ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


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"And when Muslims are confronted with who the Bible says Christ is, they believe the Quran to be false."

Maybe I'm picking nits here, but you certainly gave the impression that all Muslims confronted with the Bible suddenly drop their devotion to Allah. In any event, I'll go back to my original response: so what? Even if some Muslims convert to Christianity the opposite can and does happen.


New member
Originally posted by Hilston
As to the grounds upon which you ought to throw yourself upon God's mercy, they are as follow: You know He exists; you know you are accountable to Him; you know He will commit both your body and soul to hell if you do not repent.

Dear Hilston:

I see from your posts to Prodigal is that you were offended he said that Christians shouldn't push their beliefs on others because they can't be proved. Your response to him was you can't prove anything. How does that prove your God is real? It doesn't. If anything, it makes it LESS provable.

As for me knowing that God will "commit both my body and soul to hell," I know no such thing. As a matter of fact I vehemently deny it. And ask you for objective proof thereof.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by granite1010
...Even if some Muslims convert to Christianity the opposite can and does happen.
I know of several former Christians who are now Muslims...


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Hilston:

I see from your posts to Prodigal is that you were offended he said that Christians shouldn't push their beliefs on others because they can't be proved. Your response to him was you can't prove anything. How does that prove your God is real? It doesn't. If anything, it makes it LESS provable.

You missed the point. Jim isn't saying that "you can't prove anything" at all period, but that prodigal (and you) cannot prove anything based on your world view. It isn't that nothing can be proved but that without a logcially coherent foundation (which you and prodigal do not have) nothing can be proved.
(I know, I know double negative city.)

Resting in Him,


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wickwoman writes:
I see from your posts to Prodigal is that you were offended he said that Christians shouldn't push their beliefs on others because they can't be proved.
I wasn't offended. I was just pointing out to him that he was being hypocritical and putting requirements on others that he wasn't willing to put on himself.

wickwoman writes:
Your response to him was you can't prove anything.
No. My response to him was that Prodigal cannot prove anything on the basis of his own presuppositions by his own stipulated criteria.

wickwoman writes:
How does that prove your God is real? It doesn't. If anything, it makes it LESS provable.
Since you misunderstood my point, those statements don't apply.

wickwoman writes:
As for me knowing that God will "commit both my body and soul to hell," I know no such thing. As a matter of fact I vehemently deny it. And ask you for objective proof thereof.
What will you accept as "objective proof"? How do you define "objective"? And is your definition of "objective" itself objective? Or is it a subjective definition?


Banned by Mod

(It's not His fault you can't see them. But no one ever said you couldn't use them. It just appears to me that you wouldn't want to use them.)

And why should I? Anything I have ever received has been from the hand of either myself or someone I know, god has never given me anything.

(You're missing everything. You refuse to open your eyes, to see what is there. And my pointing it out to you is going to do nothing, because you haven't seen it yet. Why should I believe that you'll see it when I point it out? All you'd do is refute it.)

I've missed nothing, LH. There's nothing to miss. What the heck do you mean by opening my eyes? And if pointing it out to me won't do a lick of good, than what good is evangelism in the first place? If it is nothing that can be pointed out, than what good is "it"? And if the only one who can reveal it to me is god, than what good is he if he hasn't?

(You're an arrogant little twit who thinks God owes Him something. God doesn't owe you anything.)

You're right, god doesn't owe me anything. You're wrong that I think it does though. The only person who owes me anything is me, that's why I worship myself.

(No. I have a god who leads me into all truth. I know Him. I've met Him.)

By your own admission you haven't heard god speak, you haven't seen god. Your mind is playing tricks on you. What's more feasible, the idea that an invisible deity has revealed itself to you, or that your imagination has gotten the better of you?

(And I don't have to prove anything to you, either. And neither does God.)

I know you don't have anything to prove to me, that's the point.

(You said that if what I believe was as true as I say it is, then everyone would believe it. Yet, not everyone believes what you believe. So, based on your own logic, what you believe must not be as true as you say it is. Which is it, prodigal? Or are you going to continue to be a hypocrite?)

I agree, not everyone believes in me. I don't tell them that they should. I do have the proof that I'm worth believing in, I'm young, strong, smart, handsome, full of potential. My family and friends believe in me because they see the fruit of my labor. I don't blame my success on god, I, and my fellow believers blame it all on me.


I appreciate the answer you gave me. You actually talked to me instead of at me and your usual tone of intellectual superiority was almost non-existant. But you still have me convinced of nothing. Your answer for how to validate my senses was to convert to a biblical worldview. I'm not quoting you verbatim, so if I missed something, please let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Converting to a christian worldview brings us right back to square one, Hilston. You tell me that until I can validate my senses I shouldn't attack christianity. I accepted what you said, I asked you for a way to validate my senses. You came back and said the only way to validate my senses was to convert to a christian worldview, right so far? Hilston, you're arguing in a circle, and I haven't fallen for it. If the only way to validate my senses is to go back to a biblical worldview than you're asking me to believe in that which I don't. You're asking the impossible, you're trying to get me to play a game in which you're the only winner, and there is no reasonable outcome except that which YOU desire.

Hilston, I was on the cusp of respecting you, I was on the cusp of taking all of your high class intellectual blatherings seriously. I was excited about learning something new, but as I feared, your words are useless to me. I want nothing more than an admission from christians that they can't prove anything they believe, and you told me that I can't prove anything I believe because blue MAY NOT be blue but it COULD BE red. That's not good enough, Hilston. The sky IS blue, not red. Everyone knows it. An apple tossed into the air WILL fall, even if I throw it a million times. To say that it MAY NOT fall is not good enough for me. The fact that it always has fallen is enough for me to accurately and certainly predict that it always will. Telling me that there is a possiblilty for it to fly away one day, is not good enough.

Hilston your argument is based on a world view that you cannot prove. I can predict that what I believe in will happen, and then I can prove it. You can't do either, and telling me that the only way to validate my senses is to convert to your narrow minded idea of reality is not good enough for me. I don't have to validate anything, I just need to know that I believe in myself and reality. I can predict reality, and then I can test it, and then I have proof. If one day the sky turns out to be red than I'll tip my hat to you. But saying that it COULD QUITE POSSIBLY BE RED, is not as good as being able to look at the sky and see that it is blue.

No doubt this will infuriate you and you will continue to say how embarassed you are for me, and how stupid I am, but Hilston, you believe that the sky is red and that your messiah is a zombie.

Unphased and always your truly,



New member
Originally posted by Hilston
What will you accept as "objective proof"? How do you define "objective"? And is your definition of "objective" itself objective? Or is it a subjective definition?

Objective - impartial, fair.

I see your game now. So, if you don't want to play, never mind.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by prodigal
Converting to a christian worldview brings us right back to square one, Hilston. You tell me that until I can validate my senses I shouldn't attack christianity. I accepted what you said, I asked you for a way to validate my senses. You came back and said the only way to validate my senses was to convert to a christian worldview, right so far? Hilston, you're arguing in a circle, and I haven't fallen for it.

There's nothing to fall for prodigal; Jim is not setting a trap for you. Stop anticipating and just take the conversation one step at a time. Don't be scared of the truth. If you understand Jim's point (the specific one's he's actually made, not the one's you think he's going to make later) then accept them and move on to the next step. Even an atheist would agree that this must be done in any search for truth whether that truth be philosophical or in a test tube, what cannot be false must be true. Be man enough to admit that much and stop with the knee jerk reactions to conclusions that have not yet been made.

Resting in Him,
Last edited:


New member

The problem, is: there is no second step. So if Prodigal accepts Hilston's question reality theory, then he's left with even less than he started with.


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Prodigal writes:
But you still have me convinced of nothing.
Then you're a fool. You don't have to convert to Christianity to see that your way of validating your senses and your reason doesn't work. At least you can admit to being convinced of that. If you're not convinced, let's try again. Go ahead and validate your sensory and your reasoning faculties. I bet you can't do it.

Prodigal writes:
Your answer for how to validate my senses was to convert to a biblical worldview. I'm not quoting you verbatim, so if I missed something, please let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it.
It was merely a suggestion. If you want to continue wallowing in irrationality and fatuous self-worship, that's your business (for now).

Prodigal writes:
Converting to a christian worldview brings us right back to square one, Hilston. You tell me that until I can validate my senses I shouldn't attack christianity. I accepted what you said, I asked you for a way to validate my senses. You came back and said the only way to validate my senses was to convert to a christian worldview, right so far? Hilston, you're arguing in a circle, and I haven't fallen for it.
Did I start with arguing the Christian worldview? No. So where's the circle you accuse me of?

Prodigal writes:
If the only way to validate my senses is to go back to a biblical worldview than you're asking me to believe in that which I don't.
No, I'm merely informing you of the only way to validate your senses. You can continue the way you're going if you wish, but you can no longer demand proof of anyone for anything without being a hypocrite.

Prodigal writes:
You're asking the impossible, you're trying to get me to play a game in which you're the only winner, and there is no reasonable outcome except that which YOU desire.
This has nothing to do with me. Pretend I don't exist. You're still left with an irrational worldview on which you have no basis to prove, test or validate your own faculties, knowledge or beliefs, and no basis to expect proof or validation from others about their beliefs.

Prodigal writes:
Hilston, I was on the cusp of respecting you, I was on the cusp of taking all of your high class intellectual blatherings seriously. I was excited about learning something new, but as I feared, your words are useless to me.
I can't say that I'm surprised. Nearly every atheist or quasi-Christian or anti-Christian I've debated has said the same thing. They get all excited when things start to make sense, but then they're disappointed when they find out that my message is the same as the Bible's. "Repent or perish." It seems the reason you're disappointed is that you got all excited about the seeming "high class intellect" that goes into such a treatment of the issues, only to find out that it's been a biblical treatment you've been subjected to. So of course you're going to lose respect for me once you realize that's what you've been getting from the start. And that's because you have a prejudicial a priori hatred of the message of the Bible. So you realize that you wouldn't even be able to claim: "Look what I've ascertained and established on my own intellectual prowess," because the credit would have to go to God and His Word. You want to remain your own lawmaker and worship yourself. Your auto-idolatry puts you on the broad road with all the other auto-idolatrous gods, Prodigal.

Prodigal writes:
I want nothing more than an admission from christians that they can't prove anything they believe, ...
Why should we admit that to you when you can't even justify your standards of proof, let alone your own ability to assess whatever proof is presented? Did you forget that part?

Prodigal writes:
... and you told me that I can't prove anything I believe because blue MAY NOT be blue but it COULD BE red.
And you agreed, remember? Didn't you admit "there's no way anything can be proven so long as there's the possibility that our eyes are actually seeing something that isn't there"? Don't be a hypocrite, Prodigal.

Prodigal writes:
That's not good enough, Hilston. The sky IS blue, not red. Everyone knows it. An apple tossed into the air WILL fall, even if I throw it a million times. To say that it MAY NOT fall is not good enough for me. The fact that it always has fallen is enough for me to accurately and certainly predict that it always will. Telling me that there is a possiblilty for it to fly away one day, is not good enough.
Fine. Then you simply have a "so-far-so-good" best-guess assumption about reality on the basis of senses and reason that you cannot prove, test or calibrate. But you cannot have any certainty about anything in your experience, and you never will until you submit your thinking to the only One who exhaustively knows everything. And as long as you have no certainty about anything, you have no grounds on which to demand proof about anything from anyone.

Prodigal writes:
Hilston your argument is based on a world view that you cannot prove.
I can prove it. Your problem is this: You have no grounds to demand proof without being a hypocrite. You can't even rationally reject my proof without being a hypocrite. Remember what you said? You said that you deny "claims that have no proof to verify their validity." Look in the mirror, Prodigal! You just described your own espoused reality, and on that basis, you must reject and deny your own claims (and you want to worship yourself?!?!?!).

Prodigal writes:
I can predict that what I believe in will happen, and then I can prove it.
You have a short memory, Prodigal. I don't deny that you can make predictions and make proofs. My point is that you must be arbitrary in doing so. You must stipulate arbitrary standards that you can't justify. You must use senses that you cannot validate. You must use reasoning faculties you cannot calibrate. I can watch your experiments and agree with you about predictions and watch their outcome and know with certainty that science was done properly. But you have no such certainty. We both watch and experience the same event and come to the same conclusions, and one of us can be certain about what was just witnessed and the other cannot.

Prodigal writes:
You can't do either, and telling me that the only way to validate my senses is to convert to your narrow minded idea of reality is not good enough for me.
I predicted that, and I can prove it happened.

Prodigal writes:
I don't have to validate anything, I just need to know that I believe in myself and reality.
That's called self-delusion. Crazy people talk like that, Prodigal. They're always the first ones to tell you that they're not crazy.

Prodigal writes:
I can predict reality, and then I can test it, and then I have proof.
Without certainty about predication and logic (which you admit you cannot validate) and without certainty about your sensory faculties (which you admit you cannot validate), you have no certainty about your proof of anything.

Prodigal writes:
If one day the sky turns out to be red than I'll tip my hat to you.
You've completely missed the point. It doesn't have to turn red for you own admission to be true. Remember when you recognized this?: "[T]here's no way anything can be proven so long as there's the possibility that our eyes are actually seeing something that isn't there."

Prodigal writes:
But saying that it COULD QUITE POSSIBLY BE RED, is not as good as being able to look at the sky and see that it is blue.
Seeing it with what? Your eyes, whose verity you cannot validate? Your visual cortex, whose proper function you cannot validate?

Prodigal writes:
No doubt this will infuriate you and you will continue to say how embarassed you are for me, and how stupid I am, but Hilston, you believe that the sky is red and that your messiah is a zombie.
I admit I had hope for you. Maybe not in "converting" you, but at least in your acknowledging the epistemological dilemma that emerges when one is willing to ask the tough philosophical questions. It doesn't infuriate me. I predicted this would happen. Like most people, when a little bit of light seeped into the crack, it scared you. You're not the first one I seen this happen to, you won't be the last.

Prodigal writes:
Unphased and always your truly, ...
Thanks for the dialogue. By the way, I think "unfazed" is the word you're looking for, and I don't think it's really true. I think you were quite seriously fazed, if at least for a moment. But human self-delusion is rather powerful thing. So powerful that it send scores of people to hell every day.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by wickwoman


The problem, is: there is no second step. So if Prodigal accepts Hilston's question reality theory, then he's left with even less than he started with.

Sure there is.
prodigal has already admitted that his world view is in as a bad a position as he is claiming that Christianity is in, that's step one.
There is more than one possible step two but one obvious possible direction would be to go into why a Biblical world view provides the logically coherent foundation that prodigal (and yours) does not. It is obvious that it is Jim's position that the Biblical world view is the only logically viable one to hold but he hasn't gone into WHY this is so (at least not that I have seen, I admit I haven't read every post so I may have missed something).

Resting in Him,


Active member
Hall of Fame
wickwoman previously wrote:
As for me knowing that God will "commit both my body and soul to hell," I know no such thing. As a matter of fact I vehemently deny it. And ask you for objective proof thereof.

Hilston asked:
What will you accept as "objective proof"? How do you define "objective"? And is your definition of "objective" itself objective? Or is it a subjective definition?

wickwoman writes:
Objective - impartial, fair.
Is that definition objective?

wickwoman previously wrote:
I see your game now. So, if you don't want to play, never mind.
My game? I didn't make the rules, ww. If you don't like the rules, stipulate your own, but be prepared to justify them.

What will you accept as objective proof? That's a valid question. If you don't want to play, nevermind. No one's stopping you from taking your ball and whiffle bat and going home.


New member
.... well, at least mr. hillston's attempt at logic caused gabriel to laugh aloud........hmmm, perhaps that was not actually a laugh that escaped from gabriel's mouth. maybe it was really a .....a.....scream gabriel heard - oh wait, then again maybe gabriel's ears need calibrating. hmmm, what is real after all? thoughts of solipsism fill gabriel's head.... oh wait, maybe gabriel does not have a head (puts hands on object atop neck)..... feels like a head - gasp, but how can gabriel trust her fingertips .....maybe they need validating. (runs to peer in mirror) hmmm, looks like a head - ooops, how can she trust her eyes....and, and maybe it is not a mirror after all. maybe it's a .....a........truck. yeah! it could be a truck .....wait, wait, let's objectively define nauseum...............


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Gabriel writes about Gabriel:
.... well, at least mr. hillston's attempt at logic caused gabriel to laugh aloud........hmmm, perhaps that was not actually a laugh that escaped from gabriel's mouth.
Hilston wonders what Gabriel thinks is funny. Hilston likes to laugh. Hilston asks to be let in on the humor so Hilston can have a good laugh, too.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

"And when Muslims are confronted with who the Bible says Christ is, they believe the Quran to be false."

Maybe I'm picking nits here, but you certainly gave the impression that all Muslims confronted with the Bible suddenly drop their devotion to Allah. In any event, I'll go back to my original response: so what? Even if some Muslims convert to Christianity the opposite can and does happen.
You obviously didn't read my post, previous to the one in which I posted the quote you used.

Because somebody has to say it.
They were never Christians.:p


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by prodigal


(It's not His fault you can't see them. But no one ever said you couldn't use them. It just appears to me that you wouldn't want to use them.)

And why should I? Anything I have ever received has been from the hand of either myself or someone I know, god has never given me anything.
That's just sad that you believe that. Who gave you your breath, by the way?

(You're missing everything. You refuse to open your eyes, to see what is there. And my pointing it out to you is going to do nothing, because you haven't seen it yet. Why should I believe that you'll see it when I point it out? All you'd do is refute it.)

I've missed nothing, LH. There's nothing to miss. What the heck do you mean by opening my eyes? And if pointing it out to me won't do a lick of good, than what good is evangelism in the first place? If it is nothing that can be pointed out, than what good is "it"? And if the only one who can reveal it to me is god, than what good is he if he hasn't?
You've missed it all, because you refuse to see it for what it is. It's staring you in the face, and you claim it's something other than what it is. Pointing it out won't do any good, because you can already see it. You just deny it for what it is. And my pointing to ti is just going to cause you to do more of the same. And God has revelaed it to you. You deny that He has. Do you expect Him to smack you upside the head? Do you expect anything from Him?

(You're an arrogant little twit who thinks God owes Him something. God doesn't owe you anything.)

You're right, god doesn't owe me anything. You're wrong that I think it does though. The only person who owes me anything is me, that's why I worship myself.
You do too think that. You expect somethign from Him, and think that He at least owes you proof of His existence. He doesn't. So stop whining about it. He's given you more than you will ever deserve, and you don't want it. Do you expect Him to force it on you?

(No. I have a god who leads me into all truth. I know Him. I've met Him.)

By your own admission you haven't heard god speak, you haven't seen god. Your mind is playing tricks on you. What's more feasible, the idea that an invisible deity has revealed itself to you, or that your imagination has gotten the better of you?
My imagination isn't that good.:rolleyes:

And just because my eyes have not seen, and my ears have not heard...that doesn't mean my soul has not been broken open at His calling.

(And I don't have to prove anything to you, either. And neither does God.)

I know you don't have anything to prove to me, that's the point.
I never said I didn't have anything to prove. I said I don't have to prove anything. There's a difference.

(You said that if what I believe was as true as I say it is, then everyone would believe it. Yet, not everyone believes what you believe. So, based on your own logic, what you believe must not be as true as you say it is. Which is it, prodigal? Or are you going to continue to be a hypocrite?)

I agree, not everyone believes in me. I don't tell them that they should. I do have the proof that I'm worth believing in, I'm young, strong, smart, handsome, full of potential. My family and friends believe in me because they see the fruit of my labor. I don't blame my success on god, I, and my fellow believers blame it all on me.
You forgot "conceited.":rolleyes:

Unphased and always your truly,

I don't believe you. You must not be right.:dizzy:

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

Thanks, however, who says I fell on "the stone."

You haven't fallen on the stone, and that's the problem.

And, second, the more accurate translation is:

Luke 20:18 (NIV)
18Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."

You might want to read about the translation methods they used for the NIV. Then you'll know why I'm laughing at you right now. :chuckle:

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

You might want to read about the translation methods they used for the NIV. Then you'll know why I'm laughing at you right now. :chuckle:
care to elaborate that .?

One Eyed Jack

New member
I quoted from the KJV, which is a literal translation, and wickwoman quoted from the NIV, which is a dynamic equivalent translation. Basically, wickwoman proved herself wrong -- that's why I was laughing.

For more info, see this site.