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:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:You must of A.D.D. or something ......
Resting in Him,
Attention Deficit Disorder
:hammer: :bang: :rain: :dead: :hammer::bang: :bang: :bang:
:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:You must of A.D.D. or something ......
Resting in Him,
:bang: (Nang and Rob....Nang, adultery is a choice; talking about consequences does not negate the concept of free will choice/responsibility).
:bang: (Nang and Rob....Nang, adultery is a choice; talking about consequences does not negate the concept of free will choice/responsibility).
Does one have to be powerful to be righteous?
Yes or no.
Of course you have Rob. Otherwise I wouldn't be having to reminding you of it and repeating myself over and over again.
Well I think one really good aspect that causes righteousness to take precedence is the fact that it speaks to a person's quality! :duh:
But even if that isn't the only reason or even if you reject that as a reason, it doesn't matter. At this point you have lost the debate because you've conceded the foundation of the Open View hermeneutic
The Settled View places God sovereignty at the pinnacle position or at the very least demotes righteousness to its level and thus interprets Biblical passages in the erroneous light.
The Open View places its emphasis on God righteousness "and all that it entails" as you put it, including the fact that He is personal, relational, dynamic, loving, etc., which yields the opposite conclusion on a great many Biblical question,....
No, the agent is X.
Because going to Wendy's was an option.
Incorrect. 'A' was simply one of the options available.
Incorrect. We do not need to know what will happen in the future in order to show that an individual is able to choose 'A' or '~A.'
Muz said:The problem is that "A" is undefined in his test. It shifts based upon my future unknown choice. That's why the test is invalid: There's no standard to say whether I did otherwise or not
Choice and free choice are two different things.
Not necessarily THE desired answer, just an answer that is relevant to the question as asked. Don't make the same mistake that others here have made and forget that everything you've said is still here to be read by all.Wrong again. You repeated yourself over and over again until I gave you the desired answer. That's all.
You've already conceded it as fact! And the Bible says it takes precedence and so it does - period! I don't have to know precisely why to know factually that it is indeed the case.And this is the question - Why does righteousness take precedence over authority in your thinking? Please don't keep stating it as a fact without at least some proof.
That was said more for the benefit of those who might be reading this who's eyes have likely glazed over and might have missed what was really happening when you conceded the central point of the debate.Thanks for letting me know I've lost
I've already stated that as clearly as I know how in the previous post. This, of course, is not intended to be a text book on the Open View and I am hardly qualified to offer any sort of technical definition beyond the one I have already offered.and what is the foundation of the hermeneutic, precisely please?
All of the qualitative attributes. God is personal, dynamic, relational, wise, righteous, and loving. There may be others as well.This is a claim. What attributes are foundational to(and therefore should take precedence to, according to your thinking) God's sovereignty?
I edited out AMR's lip service to free will because it wasn't relevant to the point I am making but you can click the link beside his name if you want to read the whole post.[snip self-contradictory lip service given to free will]
[/FONT]Now was Adam totally free from the eternal decree of God? Absolutely not.
Could Adam have done differently? Absolutely not.
Any other answer to these questions obviates the clear teachings of the Scriptures—that God works everything in conformity with His eternal purposes (Ephesians 1:11), decreed before the foundation of the world to save a multitude of sinners who would fall in Adam.
Non-sequitor.Ok. Are you saying that according to open theism all of God's attributes find their foundation within His righteousness? If true, then what proof do you offer that righteousness takes precedence over all the other attributes?
You've already conceded it as fact!
And the Bible says it takes precedence and so it does - period!
I don't have to know precisely why to know factually that it is indeed the case.
I have possited with some credibility that it is because an absolutely horrible person can have a very great deal of authority but the that is not true of righteousness.
Righteousness speaks to the quality of a person and that's what God is most concerned with. He is not impressed with someone's position of authority or how many followers a person might have. God is interested in whether or not one loves God and loves their neighbor.
If you think you can come up with a better reason as to why righteousness take precedence over authority I'd love to hear it.
That was said more for the benefit of those who might be reading this who's eyes have likely glazed over and might have missed what was really happening when you conceded the central point of the debate.
Rob said:What attributes are foundational to(and therefore should take precedence to, according to your thinking) God's sovereignty?
Clete said:All of the qualitative attributes. God is personal, dynamic, relational, wise, righteous, and loving. There may be others as well.
(Calvinism and Arminianism are only two versions of the same thing, Calvinism being the more rationally consistent of the two).....
I edited out AMR's lip service to free will because it wasn't relevant to the point I am making but you can click the link beside his name if you want to read the whole post.
Now which do you think requires this qualification that AMR has stated here, the Biblical text or AMR's theology? The text doesn't say a word about Adam's conformity to God's will but rather the reverse! In fact there is absolutely no way that you get AMR's theology from reading anything in Genesis chapter 3 (or any other chapter for that matter). And what's more if Adam could not have done otherwise God is unjust for having punished Adam for his rebellion.
And don't go off attempting to debate what AMR has said here Rob. I know you can't help but be distracted by every example someone tries to give, but just try to stay focused on what we are talking about here. That being the Settled View's placing of God's authority over and above everything else, including justice as exemplified in the above quotation.
You conceded that righteousness takes precedence over authority while still questioning why.
You've conceded that a primary difference between how the open view and the settled view interprets Scripture has to do with our keeping this precedence in place while the settled view does not.
I have further demonstrated (and you've conceded) that I have Biblical reason to give righteousness precedence over authority.
And so now its your turn.
On what Biblical basis do you place God's authority on equal or higher standing to His righteousness?
I would say that God's righteousness (i.e. His love, justice, etc) is the most important of all His attributes but I would not say righteousness if the foundation of all of His attributes. The fact that God is a person, for example is not founded upon the fact that He is righteous. God could not be righteous if He were not a person and so if anything it is the other way around but that takes us off the subject once again.
Let me try for the hundredth time to get this though your head. We are not talking about ranking in precise detail each and every one of God's attributes. You keep trying to turn it into that but its a red herring argument on your part. What we are debating here is which is more important, the reach of a man's arm or the quality of his character?
Well my eyes must have been glazed over because I have missed the victory itself. Unless it was uncontested.
I didn't concede any such thing.
I'm trying to discover if there is any rule for precedence within attributes. For instance does righteousness take precedence over knowledge? If so, why? Because I'm trying to find out if you consider knowledge(the reach of a man's arm) or righteousness(quality as defined by you) the greater and why? This question is central to me understanding what the rules of precedence within open theism are. I'm not asking for precise details on each and every attributes, just these two. Thanks. You chose to rank righteousness and authority for your example.
Really? Semantics?
Rob conceded the very point he denies conceding in the very post in which he denies conceding it!
And his question, in spite of the fact that it is irrelevant to the discussion, has already been responded too.
I don't know what sort of fantasy world you two are living in but I'm not interested in having the same conversation all over again. You can pretend like the last two or three days of posts didn't happen but they are all still here for people to read and I am content to let them stand on their own.
Resting in Him,
This is Clete's M.O. Rob . . .declaring victory despite independent views from his own.
But this is how Clete works:
Originally Posted by godrulz View Post
(Nang and Rob....Nang, adultery is a choice; talking about consequences does not negate the concept of free will choice/responsibility).
The mere fact that you had to even say this goes to show the straws at which they must grasp in order to maintain their irrational and unbiblical worldview.
Choice and free choice are two different things.
I am not the one who defined the words quality and quantity and you conceded that a person need not be a quality person to have authority.Ok. Just a couple more questions, please. You claim that righteousness takes precedence over authority because righteousness is qualitative and authority is quantitative as defined by you.
Asked and answered.My question is: What makes a qualitative attribute take precedence over a quantitative attribute?
The whole Bible!What's your scriptural proof?
The fact that He acts in the best interests of others.If it's the verses you quoted then consider this: What makes God righteous in your view?
That would be a tautologous definition of righteousness.It's the fact that He rejects evil, isn't it.
This might just be the pinnacle of your stupidity on TOL, Rob! It's not even worth a response.So then couldn't it be said that God's knowledge(of good and evil in this case) is foundational to His righteousness; and, according to your thinking, takes precedence over His righteousness?
This is not what I have agreed too. What I have agreed to is that knowledge is not what makes you a quality person. That is to say that a person who knows more than I do is not by virtue of that knowledge better than I am.I'm sure that you would say that God's knowledge is 'quantitative' since you don't have to be knowledgeable to be a 'good person' as you and I have agreed.
Look Rob, I can't help it if you concede the question being debated. When you do such things you can expect me to declare victory. I'm not here to be your buddy, I'm here to defeat you in debates when you decide to participate substantively which is next to never in your case but when the opportunity presents itself I relish the thought of exposing your error.I have been wanting to ask this question, but your sudden victory and my ensuing humiliation caught me off guard.![]()
I am not the one who defined the words quality and quantity and you conceded that a person need not be a quality person to have authority.
Look Rob, I can't help it if you concede the question being debated. When you do such things you can expect me to declare victory. I'm not here to be your buddy, I'm here to defeat you in debates when you decide to participate substantively which is next to never in your case but when the opportunity presents itself I relish the thought of exposing your error.
Resting in Him,