I don't find it embarrassing at all.
Which is precisely why I find you to be so distasteful a person.
Let me speak plainly. I can find NO references to this 'qualitative'/'quantitative' thinking within reputable Christian thinking.
And so your standard is "reputable Christian thinking" rather than the plain teaching of Scripture which I have quoted to you in quantity and plain reason which you have conceded large portions of yourself.
Yet another reason I find you to be so distasteful a person.
Is this a new methodology employed by modernists essentially exhalting some of God's attributes over the others?
Is the book of Psalms new? In fact I believe it is about 1000 years older than Christianity itself!
This is my concern. I'm listening to what you are saying, but it appears to me that open theism and it's rationales are the challengers in this debate and are, therefore, somewhat handicapped because of the lack of historical support. In addition, open theism's position as 'challenger' firmly places the entire burden of proof upon them which many here forget.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the burden of proof Rob. How much more proof do you want? I've quoted Scripture repeatedly, all of which you have ignored. And you've admitted that things like strength and knowledge do not make a person better than another. What other proof could be presented?
I am not a theologian, nor am I a would-be theologian so I must find support for ideas from within the accepted thinking of Traditional Christianity.
This is an intentional lie. You are very definitely a theologian. Not a good one and certainly not a professional one but you are a theologian nonetheless and you very well know it. It would not be possible to engage these discussions otherwise.
I am not qualified to answer many of the questions that are put to me, so often my responses my seem unresponsive because I'm simply trying to understand this 'new' language you are speaking.
This is another lie. If this were true you would simply ask me to clarify or to restate the question some how. But you don't do that. What you do is ignore the context of the question and pretend like I've asked something totally different that what I've asked so as to shift the subject to a topic with which you are more comfortable. It's called intellectual dishonesty. When you see intuitively that you are being led to a conclusion you don't like, you arbitrarily change direction. It is a sign of an unrepentant heart which loves its theology more than the truth.
Quantitative vs. qualitative for example. My first question was 'what does this mean'. Of course, your response was that I should 'intuitively know', but how could I since it's new thinking?
It isn't new thinking Rob! I'm not speaking in code here. Quantity means how much and quality means how good. It's the same meaning that the words had the first time you used them way back in 1st grade (or younger). If you think that what I'm talking about is difficult to understand its only because you are trying to make it difficult.
As far as you finding me 'distasteful', I am shocked to hear it.
No you're not. Stop lying Rob! Sheesh!
Of all those on TOL, I expected you the most likely to appreciate that I don't simply bend over and take every argument presented to me as truth --- because that would be truly dishonest.
I agree that simply accepting whatever anyone said without examination would be just as intellectually dishonest as you are being by doing the opposite which is rejecting anything you don't already believe and refusing to acknowledge when a sound argument has been made that refutes those beliefs.
I'm sure if you knew me, you wouldn't find me so.
I'm not! Are you saying that in real life that you are somehow magically tranformed into a person who knows how to think and is willing to do so honestly and accept the conclusions that sound reason and the Scripture lead you too?
Yeah right!
It does require work to convince me since I have no desire to be 'part of the gang' or to simply 'go along with the group' when my beliefs are at stake. Anyway, back to the discussion.....
Now this sentiment I can appreciate! Do you think I like being the only Open Theist that I know in my entire city? Try finding an Mid Acts Dispensational Open Theist in your town sometime, you won't find one. You want stress? You want to feel anything other than like you're "part of the gang"? Try becoming an Mid Acts Dispensational Open Theist and see how you feel when nearly every sermon you hear turns your stomach. Try realizing that while not ever haven darkened the door of a seminary you know for certain that you understand the gospel message better than every pastor in your town. Don't even talk to me about not taking the easy road. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I've already answered this:
Would I say a good quality person must be righteous, knowledgeable, strong, merciful, loving, charitable......? Obviously not. These are all good qualities, but to be a 'good quality' person; you need not possess them all. Your 'goodness' would be described by only some of your qualities, not all of them. Just as your intelligence would be described by some of your qualities, not all of them.
Which of them are the "some of them" you are referring too? The underlined portion of your quote is what prompted the question Rob! What planet are you on?
You give a whole list of various attributes and then say only some of those attributes are needed to be a "good quality person". Which one's? Which are necessary for being good and which are not?
What could be a 'good quality' of an evil man? Could an evil man also contain mercy or power to a point? Is their good and evil in every man simultaneously? I understand that you want me to focus on what qualities help define righteousness and call those superior to the other qualities, but indeed they are not superior in the sense that you are presenting them.
You see what I mean Rob? You are dishonest. You just admitted that you understand the question I am asking and you know that you cannot answer it without proving everything you've been arguing over the last few days wrong and so what do you do? You refuse to answer? That isn't honest Rob! That isn't being difficult to persuade away from your beliefs. That's being impossible to persuade away from your beliefs! I've led you step by step by step to the water and you now refuse to drink and take pride in your thirst! That's foolishness Rob. You are a fool.
They are all integral to each other especially when speaking of our Lord.
Not when you are talking in the context of QUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop changing the subject! Not even one full paragraph goes by and you lose focus on the whole discussion! You just got through saying and even underlining the notion that not only of these characteristics are needed to be a quality person. YOU JUST GOT THROUGH SAYING THAT!!! And now you flip over like a pan cake and say the opposite!
It is true that righteousness doesn't need strength or knowledge to exist, just as knowledge doesn't need righteousness or mercy to exist. This doesn't mean that righteousness takes a 'back seat' to knowledge; because they are both 'good qualities' with merits of their own.
Now you flip flop again! Inside of a single sentence! :bang:
You cannot have it both ways Rob! Either strength and knowledge makes you better than the next guy or it doesn't. Which is it? All other things being equal, if you are know more than your neighbor, are you therefore a better (i.e. higher quality) person than your neighbor? Yes or no.
I'm going to refrain from claiming that you believe righteousness is foundational to all of God's qualities because you keep denying that I know what you think.
Do you just skip over the Bible verses I quote or what?
What I believe is what the Bible plainly states. Righteousness is the foundation of God's authority. That's a great big problem for your theology Rob. You are incapable of thinking it through sufficiently to figure it out but we'll get there one day, maybe.
I will, however, remind you of your response that pointed out that that each quality exists independently. It's the combination of these qualities which express God's essence.
This is not in dispute and is therefore entirely irrelevant!
We've digressed to more than a day ago at this point. :bang:
We're back to the single baby step stage. Focus exclusively on the following question...
Which attributes are required to make a person a "good quality person" Rob.
Resting in Him,