ARCHIVE: Is it ever right to deny Christ?



Originally posted by Flipper

And what if you refused to answer the question or chose to take no action, and the gunman murdered your children. Do you then share responsibility? Have you partaken in their murder?


New member
Originally posted by Flipper

Oh really? I thought that you established on that threat that no one was innocent. Not one. Well, not unless they were older than some arbitrary age... Five, was it? Maybe eight?

Good point Flipper. These guys are so illogical it's mind boggling!


Originally posted by Flipper

Oh really? I thought that you established on that threat that no one was innocent. Not one. Well, not unless they were older than some arbitrary age... Five, was it? Maybe eight?
Did I establish that or are you trying to take one of Freak's inane posts and pin them on me. Surely you could do better than that.

Nathon Detroit

Let's get one thing clear.....

When a psychopathic murderer wants you to deny Christ or die YOU ARE NOT INTENTIONALLY DENYING CHRIST!!!!


You are ACTING!

You are being coerced!!!!

You don't REALLY deny Christ!!!

You are only mouthing the words to diffuse a wicked situation.

God is smart enough to understand the situation at hand and would be happy to see you thwart the wicked murderer.


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom

Did I establish that or are you trying to take one of Freak's inane posts and pin them on me. Surely you could do better than that.

Legit concern Yx.

You have failed to answer many questions. You love to deflect.


Originally posted by Freak

Good point Flipper. These guys are so illogical it's mind boggling!
Of course it is a good point since he is quoting your arbiturary age restriction. Freak in co-battle with an atheist. There was once a time Freak would have had an aneurysm. Nothing personal Flipper.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Let's get one thing clear.....

When a psychopathic murderer wants you to deny Christ or die YOU ARE NOT INTENTIONALLY DENYING CHRIST!!!!


You are ACTING!

You are being coerced!!!!

You don't REALLY deny Christ!!!

You are only mouthing the words to diffuse a wicked situation.

God is smart enough to understand the situation at hand and would be happy to see you thwart the wicked murderer.

Knight, that is very weak view that is horribly incorrect. Was Peter an idiot or James a fool to die? They were killed by psychopathic murderers.


New member

They are guilty of.......adultery tried and convicted and punished by death. They are not a sacrifice for they have partaken in a criminal act punishable by death

Errr... well, actually, I think you'll find that most people don't think that adultery should be punished by death. I know you think that its an absolute rule, but as you can provide insufficient evidence for its absolute source, then your views ride roughshod over the views of more liberal christians and non-believers who don't think adultery should be punishable by death, or even that it is a crime.

No more than being a fundamentalist Christian should be a crime.


Originally posted by Freak
Legit concern Yx.

You have failed to answer many questions. You love to deflect.
I am not gonna ask if you are that stupid since you have overwhelmingly proven you are. So I will simply ask how is the concern legit he is using your logic to diffuse mine when I disagree with you to begin with.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Knight, I'm sort of disheartened by your recent personal attacks upon me. None were leveled at you.
Freak your being foolish!!!

Your not thinking!

I am hard on every Christian who makes Christians look brainless.

Don't kid yourself I don't discriminate.

You continue...
So, how do you know what's going on in Nigeria? From your daily newspaper or do you have loved ones as I do in that part of the world?
Nigeria isn't the USA.

Nigeria, and the USA are very different.

Not only that but we have defined this hypothetical situation pretty specifically, therefore it is not the same as Nigeria.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
No it isn't happening in Nigeria. What we are talking about is completely different than what is happening in Nigeria.

We are talking about a specific hypothetical situation here in the USA under current conditions. When a psychopathic individual enters your house by force to murder your family.

Nothing like what is happening in Nigeria.

Re-read your post Knight. You said "Nothing like what is happening in Nigeria"

Well....your wrong.


New member
Yxboom wrote:

Freak in co-battle with an atheist. There was once a time Freak would have had an aneurysm. Nothing personal Flipper.

True enough. I'm not in agreement with Freak here (obviously, as an atheist I think that you should say whatever it is you need to say to save lives). However, it seems to me that there are inconsistencies with what I am reading here with what I have read on other threads, and so I am pointing them out. Perhaps they are reconcilable?

Still, it's an odd feeling to be on nominally arguing in the same vicinity is Freak. Perhaps the Perettis of this world are correct, and these are still more signs of the End Times?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Knight, that is very weak view that is horribly incorrect. Was Peter an idiot or James a fool to die? They were killed by psychopathic murderers.
Your hopeless!

How many times have we gone over this????

Peter, Paul and all the other Christian martyrs WERE NOT IN THIS SPECIFIC SITUATION!!!!!

I have already stated what they did was noble!!!

And I hope I would be as brave as them.

But this situation is different. And if you cannot see the distinction then frankly your just a fool.


Originally posted by Flipper
Errr... well, actually, I think you'll find that most people don't think that adultery should be punished by death. I know you think that its an absolute rule, but as you can provide insufficient evidence for its absolute source, then your views ride roughshod over the views of more liberal christians and non-believers who don't think adultery should be punishable by death, or even that it is a crime.

No more than being a fundamentalist Christian should be a crime.
Not only have you disturbed the thread with pitting false claims against me but you do know you are sabbatoging the thread on this discussion of adultery and the death penalty as this threads intention is to discuss "A believer denying Christ" If you wish to continue the discussion you need to go over to an appropriate thread otherwise I will delete your posts.


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom

Not only have you disturbed the thread with pitting false claims against me but you do know you are sabbatoging the thread on this discussion of adultery and the death penalty as this threads intention is to discuss "A believer denying Christ" If you wish to continue the discussion you need to go over to an appropriate thread otherwise I will delete your posts.

ohhhhhh a threat against our resident atheist. You must feel powerful huh Yx?>


New member
Yxboom wrote:

And what if you refused to answer the question or chose to take no action, and the gunman murdered your children. Do you then share responsibility? Have you partaken in their murder?


I thought that it was exactly this sacrifice that the entirety of Christianity was founded on? Isn't the supreme example of paternal inaction to be seen in the crucifixion? The ultimate wrongful sacrifice of an innocent who would not deny what he knew to be true?


Freak it is time for your diaper change. Because Flipper knows that I am cool with him and it isn't against him as a threat.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Re-read your post Knight. You said "Nothing like what is happening in Nigeria"

Well....your wrong.
So Nigeria is a free country, just like the USA, with similar freedoms?

And people living in homes which they own are having individual (un-government related) people entering their houses and tying them up? And the the psychopathic murderer is asking if they are Christians (YES or NO) with a gun to their child's head?

Is that what is happening in Nigeria Freak?


New member
Sheepdog wrote:

That is the same kind of of stupid reasoning that liberals use to compare aborted babies and death-row inmates.

Well if you're so wise, perhaps you can tell me at what age a child knows enough right from wrong to be executed for dishonoring his father and mother?


Originally posted by Flipper
I thought that it was exactly this sacrifice that the entirety of Christianity was founded on? Isn't the supreme example of paternal inaction to be seen in the crucifixion? The ultimate wrongful sacrifice of an innocent who would not deny what he knew to be true?
Christianity is founded on the execution of an innocent man, namely Jesus.