... death came to all men because... who sinned?
Romans 3:23 (and Rom. 1-3) reminds us that all men sin and fall short of the glory of God. We cannot blame Adam, Satan, potty training, parents, friends, teachers. We must take responsibility for our own selfish rebellion.
Adam's sin was the occasion for sin entering the world with the consequence of physical depravity and propensity to sin entering the human race (and passed on...we are all tainted by death). Adam's sin was not the cause of Clinton 'not having sex with that woman'. Clinton's will, mind, and sex organs were the cause of his wrong choices. Many other atheists from the seed of Adam have remained sexually pure because they did not chose to smoke cigars, etc.
Physical death comes to all men as a consequence of Adam's sin. Spiritual and eternal death comes to the individual because they all follow in Adam's footsteps (moral depravity is not genetic, but volitional).
Romans 1:18 ff. shows that the wrath of God comes on men because of their own wickedness, not because their parents conceived them and we can all trace our roots to Adam, the common ancestor of men.
Is this on the right track muz?
(I have been mandated to not learn from or teach the other guy that confuses metaphysics and morals).