Originally posted by drdeutsch
No matter what you do, God's word is going to get watered down by our own idiosyncrasies and philosophies. None of us can live, think, or be pure like God. Are not theologies philosophies? And our theologies are different. Each interpretation is different. I'm not saying each one is rooted in Hellenistic philosophy, it is merely my contention that none of us can have a "perfect" theology. At least not in the sense that only God's theology is perfect because God is perfect.
I also never made the claim that when God repents He was changing. I don't believe that God changes in His character. He always has been and always will be perfectly holy, loving, just, righteous, etc... These attributes of God never change. What I was trying to say is that when nacham is used by/for God, He is changing His mind or changing the way He deals with mankind. He is, in a sense, growing. Growth, however, does not imply imperfect. Hebrews 5:8 says that Jesus learned through suffering. If Jesus was God and God was perfect, then Jesus was perfect, but He was still able to learn and grow and maintain his perfection. Had Jesus ever been a man before? Not as far as we know. Likewise, has God ever dealt with humans before? Did God ever work with or create humans before we know He did in Genesis? Of course not. I'm not saying that God doesn't know how to deal with humans. That would be dumb. I'm saying that God knows how we can act, but, as an open theist, He doesn't know how we will act until we do it. Thus, He does, in a sense, learn. By the way, I'm using "learn" because I really can't think of a more fitting term. I'm sure there is one out there, but my mind isn't working at the moment.
Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up.
God bless you all,
Dr. Deutsch
Where is God in all this?
Now while men have and do corrupt the Word of God and the world is filling up with all the versions that men can make of it.
Adding to and ommiting from and compleyely changing it.
Neverthe less.
I am of the solid conviction that God being God can and does KEEP His Word,both in action and in retention.
So that in this world today you can find a bible that is in English the most accurate transalation of the Word of God.
Then you say none of us can have a pure heart and or mind.Nor can we live as God intends us to live.
If that was true why then calvary?
If we are or cannot be any different from what we were BEFORE we were saved .Why then did Jesus die?
You say we cannot think purely?
Or "come to aknowledge of the truth"
If that was so ,why then does it say in the scriptures we are "to have the mind of Christ"?
If we can have no RIGHT thinking,or see things as God sees them.We CANNOT be saved!
For it is BECAUSE that through Gods grace and the quickening of the Holy Spirit that we SAW things as God sees them.
"For the eyes of our understanding were opened" and in understanding what we heard our faith was BORN in God.
When we achknowledged the truth as god showed us and embraced it!
But even as we are BORN into this world and to prosper and be effective in it we have to GROW and mature in our knowledge of it.
So likewise we who are BORN into the kingdom of God must also GROW.
Now if it is a NATURAL part of this world to so grow according to the nature of this life.
How much more then should it be according to the NEW NATURE which is of God!
For have "become PARTAKERS of His NATURE"!
Therefore in "FAITH ,BELIEVEING we do LIVE.
Yet not I (for we are dead)but Christ who lives in me".
How then can we say we CANNOT live a pure and holy life?
For in Christ we are SANCTAFIED and made pure by the blood of His cross.
But it is not me "but the Son who is in me,HE doeth the works"
To some who may contend with that use.
Does not the scriptures say.
"As the Father sent me ,so send I you into the world?
"Are not theologies philosophies"?
To some that may be.and if it is so there theology will be as empty as thier philosophies.
But what IS theology?
But the 'study' of God.
Now men may presume to study God like they do some microbe or as a dead butterfly pinned to the wall of thier own thinking.
But that is NOT what we should be doing.
The study of the scriptures should bring us to a knowledge of Him who wrote it!
So that we GROW in our understanding of HIM not a theory.
So as we do so our FAITH ALSO GROWS and we become more efective in the kingdom.
I do not take God as soemthing i can REDUCE to my thinking.
But by my studies RAISE mine UP to HIS!
You say our theology is differernt and that our interpreations are different.
But are you then saying that we CANNOT arive at a knowledge of the truth!?
Now does it not say in Peter's epistle |I think that the scriptures are NOT for MANS interpretation?
Does it not also say that "what knoweth the things of man save the spirit that is IN man?
Likewise then what knoweth the things of God save the Spirit of God"
Therefore if we CANNOT come to a RIGHT knowledge of scripture "By our own wisdom"
It folows then that without Gods Holy Spirit we cannot RIGHTLY INTERPRATE THE SCRIPTURES!
This confirmed when we also read and understand "That when the Holy Spirit shall come HE will LEAD youi into ALL truth and when you knwo the truth,the truth will make you free".
It fowlows then,that if you are willing to be LED even as i am then we should and shall come to the SAME understanding!
For it is the SAME Holy Spirit that leads us!
Now if we are Not His and we do not have the same Spirit then we will not arrive at the same place.
But if you or I do not arrive at the truth ,The only reasons are because a) we are not WILLING to be LED,b) that we do not HAVE the Holy Spirit,c) have not ASKED!
But that we SHOULD "come to aknowledge of the truth is clear for it is recorded in scripture the REBUKE to those who do not!
But on a more positive note is it not written that we are all to be of ONE mind?
If we do not see and understand the same things even as it is,then how can we be of the one mind!?
But if ALL are LED by the SAME Spirit of truth even as they are led,they will as it is clear in Ephesians do so and come "unto the perfect man.
Not only that If the church is the BODY of Christ and that same resurected BODY was raised by the Holy Spirit and quickened by the same.How then are we who ARE His who have "been RAISED TOGETHER WITH HIM" not have the SAME Spirit.
Then as there is only ONE Spirit.
It Folows then we are to be of the SAME MIND!
THEREFORE we are to be RENEWED in the SPIRIT of our minds"
"Bringing each thought into SUBJECTION to the MIND of Christ!
becasue it was Eves REASONING that was founded on the lie of the devil that got us into this mees in the fiorst place!
Why then is it supoposed that with mens own reasoning ALONE is it thought that we can arrive at the truth!
But by the Spirit of God we are changed into His likeness.
And we are to LEARN to think and see things as HE does.
Does that make us God?
of course not!
But look again at the beginning.
Did not GOd give them a part of HIS knowledge of what was good and evil?
It was the REJECTION of that knoweledge that caused thier downfall.
What does the scriptures say?
"MY people PERISH through lack of vision(what they SEE),Now most people stop there;but it goes on.......
The knowledge of scripture is no guarentte of a knowledge of God!
But should lead to it!
GOD learns?
What does the scriptures say?
Who can instruct me"?
God needs to learn nothing!
If He did He cannot be perfect for if He has to learn SOEMTHING His knowledge then must be incomplete.
God knows the END from the beginning.
He looks not on the outward apearence but on the heart.
The Lord we read knew the hearts of all men.
For the Word is the revealer of the thoughtsd and intentions of the heart.
If God knows the number of hairs on our head do you not think He knows us completely!?
YES of course.
I would argue that He So knows the future from the beginning.
That He was already aware of what it would cost Him,before He said "let there be light"
And would also argue in some respects that the road to calvary started there.
"But for the joy set before Him.............."
Now you say that as the Lord had to learn as He grew up from a baby it proves God has to learn.
Not so.
First id like to say that from that argument it shows that we also have to GROW even as He did.
For he was born into this world so that we might be born into the next.
But as for The Lord Growing.
What was He?
But the SEED of God.
The WOrd of God made flesh.
Therefore the seed produces after its own kind.
But the seed contains within itself all that is required to do so.
So that which was unseen is made manifest.
God therfore was manifesting Himself into this world.
And The Lord is the visible manifestation of the invisible God.
Now the Lord also said "unless the seed fall into the ground and die,it abideth alone"
But if it does it bringeth forth much fruit.
Now we read in genesis that each seed bringeth forth after each own kind.
IS it not written that we are born of "INCORRUPTABLE SEED"?
Therefore as the seed that is sown is brings forth the life that is within it in our lives.
Being sons of God "do not sin"
"But if we do we have an advocate with the FATHER ....."
But the emphaisis of SCRIPITURE is NOT.....IF we sin....... But on SHALL NOT SIN!
"For if we walk inthe Spirit we shall NOT fullfill the lusts of the flesh....."
This new nature therefore will NEVER agree with our sinning if we do so.But if we folow the true nature that has been implanted we will not sin.
It is we who must learn about GOD!
For when we shall see Him as HE is (then)then we will KNOW even as WE are known(now)
What is consideed the norm in modern day christianity.
"baptism,repentance,laying on of hands,dare I say also getting saved?
IS not the scriptures norm.
Paul said it was the MILK of the Word and we should be desiring the MEAT!
And that we are to "GO ON TO PERFECTION!"
God knows EXACTLY how will we act!
For the unregenerated nature is not Gods!
and is doomed.condemned and will if not repented of spend eternity in hell.
A seed will produce after its own kind remember?
And we are of the seed of Adam.
and so will produce the same fruits.
It was not and is not and never will be Gods will for men to be so.
But while we were yet SINNERS Christ died for us"
That He who knew no sin,became sin that WE(who believe)might become (listen to this) THE RIGHTOUSNESS OF GOD.
He was seperated from God so that we might be joined together WITH HIm.
He came from eternity past into time so thast we who lived in time might live in eternity future.
We are not to be the scriptures say "MERE MEN"!
But to rise up on eagles wings into the heavens.
If we are born again our NATURE is changed and as we ABIDE in the true vine so to will we bring forth FRUIT AFTER ITS KIND!