ARCHIVE: Is it ever right to deny Christ?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
So Nigeria is a free country, just like the USA, with similar freedoms?

And people living in homes which they own are having individual (un-government related) people entering their houses and tying them up? And the the psychopathic murderer is asking if they are Christians (YES or NO) with a gun to their child's head?

Is that what is happening in Nigeria Freak?

It is apparent you were speaking out of your rear.

Yes, thats what's happening.....Ever heard of Sharia Law and the problems Nigeria is facing at this very hour as Muslims are entering Christian homes and killing them?


New member
Originally posted by Flipper
Sheepdog wrote:

Well if you're so wise, perhaps you can tell me at what age a child knows enough right from wrong to be executed for dishonoring his father and mother?

Very good and legit question...

I'm still waiting for my brothers and sisters to answer this question.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Flipper
Yxboom wrote:

I thought that it was exactly this sacrifice that the entirety of Christianity was founded on? Isn't the supreme example of paternal inaction to be seen in the crucifixion? The ultimate wrongful sacrifice of an innocent who would not deny what he knew to be true?
Flipper, really, seriously... you are way off base. You are not adding any value to the discussion because you haven't been following it closely enough or failed to pay attention.

So either get with the topic or bud out.



New member
Originally posted by Knight
Flipper, really, seriously... you are way off base. You are not adding any value to the discussion because you haven't been following it closely enough or failed to pay attention.

So either get with the topic or bud out.


Another threat to Flipper. I think Flipper has brought some legit questions that you believers are failing to answer.

No wonder atheists (like Flip) don't like Christianity because of all these threats directed to them.


Originally posted by Freak
It is apparent you were speaking out of your rear.
Freak doesn't even have his own material he has to take it from DDW the TOL witch :nono:

Consorting with atheists and now witches too eh Freak.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

It is apparent you were speaking out of your rear.

Yes, thats what's happening.....Ever heard of Sharia Law and the problems Nigeria is facing at this very hour as Muslims are entering Christian homes and killing them?
OK, great now tell me....

Do you condemn the ones who out of fear and or desire to save their family did not oblige the wicked?

YES or NO do you condemn them?


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom

Freak doesn't even have his own material he has to take it from DDW the TOL witch :nono:

Consorting with atheists and now witches too eh Freak.

Actually, it was a term I used about Me Again about a year ago....


New member
Yxboom wrote:

Not only have you disturbed the thread with pitting false claims against me but you do know you are sabbatoging the thread on this discussion of adultery and the death penalty as this threads intention is to discuss "A believer denying Christ" If you wish to continue the discussion you need to go over to an appropriate thread otherwise I will delete your posts.

Sorry about the false claims thing - I was going from memory (which is obviously faulty on this).

However, I think that there are parallels to be drawn between deny Christ (or not) when innocent lives are at stake. However, I will discontinue any posts about adultery.

The question of innocence seems to have relevancy here though, no?

I mean, if they were guilty criminals, you wouldn't be having this discussion, right? Shouldn't views expressed on another thread have a bearing on this thread if they are relevant, or if there is an apparent incoherency.

Sheepdog, I withdraw my question, you can answer it on the other thread, if you so have a mind. Or start a new one.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Another threat to Flipper. I think Flipper has brought some legit questions that you believers are failing to answer.

No wonder atheists (like Flip) don't like Christianity because of all these threats directed to them.
No he hasn't added anything, he isn't even on the topic!

But I guess misery loves company.


Originally posted by Freak

Very good and legit question...

I'm still waiting for my brothers and sisters to answer this question.
It is for the courts to decide. Get rid of your Hello Kitty Bible and read

Deu 21:18-21 KJV If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: (19) Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; (20) And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. (21) And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
OK, great now tell me....

Do you condemn the ones who out of fear and or desire to save their family did not oblige the wicked?

YES or NO do you condemn them?

No Knight it's not great. Nigerian believers are dying for their faith. Why should I continue to discuss with you when you are mean spirited to your fellow brother in Christ?

I believe it is absolutely wrong to deny Christ intentionally in light of what Jesus has said. Look, if you can't accept that then fine. That's your decision. BTW, you are NOT obliging the wicked as you say-you honor Christ by not denying HIM!


Originally posted by Flipper
Sorry about the false claims thing - I was going from memory (which is obviously faulty on this).
Originally posted by Flipper
However, I think that there are parallels to be drawn between deny Christ (or not) when innocent lives are at stake. However, I will discontinue any posts about adultery.
If there are parrallels to be drawn you should have drawn them as it is too late now.
Originally posted by Flipper
The question of innocence seems to have relevancy here though, no?
Denying Christ is the relevant topic.
Originally posted by Flipper
I mean, if they were guilty criminals, you wouldn't be having this discussion, right? Shouldn't views expressed on another thread have a bearing on this thread if they are relevant, or if there is an apparent incoherency.
You will see that guilt has no bearing on the conversation as Freak is concerned because the other Death Penalty threads bear this out in plain view.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

No Knight it's not great. Nigerian believers are dying for their faith. Why should I continue to discuss with you when you are mean spirited to your fellow brother in Christ?

I believe it is absolutely wrong to deny Christ intentionally in light of what Jesus has said. Look, if you can't accept that then fine. That's your decision. BTW, you are NOT obliging the wicked as you say-you honor Christ by not denying HIM!
Your not denying Christ INTENTIONALLY Freak can't you see that?

It's everything BUT intentionally!

So here is how we stand....

The murderer enters my house, ties me up and threatens to murder my kids because he thinks we might be Christians. I deceive the murderer. He leaves. I call the authorities and hopefully the cops kill the guy in a blaze of gunfire.


The murderer enters Freaks house, ties up Freak and threatens to murder Freaks kids because he thinks they MIGHT be Christians. Freak obliges the wicked man and he then proceeds to shoot all of Freaks family and Freak. The murderer leaves the house and moves on to the next house.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Sheepdog

Then instead of sending in troops to protect them, we should be supplying the Muslims with guns?
Yea!!! Think of all the witnessing we could be doing!!! LOL!

By the time they murder all those Christians those Muslims are sure to convert!

Dee Dee Warren

Freak doesn't even have his own material he has to take it from DDW the TOL witch

Consorting with atheists and now witches too eh Freak.

Err, good point. A name for which Freak has yet to apologize though he froths and foams at smaller slights directed at him.


New member
Originally posted by Sheepdog

Then instead of sending in troops to protect them, we should be supplying the Muslims with guns?

We tend to forget the words of our Savior Jesus when He once said: And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Does that mean allow ones enemies to destroy your family. Of course not! Defend your family but in the process don't deny Jesus. You can do both. My family has accomplished this while serving Christ overseas. The focus is to love those who persecute you and attempt to do good to them. What better way to do good then by showering them with God's love, grace, and mercy. But don't deny knowing Christ in the midst of terror-the enemies need to see the overcoming life-Christ and His life-which will allow you to overcome not to deny.


Proverbs 31:10
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Originally posted by Yxboom
As pious as you may think you sound Cirisme it is very unrealistic. And since it is a command as a father to seek the well-being for their children to allow their children to be sacrificed for the sake of hollow words sheds a very horrid light on that man as a father who would sacrifice his own children on the alter of a misguided conviction.

In a way, I both agree and disagree with you here, YX. I believe that God wants us to want the best for our children. But, I also think my daughter woud be better off in heaven beside our Father than to live in this world knowing that her mother denied Christ.