As long as someone keeps professing that God is a free moral agent, it's going to be hard to ignore their stupidity.
Francis Schaeffer (True Spirituality; thinker/apologist and man of God):
"The most basic teaching of the Bible is that God exists, and what He is, and the corollary of what man is as made in God's own image. We live in a personal universe, and not in an impersonal one. God exists, God is personal; we are personal, as we have been made in the image of God, and our relationship to God is to be personal, not mechanical. We are not machines, we are not plants, we are not mere animals, but men created in the image of God- rational and MORAL. When we were created, we were created for a purpose. And the purpose of our creation, in which all our subsidary purposes fit, is to be in a personal relationship to God, in communion with Him- in love, by choice, the creature before the Creator.
But sin destroyed this. The creature tried to be on the same level as the Creator; the finite sought to be placed on the same level as the infinite. And now, when we are saved based on the FINISHED work of Christ, our guilt is gone and we are returned to the proper relationship, not in a mechanical sense, but in a personal relationship of communion."
This does not contradict John's emphasis (and yours) about LIFE in union with Christ. God is not immoral. Man has a conscience. The Law reflects God's holy character. This is in the technical realm of morals, in contrast to the technical area of knowledge dealing with metaphysics (stuff/being= God is uncreated spirit, not created matter).
Moral should not be confused with morality. Just because you define things narrower than the rest of the world does is not a reason to pick a fight or deny self-evident truths.
'Free moral agent' (God is personal and holy, not an impersonal, evil blob) was also used by theologians in the 18th-19th century when men were more literate. God makes choices. Jesus made choices. These were right choices, not evil choices. They came from His will, not a causative nebulous nature. It is not my fault that you are part of an illiterate generation and fail to appreciate terms that communicate truth. Your issue is semantical and ignorance. We should not have to invent new, imprecise terms due to your simplistic confusion between moral and morality.