Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.


Well-known member
That makes total sense.

(Sarcasm for any who wish to misconstrue to the painfully obvious)

Look in the mirror. You come on here and play the victim, all the while claiming your thoughts and understandings are as worthy as whatever TRUTHS you are presented from the Scriptures.

"I'm just a poor unworthy, but I'm sincere, so must be believed and given respect."

Now we are all to bow down to your victim godhood. :bow:


New member
Look in the mirror. You come on here and play the victim, all the while claiming your thoughts and understandings are as worthy as whatever TRUTHS you are presented from the Scriptures.

"I'm just a poor unworthy, but I'm sincere, so must be believed and given respect."

Now we are all to bow down to your victim godhood. [emoji144]
I don't play anything especially not a victim

I demand no respect from any whatseover.

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New member
Was there a mention of faith in the blood of Jesus Christ? No? I rest my case.
I indeed did mention the death and resurrection.

Belief in the blood of GOD isn't something I focus on and is definitely not what we are told we must believe to be saved.

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New member
I go by what I've seen from you, so your denials aren't worth a hill of beans, either.
Calling people out on their own misdirection isn't playing the victim, and I have never not one time ever demanded respect from anyone.

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Well-known member
I indeed did mention the death and resurrection.

Where? Where is it hiding in this Geek Speak?

Quote Originally Posted by popsthebuilder View Post
To me the good news is that GOD is a surety; that HE not only knows us, but knew us before we where even given the gift of life on this world. Before we were, GOD knew us, and is ever merciful to those who believe on HIM. And though this blink may be full of what some percieve as hard; what is of GOD will surely return to the rest of GOD and witness the new heavenly abode.​

Belief in the blood of GOD isn't something I focus on and is definitely not what we are told we must believe to be saved.

We are to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. That includes who He is and what He accomplished. :chew:

Romans 3:24-26
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.​


New member
You don't realize that I can go back and bring forth examples of your victimhood and your whining?
Fo back all you want.

You have a knack for twisting ones words anyway.

Feel free.

I've have enough for the night; no more roundyround, nighty night.

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Greg Jennings

New member
You're accusing me of lying. "Fibbing" is a liberal word.

I've given my testimony on here before, but I'll give you the condensed version. My hippy friends brought a copy of Late Great Planet Earth to my attention, and I was amazed that a book as old as the Bible could be talking about things I was seeing in this modern world. Israel becoming a nation as predicted, etc. When I was visiting an old gal at her house, while my husband was shoveling the snow off her roof, I told her about what I had been reading and hearing (including what some JW's had said when they had come by). Right then and there, she preached the Gospel to me. She was a "completed Jew", as she called herself. One who was saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I went home and prayed, and was saved right there in the loft of our log cabin.

The Gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation. There is no other way.

Now, if you're capable of actually discussing the Word of God, you'd best make haste, or I'll write you off as a reprobate interested only in falsely accusing the brethren.

As I said before, I am happy to admit when I err. I trust your story. I apologize for doubting your call to faith.

That still has nothing to do with "Saint" John and his crusade against everyone who doesn't give him thanks/positive reps.

What exactly ties you to him? What is it exactly that you two agree on so? Biblically speaking? In other words, explain why you are not a "wolf", but just about everyone else seems to be


Well-known member
As I said before, I am happy to admit when I err. I trust your story. I apologize for doubting your call to faith.

That still has nothing to do with "Saint" John and his crusade against everyone who doesn't give him thanks/positive reps.

What exactly ties you to him? What is it exactly that you two agree on so? Biblically speaking? In other words, explain why you are not a "wolf", but just about everyone else seems to be

When I came here, there were a lot of things I didn't really understand.....why Paul's teachings were so different from the Gospels. I just put those inconsistencies up on a shelf, figuring at some point in time, I would understand.

I found myself being challenged by many here who were Mid Acts. At first I got offended....quite offended. And then one day, I actually heard something John W was saying....not to me, but about how Jesus taught the law when He walked among us. I was surprised. I started listening how He came for the lost sheep of Israel, and pieces started to fall into place. Questions I had, that I thought wouldn't be reconciled until I got to heaven, were being answered. I began to understand the purpose of the Law, and how Paul was given revelations directly from the Risen Ascended Lord, and how the Gospel of Grace was not the "Repent and be baptized" preached by the other Apostles.

I ignored John W for quite some time, but I was paying attention to his teaching...and that of others on here who are Mid Acts. I actually got excited about reading the word again (after almost forty years of being saved), and when I realized he was just a pretend meanie, I came out of the closet, and admitted to him my anger had been misplaced.

There.....I hope you're happy now. And it's the TRUE SCOOP, so don't be claiming otherwise.


Well-known member
So your seeking God's will in YOUR life is helping all of us? What kind of a nut are you?

I'll tell you. You're a humanist. Humanism is a false religion. Just like the others you're looking into.
It might not help you, but it will help others. We can't witness the truth unless we live by the will of God. Because it's when we have faith and live by the will of God that God blesses us with the Holy Spirit and then we can bring Christ to others in deed and word.

Jesus clearly teaches, that's those who enter the kingdom of heaven are those who live by the will of the father.

Do you think that the apostles would have been given the Holy Spirit if they hadn't believed and obeyed what Jesus taught them? The first thing they did was obey when Jesus said "follow me" and Paul was ready to obey immediately saying "what will you have me to do Lord" then they all lived by the teachings of Jesus and lived by the will of God, just as Jesus himself was doing as he lived daily completely by the will of the father and not his own will, doing what he was sent to do which was bare witnesses to the truth and speaking only what the father gave him to speak. And he was our example to follow.

The only way to help others is to live by God's will, because it's only then will we be given the power of the Spirit to guide and teach us, to help us to speak to others and to strengthen us to overcome the lusts of the flesh.

Greg Jennings

New member
When I came here, there were a lot of things I didn't really understand.....why Paul's teachings were so different from the Gospels. I just put those inconsistencies up on a shelf, figuring at some point in time, I would understand.

I found myself being challenged by many here who were Mid Acts. At first I got offended....quite offended. And then one day, I actually heard something John W was saying....not to me, but about how Jesus taught the law when He walked among us. I was surprised. I started listening how He came for the lost sheep of Israel, and pieces started to fall into place. Questions I had, that I thought wouldn't be reconciled until I got to heaven, were being answered. I began to understand the purpose of the Law, and how Paul was given revelations directly from the Risen Ascended Lord, and how the Gospel of Grace was not the "Repent and be baptized" preached by the other Apostles.

I ignored John W for quite some time, but I was paying attention to his teaching...and that of others on here who are Mid Acts. I actually got excited about reading the word again (after almost forty years of being saved), and when I realized he was just a pretend meanie, I came out of the closet, and admitted to him my anger had been misplaced.

There.....I hope you're happy now. And it's the TRUE SCOOP, so don't be claiming otherwise.

Thank you for your replies, GD.

Where could I find good MAD info? Is there a book? I am interested


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Thank you for your replies, GD.

Where could I find good MAD info? Is there a book? I am interested
Well, you could start by reading the Bible from cover to cover, straight through, as is (I recommend the NKJV). Then you could read The Plot (I prefer listening to the Plot Seminar, which teaches through his manuscript).

And do both of those in that order.

Greg Jennings

New member
Well, you could start by reading the Bible from cover to cover, straight through, as is (I recommend the NKJV). Then you could read The Plot (I prefer listening to the Plot Seminar, which teaches through his manuscript).

And do both of those in that order.

I will re-read the Bible since I admittedly haven't in about 10 years. The Plot is new to me. I will look for it. Thank you for your suggestions as always, JR


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I will re-read the Bible since I admittedly haven't in about 10 years. The Plot is new to me. I will look for it. Thank you for your suggestions as always, JR
Cover to cover, alright? Don't jump around, don't start on page 681, don't start at Revelation 22, read from Genesis to Revelation.

Don't try to interpret it, read it as if you're reading a novel written by a brilliant Author.

If you'd like, perhaps we could set up something with the kgov office and I can purchase you a copy of both the seminar and the manuscript without having to give you or you giving me any personal info. PM me if you're interested once you finish going through the Bible.

Greg Jennings

New member
Cover to cover, alright? Don't jump around, don't start on page 681, don't start at Revelation 22, read from Genesis to Revelation.

Don't try to interpret it, read it as if you're reading a novel written by a brilliant Author.

If you'd like, perhaps we could set up something with the kgov office and I can purchase you a copy of both the seminar and the manuscript without having to give you or you giving me any personal info. PM me if you're interested once you finish going through the Bible.

I'm flattered by your interest in teaching me. As soon as I finish I'll PM you. It'll be a few months likely though, ok?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What didn't you hear that you were expecting.

I expounded on the contents of one's Faith.

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Evasion. Non responsive.

What is the content of faith, required to be believed, to be saved?

It's a simple question. We go through this type of exercise in the secular world, i.e., succinctly writing down(fill in the blank)- why do you/many resist this in the more important "spiritual" realm?

Lay it out, in simple terms-"now speakest thou plainly,.."(John 16:29 KJV).