ARCHIVE: Is it ever right to deny Christ?



Originally posted by Knight
Everybody but you and Jaltus and Freak!

I thought it funny that Cirisme would be the one asking if we are all on the same page.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
I am so shocked to read that many here would actually sacrifice their children to some maniac for a completely meaningless reason!

I say "meaningless" because my denial to the gun wielding nut is false! Therefore I am not doing anything brave by demonstrating to a delusional criminal that I am Christian.

Now, on the other hand.... if the government became increasingly wicked and put me on trial for being a Christian and if my life depended on me denying Christ I HOPE I would be so brave as to NOT deny Him even if it cost me my life.

I say "HOPE" because I am human. I am weak! I think I would be brave and profess my faith but I cannot say for absolutely certain. I pray that I will never be in that situation.

But that isn't what we are talking about here. We are discussing a meaningless slaughter of my children! My professing Christ would mean nothing, God wouldn't see that as bravery! I think He would see it as a disappointment. I suspect that God would be a little disappointed that I didn't use my wisdom like the Hebrew midwives did and thwart the evil plan so that I and my family could live and alert the authorities to the man in an effort to save even MORE lives!

Knight, where has your mind gone to?

You said: say "meaningless" because my denial to the gun wielding nut is false! Therefore I am not doing anything brave by demonstrating to a delusional criminal that I am Christian.

What??!!! You can't be serious? Who says your witness for Christ is meaningless. Martyrs throughout the centuries have laid thier lives down for the sake of Christ and they too were called fools for Christ. Even Jesus was mocked because of His death. That "delusional" criminal needs Jesus. Your witness may bring him/her to Christ. But denying Jesus in the midst of that situation is absolutely wrong!


Freak again!!! For the umpteenth time, it is the sacrifice of others for the self-denial of Christ that is being called into question.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Knight, where has your mind gone to?

You said: say "meaningless" because my denial to the gun wielding nut is false! Therefore I am not doing anything brave by demonstrating to a delusional criminal that I am Christian.

What??!!! You can't be serious? Who says your witness for Christ is meaningless. Martyrs throughout the centuries have laid thier lives down for the sake of Christ and they too were called fools for Christ. Even Jesus was mocked because of His death. That "delusional" criminal needs Jesus. Your witness may bring him/her to Christ. But denying Jesus in the midst of that situation is absolutely wrong!
Oh.... this is so painful sometimes....

Why is that I have to explain everything to you Freak? Couldn't you try to think things through once in a while? Why do I have to do all the heavy lifting?

When some nut is about to murder my kids the last thing I am worrying about is witnessing to the murderer!!!!!

My kids are more important than some delusional psychopath!

If I have the ability to grab my gun I would blow this guys head off! Wouldn't you? But if that isn't possible I will do whatever I can to neutralize the situation so I can call the authorities and stop any further violence this guy might cause throughout the neighborhood!

This specific situation is unlike any Christian martyr situation in that it is in the privacy of my home and my families lives are at stake - not just my life!

Dying for a cause can be a noble thing. But dying for no cause (which is what it would be since we are dealing with an individual wacko) and taking your family with you is not noble at all!

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
Freak again!!! For the umpteenth time, it is the sacrifice of others for the self-denial of Christ that is being called into question.
Don't bother him with the facts he is on a roll. :rolleyes:

Let the guy murder your kids and yourself as long as you can slip him a Jack Chick Tract. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Oh.... this is so painful sometimes....

Why is that I have to explain everything to you Freak? Couldn't you try to think things through once in a while? Why do I have to do all the heavy lifting?

When some nut is about to murder my kids the last thing I am worrying about is witnessing to the murderer!!!!!

My kids are more important than some delusional psychopath!

If I have the ability to grab my gun I would blow this guys head off! Wouldn't you? But if that isn't possible I will do whatever I can to neutralize the situation so I can call the authorities and stop any further violence this guy might cause throughout the neighborhood!

This specific situation is unlike any Christian martyr situation in that it is in the privacy of my home and my families lives are at stake - not just my life!

Dying for a cause can be a noble thing. But dying for no cause (which is what it would be since we are dealing with an individual wacko) and taking your family with you is not noble at all!

Look, Knight, if you want to hold that view, that is between you and God. I just know many other believers around the world who would attempt to disarm the criminal but would not deny Christ in the process. Of course, defend yourself but just don't deny Christ in the process that is what I'm saying.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Don't bother him with the facts he is on a roll. :rolleyes:

Let the guy murder your kids and yourself as long as you can slip him a Jack Chick Tract. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

That is unfair, Knight.

Defend yourself but never deny Christ in the process.


I think a repeat of my previous comment is in order since you need to say things like 3 or 4 times for Freak to understand.

Originally posted by Yxboom
Just as Jepthath to sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering. Are you not doing the same? To appease God you will sacrifice your children on the altar.

Unlike Jepthath who did not kill his daughter you would have.


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom
I think a repeat of my previous comment is in order since you need to say things like 3 or 4 times for Freak to understand.

I'm not appeasing God. My life is Christ. I lay down my life as He laid down His.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Look, Knight, if you want to hold that view, that is between you and God. I just know many other believers around the world who would attempt to disarm the criminal but would not deny Christ in the process. Of course, defend yourself but just don't deny Christ in the process that is what I'm saying.
If that is possible then OF COURSE THAT IS WHAT I WOULD DO!!!!!!!!



It is NOT possible then I am gonna do whatever it takes to difuse the situation so I can stop this lunatic from killing me, my kids and the neighbors around me.

What about you Freak? What if there are NO other options?

Imagine the lunatic ties you up in a chair, aims his shotgun at your child's face and asks..... "Yes or no are you and your family Christians....? Answer me YES or NO in three seconds or I blow your kids head off!"

What do you say Freak?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
If that is possible then OF COURSE THAT IS WHAT I WOULD DO!!!!!!!!



It is NOT possible then I am gonna do whatever it takes to difuse the situation so I can stop this lunatic from killing me, my kids and the neighbors around me.

What about you Freak? What if there are NO other options?

Imagine the lunatic ties you up in a chair, aims his shotgun at your child's face and asks..... "Yes or no are you are you and your family Christians....? Answer me YES or NO in three seconds or I blow your kids head off!"

What do you say Freak?

That's very easy to answer. I would say Yes I am a Christian. My family and I have faced a similar incident in Benin back in 1997. It is absolutely wrong to deny Christ intentionally.


And God was pleased that you have partaken in the murder of your very own children :nono:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

That's very easy to answer. I would say Yes I am a Christian. My family and I have faced a similar incident in Benin back in 1997. It is absolutely wrong to deny Christ intentionally.
Intentionally?????? That's not intentionally!!!! You are being coerced!!!

Your a fool, and you are the reason that unbelievers reject Christianity. They see the illogical stupid things that Christians like you say.


The greater sadness is that after partaking in the murder of your very own children you would fight for the release of the gunman to escape capital punishment :down:


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom
And God was pleased that have partaken in the murder of your very own children :nono:

God was pleased that the blood of believers was shed as a witness to His awesome glory. As Proverbs tells us: He giveth and He taketh away, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

BTW, you don't have to agree with Knight everytime (we all can see you attempt to do this), he's not your daddy.