ARCHIVE:God is NOT an OV'er (He said so)


New member
Originally posted by geoff
I mean, "it clearly says God 'destined' - if God destines people for one thing or another, then God destines people for one thing or another"

The DESTINATION of those who WILL NOT believe is preordained.
The DESTINATION of those who WILL is also preordained.

The ETERNAL WILL AND PURPOSE and therefore preordained PLAN of God for MAN has also NEVER changed even from the beginning.

When a person gets saved he then ENTERS INTO that preordained plan and WILL of God.
For He has repented and is once again beleiving Gods Word.

While a person is yet unsaved he is heading in the same direction as the one whos word he is believing.

The seed of the serpent produces its own fruit.

The Seed of the Word also produces its own fruit.

and each seed brings forth after its own kind.

Edgar Caiña

New member
The DESTINATION of those who WILL NOT believe is preordained.
The DESTINATION of those who WILL is also preordained.

It's quite appealing to me since what was preordained was not MAN but the DESTINATION. But the question is, how could God preordain a DESTINATION if He did not also FOREKNOW/PREDESTINE those who will go there?


New member
well, thats got to be better than believing only somethings are, depending on which way the wind is blowing today, like OV...

(even though I dont agree with 'everything' only 'everyone')


Post Modern Fundamentalist
But the question is, how could God preordain a DESTINATION if He did not also FOREKNOW/PREDESTINE those who will go there?

I don't see the problem. God can just say "here's hell for those who reject me and here's heaven for those who don't." Now in describing that, have I given an exhaustive list of all the damned for hell and an exhaustive list for the church? Not at all. everything to predestine two destinations is written right here in this paragraph. "here's hell for those who reject me and here's heaven for those who don't."

Actually, those who are predestined to go to those places are clearly indicated right here in my post. "here's hell for those who reject me and here's heaven for those who don't."

Here are two vague groups yet clear as to what about them has been predestined and yet there is still no exhaustive list of individuals any where to be found here. As to who is specifically in these groups, it really doesn't matter as far as a plan goes.


New member

Hmm, ok. I probably shouldn't have said "every thing" cuz that's somewhat ambiguous. I meant all events, or everything that comes to pass a la the Westminster Confession.


New member

Good good :D


God doesn just say 'heres hell and here's heaven' - He also says I know your thoughts, your name, I formed you, I chose you, I know your heart, I know which people believe and which dont, etc etc

You can not say "here's hell for those who reject me and here's heaven for those who don't." as if its an answer. Its way too simplistic, and really only tells a minute fraction of the story.


Post Modern Fundamentalist
MIke knows this so now I'm explaining this for your benefit Edgar. I do not discuss things with geoff. If anything he says makes sense and you're curious as to how I'd answer it, You'd have to ask me yourself.


New member
Originally posted by geoff
well, thats got to be better than believing only somethings are, depending on which way the wind is blowing today, like OV...

(even though I dont agree with 'everything' only 'everyone')

Its not the way the wind blows that determins the goal but the set of the sail!
The SAME wind can be blowing for all the yachts but the DIRECTION that they go is determined by the way the sails are set.
The scroiptures puts it like this:
As a tree leans thats the way it falls.


New member
That maybe true, but which ever direction you go in, there is always only one fast, direct route to the finish line...


New member
Originally posted by geoff

You say that you admit that God might destine some, but not all...

Answer me this, does creation have a Goal, is there a purpose to which God is moving History? Does God have a final intention for creation?

If it is true that God does in fact have a plan, and a goal for creation, then hasnt He destined that outcome?

If God has in fact a destiny for creation, how can you say He does not have a plan for all people? Surely that means He does?

If He has a plan for all people, he must also have plans for individuals, as they make up the 'all people' group, and in order for this not to be the case we should not find any verses indicating individual, or small groups of individuals having a specific destiny.

If there are individuals who are destined, and groups of individuals who are destined, and all people who have a destiny, there is really no good reason to assume that God does not do this, especially when it is clear He does do it.

The ETERNAL WILL AND PLAN for creation and for man in particular is found in Genesis.

That has NEVER changed.

Man was and is designed and therfore capable of living by Gods knowledge and wisdom.
To forsake the life of the flesh,overcome the devil,
and become "partakers of the divine nature"
To learn the pattern of God and "Go and do likewise"according as I have shown thee.

When a person gets saved he ENTERS into that ETERNAL plan of God.
God planted a garden and laid down the laws of the seed.
Each producing after its own kind.
and as each seed can do no other.
They are predestined to so do!
The seed is in the FRUIT.
Now what you sow you WILL reap.
Therefore if you sow after the flesh you will reap death.
But after the Spirit,LIFE.
Thererfore the arguments about who will be saved or not is NOT the point!
The point is how much is being SOWED!
For if we SOW sparingly we will REAP sparingly!
Now to those who say this or that will go up or down.
Who are we?
But of the same clay as those who are as yet not saved!
Are we in ourselves by NATURE any DIFFERENT?
no! AND TWICE no!
So what then is the difference?
Some one SOWED the GOOD seed in our lives and were FAITHFULL enough to pray for that which had gone forth not to return without FRUIT!
The souls of men are in our hands andf the church.
and we will have to give an account for those we have neglected.
God sowed genereously.
For unless the seed fall into the ground and die it abideth alone.
But if it fall and die it bringeth forth MUCH fruit.
So where in do we glory?
Seeing it is in Him and by His grace that wer are saved.
Are we then who are saved soemhow more worthy than another?
So why is there disputes about who will be saved!
The message is to ALL!!
and whosoever from among the all will believe shall be saved.
How then can WE say who?
For are we not to" cast our bread upon the waters...."
We are to sow the WHOLE of the feild.
so that EACH person wil have the OPERTUNITY to be saved and if they believe they WILL be!
But by arguing about who will be puts division in the mind and uncertainty in the heart and no faith for those to whom you talk/preach to.
Not only are we to HEAR with faith but also to PREACH infaith also!
If in our thinking we are uncertain of who will be how then can you have faith.
And if you say we do not need to know who.
You have by such talk ALREADY denied SOME!
So you LIMIT God as to what HE can do to those with whom you talk/preach to.
and if you limit God you must therfore have no FAITH in God to do that which He has said HE WILL DO!
For My Word shall not return unto me void,but shall ACOMPLISH that wherein I have sent it"
This applies to the Lord who is the Word made flesh.
As it aplies to the preaching!

Now does that mean I believe everyone will be saved?
But it does mean that when I preach or speak to one or many I can do so with the realisation and the liberty that comes from if God can save me the chiefest of sinners,He can save ANYBODY!
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New member
Originally posted by geoff
That maybe true, but which ever direction you go in, there is always only one fast, direct route to the finish line...

For the salvation of the soul yes.
But each person has to sail his own boat as it were through life and seek to do the will of God in it.
But if the sails are SET aright.No matter HOW the wind blows,for good or ill you will always be sailing in the right direction.

The journey is not always plain sailing.


New member
ANd just because you have sails, and have them set, you are not always heading in the right direction....


New member
Originally posted by geoff
ANd just because you have sails, and have them set, you are not always heading in the right direction....

You miss the point.
Most people do not even get out of the harbour.
But once they do there is every "wind of doctrin "to blow them about.wether christian or otherwise!
The way we set our sail is ......
FIRST seek the kingdom of God and HIS rightousness.THEN all the things we need in the fullfillment of THAT purpose WILL BE ADDED UNTO US.
If God is out aim and the doing of HIS will.
WE may well find out that we will be able to walk upon the waters,which is alot easier than those struggling to row or sail.
The use of the idea of the SAME wind blowing but the DIRECTION the boat goes is not determined BY the wind but the set of the sail.
Wether you are going right or wrong!
Now if you do not know you are going in the right direction then ................
Wheres your compass?
That unchanging point by which all compasses work.
The north star.FIXED sure and certain.
The wind may blow.
But they are not affected by the we set our course by them.
and the ONLY unchanging thing in this world is the nature and character and disposition and person Of God Himself.
Who is the same yesterday today and forever.
and He who set our course and is the pilot of our ship and we will by His grace and infinite mercy enable us to finish the course set out before us.till we reach the harbour of that promised land.
Wether sunny or stormy.
But in truth the storm clouds are already on the horizon.
and we need to battenndown the hatches.
be sure of our ship.
and have the the flag nailed to the masthead.
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New member
Hey dude, ltns..

Yeah I know its despise.. but my fingers dont do what my mind tells em most of the time


Where have u been?