ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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Everytime I post verses from the bible, godrulz, you NEVER have anything to offer but excuse after excuse. It's either a metaphor, or that's a bad translation, or it's not what some theologian teaches, or that's what so-and-so teaches, or some other mish-mash of mindless rhetoric.

How in the world you get away with people defending you is beyond me.

Some can think critically without bias.

I know what the KJV says, but I do not know what you mean by it. The KJV translators understood the traditional view, so you are misunderstanding what they wrote by reading your ideas into it. Calling for clarification is not being unresponsive, but putting the onus on you for quoting the KJV but changing their intended meaning/beliefs without warrant.

If Jesus uses a metaphor (I am the bread of life), I am not off track by defending Jesus' use of language just because you fail to recognize biblical figures of speech. I do not call everything a metaphor and I also remind us that they convey spiritual truth and reality, not dismiss it.

If the WT translates Jn. 1:1 'a god', I call them on the perversion and give the correct translation. You have a problem with this?

Since I follow 800 threads and have posted 1000s of times, it is not fair to stereotype me. On the tongues thread, I gave extensive evidence from I Cor. 14 on Paul's teaching on the subject. Everyone ignored this and reverted to ad hominem attacks on the nutbars. Your silence is deafening and shows your prejudice.

Cat without the mouse was no fun. Welcome back, jack.


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I don't believe it for a minute.

It's a free country. You have a right to be wrong and cling to blind bias over reality.

God is Judge, so quit playing judge, jury, executioner with imperfect information and lack of omniscience to see hearts and exhaustive life details.:box:


New member
It's a free country. You have a right to be wrong and cling to blind bias over reality.
It is solely based on the overwhelming evidence from your own mouth. It is not an opinion, but simply the result of what you say. No one who says the things that you do about the gospel could possibly have ever received Christ by faith. It's just not possible. You are wrong on nearly everthing you believe about His sacrifice, His resurrected life, salvation, sin, His identity, a Christian's identity, the Law, and God's nature.


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It is solely based on the overwhelming evidence from your own mouth. It is not an opinion, but simply the result of what you say. No one who says the things that you do about the gospel could possibly have ever received Christ by faith. It's just not possible. You are wrong on nearly everthing you believe about His sacrifice, His resurrected life, salvation, sin, His identity, a Christian's identity, the Law, and God's nature.

This message brought to you by the sponsors of radio preacher, not theologian, Bob George, and his myopic understanding of the Bible.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
That was in connection with the keeping of the law and not righteousness. The law is for the unrighteous and not the righteous. All three who pasted by were unrighteous, not righteous. No where does Jesus say that the deed of the samaritan was a righteous act. So no, my position has not changed.

PS. I never read the article because in wikipedia what is says can change from minute to minute.

A perfect post to exemplify the reason why you are a totally complete waste of time. :bang:


Well-known member
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You should read Bob George's "Classic Christianity". Great book! Not perfect but really good anyway. :thumb:

Yes, I think I should. I like things that are cutting edge and radical, though the truth is usually in the middle somewhere. I did look for a copy.

Sorry for the tongue-in-cheek quip, Mystery. I'm trying to fish you out of your den.

I'm close to picking up 'The Plot' again :)


Well-known member
It is solely based on the overwhelming evidence from your own mouth. It is not an opinion, but simply the result of what you say. No one who says the things that you do about the gospel could possibly have ever received Christ by faith. It's just not possible. You are wrong on nearly everthing you believe about His sacrifice, His resurrected life, salvation, sin, His identity, a Christian's identity, the Law, and God's nature.

I read back about 10 pages back and have been keeping with this thread. Can you point to where this is substantiated? Was it another thread?

I'm not seeing anything out of his mouth that would support your statements here.

Elucidation please. It is bold and needs support.



*1 Timothy 3:16 verse is awesome btw.


New member
I read back about 10 pages back and have been keeping with this thread. Can you point to where this is substantiated? Was it another thread?

I'm not seeing anything out of his mouth that would support your statements here.

Elucidation please. It is bold and needs support.



*1 Timothy 3:16 verse is awesome btw.
Based on his posts over the last couple of years.

Honestly, I like William, but he is unteachable, and gathers his understanding of the gospel from what he has read from biased theologians and not from the bible. He won't debate the bible without those resources.


Well-known member
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Based on his posts over the last couple of years.

Honestly, I like William, but he is unteachable, and gathers his understanding of the gospel from what he has read from biased theologians and not from the bible. He won't debate the bible without those resources.

Which resources are those? I read Finney many years ago and cannot remember much of it. My recent reading has been about Open Theism, which does not deal with these salvation issues (omniscience primarily).

We all read the Bible, but interpret some things differently. We have all read books, so could have picked up influences. Everyone has bias or preconceived ideas.

My views cannot be pinned on biased theologians. I do not know of any that agree with me on everything or articulate it the way I do.


New member
A perfect post to exemplify the reason why you are a totally complete waste of time. :bang:
We as humans have an understanding as yours is. When we see someone do a good thing we say,"that was a righteous act." That does not mean that it was a righteous act biblically. It is from a human perspective but not from a biblical perspective. I understand what you mean and it is correct from a human perspective. I do not take human perspective as Godly perspective.


New member
Of course I see the difference! This was MY point! "Our righteousness" does not exist! It is Christ's righteousness which has been imputed to us. We did nothing, He did everything!

The point is that HE DID SOMETHING!!!!
That has never been disputed. The question is not has Jesus done something or has God done something, but WHY did they do what they did.
How many times would you like for me to quote Romans 5:8? And it is that righteous act which makes it possible for God to justly declare us righteous.
No disagreement there.
Without it, God could not do so and remain righteous Himself.
Correct, God had to do that which His nature dictates.

No matter how many times you try you very simply will not succeed in divorcing God's righteousness from God's action.
On the contrary, you cannot divorce God's actions from His righteousness. He must act in accordance to His nature.

It is His decision (an act of the will) which makes Him righteous. Without choosing to act, His action has no virtue of any sort.
God is not "made" righteous., any more than He is "made" light or truth.

e4e said:
A righteous act proceeds from a righteous character that we have received from God.

This statement is true of us but only because we are born with a fallen nature and require God's life in order for our nature to be considered righteous but even before we are saved, we can act in the best interest of others and thus act, in that instance, righteously.
Clete, think about what you just said here. We are righteous if we have God's life and it is our nature that is righteous. This is true. Earlier you said... "Our righteousness" does not exist! That is correct, before we are given God's nature when we receive His life by His Spirit, there is none righteous, not even one, and yet, like you said we could do those things that were righteous acts. We could perform the same acts then that we do now, but we were never righteous until we became a new creature in Christ! Why, because righteousness as a condition that brings about righteous acts, just as light is a condition that dispells the darkness.

Again this idea that no one with a fallen nature is capable of acts of righteousness is simply not Biblical. No one in the Old Testament had anything but a fallen nature and there are hundreds of actions throughout the Old Testament which God calls righteous and people whom He calls friends.
Once again, as you already affirmed...

"Our righteousness" does not exist!"

These were inaccordance with faith. Just as Abraham was accounted righteousness.

If it is not God's actions (whether in thought or deed) which makes Him righteous, then what does? How does one define righteousness apart from action?

In responding to this post, an idea came to mind.

I know that we both have about the same view of "time", and that it is not a thing. Time exists, because God is active, and there has never been a time when God has been inactive. It's a which came first scenerio, and obviously we know that God is the first and the last. Are you pouring the same meaning into righteousness as you are into the time scenerio? Are you saying that righteousness exists because God exists, and that there has never been a time when God was not active? You see the same thing can be applied to light. There has never been a time when God's light has not shined in the darkness.

Therefore the question remains, is righteousness the substance of His nature, just as light is, or is it more like time, and exists because He is active.

You might choose the latter, but I am more inclined to believe that righteousness is related to His being than to His activity.

Certainly both are worth further consideration.



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If I say the things that Clete does, I am a godless unbeliever (righteousness has an element of choice). If Clete says it, he is a godly genius as long as he says some other things that you agree with.

I want a lawyer for a human rights case of discrimination.

Whether Clete or I agree with every subjective idea that you have is not the basis for our salvation. Grace and faith in Christ and His finished work is the issue, not saying the right things (in your mind) about sin or Christian living concepts.


New member
If I say the things that Clete does, I am a godless unbeliever (righteousness has an element of choice).
Clete is teachable, and uses the bible to make his points (for the most part).

You make yours by accusing people of some theological affilation that you consider heretical, simply to be a jerk. Everything you say is based on a fundementel underlining of self-righteousness. You don't even recognize that you do it, but you do. You take any doctrine that you espouse, and you can always follow your line of reasoning back to you being righteous by what you do. It's there everytime. You are a moralist, and a moralist is not a Christian.


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How about the two of you just ignore one another?

I hear and obey.

For the record, I am not a moralist if I am in Christ (already saved by grace) and doing what He Himself did: loving obedience to the Father instead of lawlessness. I would be a moralist if I had religion and ritual apart from Christ.


New member

How about the two of you just ignore one another?
Does this mean that I will be able to have a conversation with someone else without always being told what creed or pre-established theological position I hold or don't hold, without a jot or tittle of biblical evidence to support it?

I'm all about that. :thumb:
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