ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Soulman

Clete, perhaps you thought I was being rhetorical.

How does the episode between the Levite and his concubine [Judges 19 and 20] fit into your "biblical worldview"?

You followed with an ethics quiz, and I complied, but you failed to answer that particular question.

Where I derive my moral authority is beside the point. You are shifting responsibility for your beliefs away from the concrete (the episode in question) to the inconclusive “ether” of a debatable, philosophical abstraction. We are not discussing MY worldview, or the Buddhist worldview, or the “Frodian” worldview. We are discussing the "biblical" worldview.

Taken at face value, the episode in question appears “reprehensible,” yet nowhere is it treated as such in the context in which it is found (or anywhere else). In fact, the opposite is true. God shows his “approval” of the Levite’s conduct by overlooking his behavior, as well as his perjured testimony, and rewarding the Israelites (and the Levite) with a tarnished “victory” over Benjamin.

No one is questioning your ability to debate the “generalities” of your position. In fact, I would submit that you’ve already done so, effectively, given the bias and limitations of the presuppositional method and a “biblical worldview” at variance (to say the least) with the observable world. Apply your position to this specific case, and we'll see how it holds up.


I will not argue as though you have a leg too stand on Soulman! That would be answering the fool according to his folly.

By what standard is this act reprehensible? How did you confirm the verity of this standard?
By what means would you determine whether my world view "held up"?
How do you know that your method of determining this will give you accurate information?

If your world view cannot yield logically coherent answers to these questions you have no business asking for similar information concerning my worldview, it is hypocritical. You are the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Resting in Him,


Banned by Mod

What I think is irrelevant. That's the point.

Can’t believe I missed this before, this is great. That’s the problem, Clete. Nothing you think is relevant, and by your own admission it’s the point of what you’re getting at. Why should anyone listen to someone who admits what they think is irrelevant anyway? What you’ve told me in this quote is that you have suspended the use of your brain. You claim to have cut off my arms and legs but friend, you just removed your own head.

By the way, sorry about my recent absence. I’m sure y’all missed me, but I’m in the process of moving so things have been a little hectic. Let’s see, what’s next…

Ah yes!

Thus the Christian world view is the correct one because of the impossibility of the contrary.

Um, yeah, Ima need chapter and verse to back this up with. I don’t buy into the bible, but I’d like to see how you justify this. Just for kicks.


Hilston is saying we need common sense which according to these posts is not that common. When my eyes lie to me there is water on the road ahead of me while driving through a desert road, who actually argues it may be a mirage, Soulman or Hilston? Of course, Hilston.

Okay, this is just a really bad analogy. Sorry, but it is what it is. All I got from this is that not having a biblical worldview affects non-believer’s common sense. That’s just bad theology I think.

You have repeatedly been told - Knowledge based on belief is NOT empirical. Why do you demand it should be Prodigal?

Because it’s not that innocent. Fundamentalist Christians are not that innocent. They are attempting to pass off their belief based knowledge as indisputable. I see a problem with that.

I’m so backed up. It’s incredible. Back to Clete now.


It is the only world view that doesn't lead to endless question begging and logical incoherence.

You see, here’s your problem again: You think that having questions is a bad thing. As for the logical incoherence, well, I just don’t think you’re capable of seeing through my eyes. You may say the same thing, and that’s fine, but I’ve always said that you’re free to believe and see whatever you want to believe is there, regardless of what reality dictates. It’s just not as illogical as you would like to believe. The search for truth is in no way illogical, and to say that YOU, and all true Christians alike have arrived to some higher plateau of existence, and to threaten us with your god, and with hell without even the slightest shred of proof that what you believe IS in fact what is and will happen, well…

It kind rubs me the wrong way.

I have never had such a decisive victory in any debate with an unbeliever before

Now this is just arrogance. I’d like chapter and verse in the bible where it justifies your attitude. I’m sure you’ll probably find one, but for every one thing the bible says there’s usually another verse that contradicts it.

I can only assume that this in reference to the quotation I made in reference to Soulman making a judgment without knowing the facts. If so, I had this exact teaching in mind!

I think Wickwoman was just using that scripture for your attitude in general, Clete. You are, in point of fact, somewhat unpleasant.

while their own world view has been factually shown to be in that very condition.

If that happened I missed it. Sorry to make you backtrack, but in a nutshell, what was the fact/s that demonstrated my worldview to be in such an unfortunate condition?

What is relevant is what the Bible actually teaches and whether or not that teaching is in agreement with reality, which it is, and must be because of the impossibility of the contrary.

You religion possesses thousands of theologians who have spent their lives disagreeing on the existence of what you are saying. What the bible actually teaches has been up in the air since common people got their hands on it. No one agrees where you claim they agree, Clete.

Who or what Biblical writers held in esteem apart from the Lord God Jesus Christ is utterly and totally irrelevant especially if that thing was in conflict with the Bible itself. The point is that Enoch is not in the Bible and is therefore not to be considered of divine origin.

Unfortunately a “sinful” man, or group of sinners were in charge of leaving that out of the bible. How can you say with any certainty that those in charge of discerning what was and wasn’t divinely inspired, were not just mistaken? What assurance do you have? According to what you and Hilston have argued, you really have no assurance, because you rely on the bible to validate your senses and the bible was manufactured by men with their own hidden agendas.

I will discuss the moral implications of this episode in Scripture with you when you have established that you have any grounds upon which to make such moral observations and judgments in the first place (which I do not believe you will be able to do).

Ah, the dodge. Make a challenge impossible for any man to best without your worldview and then walk away claiming victory. Clete, do you really think you’re fooling us?

They are disqualified because they cannot account for rationality, logic and the ability to know facts in the first place

Okay, Ima need scripture, chapter and verse backing up what you’re saying here. Also I’d like to know on what grounds you make this blanket statement against every other worldview on the planet. There is nothing unique about Christianity. There are other ways of explaining things, and some of them make far more sense than Christianity in the first place.

Where does the bible ever make mention of itself? Is there a verse somewhere that implicates the necessity of the bible?

You can debate all day long about what the Bible means here, or is that piece of Scripture over there to be taken literally of figuratively or whatever and you can do that till the cows come home but until you acknowledge that the Biblical world view in general is true then you can get nowhere in the discussion because you've thrown out the baby with the bath water!

That’s right. The discussion will go nowhere, but that’s not our fault. Your reliance upon your “biblical worldview” has handi-capped you in a very serious way, Clete.

I will not argue as though you have a leg too stand on Soulman! That would be answering the fool according to his folly.

Ah, the dodge. When faced with such a blatant challenge you dodge. Your behavior is predictable, Clete. Once again you’ve shirked responsibility and discredited yourself.

If your world view cannot yield logically coherent answers to these questions you have no business asking for similar information concerning my worldview, it is hypocritical. You are the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.
This isn’t about Soulman’s worldview. This is about yours. That was the idea in the first place. If your religion isn’t completely unnecessary, than defend it. This was about you, Clete. This was about you and your kind. The only form of defense you have is to admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations.

You still have yet to defend yourself, Clete. Whenever challenged you shrink back with some pathetic counter question to cover yourself, but we’re just not accepting it any more.

You need to come up with some better answers. You need to start doing that fast.


Man you are so pumped, it’s awesome! I wish I could quote your whole post, but I’m gunna be goin’ into double over time anyway on this post. I’m glad you can be so enthusiastic and at the same time so caring about it, thank you.

If the Bible was "written to be impossible to understand," then it would be no good to ANYONE But yet it offers the FREE GIFT of eternal life to EVERYONE

Think about it!

Holy smokes dude you are totally into this thing! You’re the best “Christian salesman” I’ve ever seen.

Ah, now on to my good friend, LH…


I never said that. I said that it can't be proven with your senses.

Well golly, LH, that’s kind what I’ve been looking for this whole time, proof that can be tested with the five senses. I appreciate the debate, but I think all you’re going to be good for is making my case.

You actually heard those? What other superpowers do you have?

Hey man! You’re stealing my material!

no amount of "pen spinning" is going to save you. Nor will it prove anything to you.

What you’re telling me here is quite like what Clete has told me. He said that what he thinks is irrelevant, that’s a problem. Now you’re telling me that instead of relying on my eyes to draw conclusions as to the visable aspect of reality, I should rely on detecting that which cannot ever be detected in a physical reality. Hmmmm.

I can't reject Him. I know Him. And I am in Him, as He is in me.

So you don’t have free will? I’m confused.

Prove Jesus is not the Lord, and we shall see.

I’m workin’ on it. Make no mistake.


Religion will NEVER be obsolete. That infact, was one of prodical's assertions. If he was not self-obsessed with his own thoughts and started listening to what other people write, he could have seen jjjg's post

Oh yeah, fifty-million Americans can’t be wrong. That was such a profound point, it really set a new standard for this thread.


You will convince no one with inflammitory remarks like that.

I don’t think Soulman is trying to convince anyone of anything.
Soulman just wasn't using his head when he wrote that.
Clete admitted that much to me about himself. Think I quoted him above.
Sorry it took me so long to respond, sorry about the length of this post.

Yours truly,



New member
Originally posted by Soulman

Where I derive my moral authority is beside the point. You are shifting responsibility for your beliefs away from the concrete (the episode in question) to the inconclusive “ether” of a debatable, philosophical abstraction. We are not discussing MY worldview, or the Buddhist worldview, or the “Frodian” worldview. We are discussing the "biblical" worldview.
Given my Biblical worldveiw:
The Bible is for bad people. Or, for people to see who they truly are. if you haven't hit "rock bottom", you don't really know yourself yet.

Hey, maybe you are one of those lucky people who never wished someone would die, never felt dirty, never made a fool out of yourself, never acted like a lazy idiot, and never, never EVER took advantage of another human being.

Maybe you never acted like a total hypocrite.

If so, I am honored to have the pleasure of actually talking to you.

As for me, I am no different than the avarage Joe.(or rather, Jane) Strip me of all my decent upright training, and the positive peer pressure of others, put me in a compromized setting, and I will act like every other evil-doer out there by "nature".
This Bible-story just illustrates my point beautifully!
Originally posted by Soulman

Taken at face value, the episode in question appears “reprehensible,” yet nowhere is it treated as such in the context in which it is found (or anywhere else). In fact, the opposite is true.
No, actually like I said, God is telling us what kinds of things "respectable" God-fearing people are capable of. :chuckle: Talk about one big situational mess.

BTW, would you mind responding to my post to you? Thanks.


New member
Originally posted by billwald

(jumping in)

>First: Religion as a system is man trying to reach "enlightenment" by his own means.

>Second: A relationship is a covenant between God and us, sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

This is an example of Christian Gnosticism: re-defining common words and terms in a non-standard way so that only insiders can understand them.

Second, then the Noahic, Abrahamic, and Mosiac covenants were also sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ, right?

Words like: religion, enlightenment relationship, covenant, and sealed are easily understood words. None of them have been re-defined by what I said.

Check out the book: The lost Secret of the New Covenant By Malcolm Smith.


New member
I don’t think Soulman is trying to convince anyone of anything.
Perhaps you are right, but then why is he here?

Another thing; just because Soulman was not thinking in one post, (or perhaps just on a different mission than I thought) doesn't mean I think that Soulman is a person who doesn't think in general.

I make stupid comments on a regular basis, I am sure; so you can count me in with Clete, if you want, but I do feel that what I think is important. God never wanted to give me a lobotomy.


New member
Originally posted by prodigal


Oh yeah, fifty-million Americans can’t be wrong. That was such a profound point, it really set a new standard for this thread.


Your disillusionment with organized religion and western rationalism is already transparent.

What set the standard for this thread is your outrageous claim that religion is obsolete - attacking the Bible to be obsolete. How about the Holy Quran? Is Islam also obsolete? In short, are ALL "world religions" obsolete?


New member
Originally posted by Royal_Lion04

First: Religion as a system is man trying to reach "enlightenment" by his own means.

Without the concept of God?

Second: A relationship is a covenant between God and us, sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Which is the opposite of religion: God comes to us, we can't get to Him. Try as we may it simply does not work! But God on the other hand can make a relationship with Him possible because of the of the sacrifice He made, not anything we have done.

Sounds like the heretical new age movement to me.

People may be practicing religion but as I said before It does not work. It will always fall short, because nothing we do is good enough.

Just testify nothing you do is good enough, because you cannot include everybody religious in your shortcomings and testimony.

Making a conclusion that religion does not work is a denial of reality and living a life of deception.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by dotcom

Originally posted by lighthouse


First, what is religion as a system?
Second, what is relationship with Christ without a religion?

Religion is alive and strong. Are you guys also claiming Islam as a religion is obsolete?
Religion as a system is man-made. And full of doctrine, and belief that it is the "correct" doctrine that means someone is saved. And religion tends to take place apart from a relationship with Christ. My trust is not in men, it is the One who gave himself for me. I believe Him, above all else. And He leads me into all truth. So, religion [as a system] is obsolete. A relationship with the Lord is the only that saves.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by prodigal

Ah, now on to my good friend, LH…


Well golly, LH, that’s kind what I’ve been looking for this whole time, proof that can be tested with the five senses. I appreciate the debate, but I think all you’re going to be good for is making my case.
I know that's what you've been lokking for, and it doesn't exist. God isn't physical, He is spirit. He is not tangible. He doesn't have an aroma. He does not speak to those who will not listen. He is not visible to those who will not see. And he doesn't have a taste.

Hey man! You’re stealing my material!

Anyway, you may find those lyrics lame, but they are true. Finding God with your senses is like trying to smell the color 9.

What you’re telling me here is quite like what Clete has told me. He said that what he thinks is irrelevant, that’s a problem. Now you’re telling me that instead of relying on my eyes to draw conclusions as to the visable aspect of reality, I should rely on detecting that which cannot ever be detected in a physical reality. Hmmmm.
What God thinks, says and does is relevant, when you are seeking Him. Nothing else is.

So you don’t have free will? I’m confused.
I have free will, but there are certain things my spirit will not allow me to do. As there are things my body will not allow me to do. I do not wish to do harm to my body, so my body will not allow me to purposely harm myself. I could never bring myself to do it. Just as I have no desire to leave Christ, because I know Him so intimatley and I love Him, and He loves me and knows me. I can not do that which I do not wish to do.

I’m workin’ on it. Make no mistake.
And you won't be able to do it.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by dotcom

Originally posted by Royal_Lion04

Without the concept of God?
None of us said anything about the concept of God. But the truth is that many religions are based on false concepts of God, including denominations within modern Christianity. That is why people leave the church, and belief...they had a flase concept of God, and either found out it was false, or just didn't like a god who was like that. So they left that idea of God. The sad thing is that too many people throw the baby out with the bathwater. Myself, I left the concept I had of God and sought God Himself. I found Him, and realized that the concept I had was a false one. I left religion, for a relationship.

Sounds like the heretical new age movement to me.
How so?

Just testify nothing you do is good enough, because you cannot include everybody religious in your shortcomings and testimony.
Nothing anybody does is good enough. We must be holy, as our Father in heaven is holy. And only He can make us holy, by imputing righteousness to us. It is only then that we are saved. And it is only in a relationship with God that we are saved, for we are not saved if we are not His.

Making a conclusion that religion does not work is a denial of reality and living a life of deception.
No it's not. The only thing that works is to know God, and make Him known.


New member
I agree with the terrorist, control freak, and idiot part.

I gather this is your way of saying there is no Truth there - I just would suggest that you look beyond the faults of others, and look to what the core message is, and realize that you too are not perfect. There is wisdom and truth in the Bible, but you have to seek it with all your heart - if you condemn your fellow human beings without understanding them, their hardships etc. This is just common problems that we as human beings face, common faults, but there is a spark of genius in each one of us, it is up to us collectively and individually to bring out the best in people. When we do this, we bring out the best in ourselves.

With Christ's Love



New member
Hall of Fame
What a nutty weekend this has been.

Clete may think he's taking some moral "high ground" by refusing to discuss the gang rape and subsequent dismemberment of an innocent concubine, but he's really just stuffed his ears and closed his eyes. If he cannot or refuses to explain the heinous episodes of scripture to someone who's challenging him, he's the one without a leg to stand on.

This coming from the master of the Great and Undefined Biblical Worldview himself...


New member
Originally posted by 1PeaceMaker

But, if you wind up at the pearly gates, you won't call the picnic off will you? I would be so dissapointed...

No way! But we might get into trouble for being too noisy.


New member
Originally posted by gabriel

...Hey Wickwoman. Potato only has an "e" if it is more than one potato, as in, gabriel will bring the sweet potatoes to the soiree with granite, soulman, prodigal and thee. i volunteer to organize. i suggest for music some good ole "down-home blues", some heavy metal and a bit of classical ...... granite, dark german beer for me please..... and soulman, plenty of spicy mustard for our turkey sandwiches. i can feel the excitement! :D

Allright. Gabe's in. Anyone else? Sounds like quite a party!


New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

Religion as a system is man-made. And full of doctrine, and belief that it is the "correct" doctrine that means someone is saved. And religion tends to take place apart from a relationship with Christ. My trust is not in men, it is the One who gave himself for me. I believe Him, above all else. And He leads me into all truth. So, religion [as a system] is obsolete. A relationship with the Lord is the only that saves.


Now answer the second part of my question. Is Islam a religion? According to your understanding of "obsolete", is Islam obsolete?


New member
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

I can only assume that this in reference to the quotation I made in reference to Soulman making a judgment without knowing the facts. If so, I had this exact teaching in mind!
Jesus is not teaching not to judge at all but is teaching not to be hypocritical when you do judge. This passage is the golden rule applied to the hypocrite. As you do unto others, it will be done unto you. If you judge someone harshly for something that you are guilty of yourself then you will be judged with the same harshness. Therefore, don't judge someone over the speck in their eye until you have the plank removed from your own.

Actually, it wouldn't be judging for "something that you are guilty of yourself," because there is a large difference between sawdust and a plank. So I would contend that the plank in your eye is that you believe you are worthy to judge. And the sawdust in mine, is whatever sin you believe me guilty of.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Prodigal, Wickwoman, et al have been claiming (judging) Christianity to be a false belief system based upon their belief that it cannot be validated or proven by any objective means, while all the while their own world view has been factually shown to be in that very condition. Thank you wickwoman for proving my entire point, Jesus Himself has argued my position from the 7th Chapter of Matthew.

Clete, you are making snap judgments of several entirely different people with differing beliefs. Are we all alike to you? Guess what? I've never said that you can't prove God exists, I've never said you can't prove Jesus lived. But, you cannot prove to me you are a Christian given your current behavior. And, that's the only real objective evidence of Christianity I need. The benefit to its adherents. And you have proven that it is not beneficial. So why should I consider your religion valid and beneficial for me based on your behavior?


No, actually like I said, God is telling us what kinds of things "respectable" God-fearing people are capable of. Talk about one big situational mess.
In the Levite's case, God backed-up his perjured testimony (we can only assume God knew he was lying), so we are left to conclude that God is contributing to the "situational mess," as you call it.

The only thing that's "logically coherent" about the biblical worldview is that it has no apparent impact on the lives of those making such claims, not even on professing "God-fearing men."

So -- what GOOD is it?

On one hand, the Christian points to "transformed lives" as "proof." On the other hand, the Christian points to "non-transformed" lives as "proof."

Pretty good trick! :thumb:
