply spouts the Calvinist party line. He recites his doctrine and pretends like that amounts to making an argument. It does not!I think AMR puts some sweat into his arguments. Not finding them persuasive or cogent does not mean he is not making an argument. They probably do merit a response.
I have very few one line posts.
I agree! seems immature to ignore people rather than working through things and learning together. It seems impulsive and moody.
In fact, he prefers his immutable Greek version of God to the dynamically living God who created him.
You are so naive its embarrassing. Ask AMR if God died for his sins and watch him squirm.
You don't make arguments either godrulz. In fact, as hypocritical as it is for AMR to be the one pointing it out, he is mostly correct about the complete lack of substance your posts offer. But at least you don't camouflage your lack of substance with an over abundance of words and ego.
Indeed I do, sir, for fifty years and counting. Glad you made the proper qualification, "the God-Man" and not "God". At least some think things through from time to time.AMR: Did Jesus, the God-Man, die for your sins?
I agree that relational, personal theism (Living God vs philosophical concepts of God) is the way to go.
AMR: Did Jesus, the God-Man, die for your sins? What is Clete getting at?
With the last paragraph, I am going to get a complex:noid:
Indeed I do, sir, for fifty years and counting. Glad you made the proper qualification, "the God-Man" and not "God". At least some think things through from time to time.
Over a two-thousand-year period, but especially in the last two hundred years, we have jerked and tugged the Christian faith out of its original soil, its life-giving source, which is an honest relationship with God through Jesus the Christ. After uprooting the faith, we have entombed it in a declaration of adherence to a set of beliefs. The shift has left us with casual doctrinal assent that exists independent of a changed life. We have made the Cross into a crossword puzzle, spending our time diagramming byzantine theories of atonement. How did the beauty of Jesus’ atoning work get isolated from the wonder of restoring an authentic relationship between God and humanity?
The church may clutch Jesus to its side, but it no longer clutches Jesus to its insides. For the Jews, the unique place where God encountered humans was the temple and (before that) the tent or tabernacle. For Jesus, the unique place where God encounters humans is the human heart. But the church has embalmed Jesus in rules, codes, canonicities, and traditions that have everything to do with the church’s saving itself and nothing to do with the church’s saving the world.
Western Christianity is largely belief based and church focused. It is concerned with landing on the right theology and doctrine and making sure everyone else toes the line. The Jesus trimtab, in contrast, is relationship based and world focused. It is concerned not so much with what you believe as with whom you are following. It is less invested in maintaining and growing an institution and more invested in Jesus’ passion for saving the world.