Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.


New member
Non responsive. Evasive. Subjective.

Provide specifics. What is the content of faith, required to be believed?

Many people believe in "God," or "The Man Upstairs," or some concept of a Supreme Being or some “force” that operates the universe, Darth Pops.

Some deluded Buddhist monk, on the streets ofSan Fran believes in "god,” many "gods,"..... worshiped by images,...

Jews, Muslims allegedly believe in the same God as "Christians."

Many alleged "Christians" deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, or that He rose from the dead.

Unpack it for us.

The Spirit of Jesus is GOD.

The Holy Temple which held the Spirit of GOD was destroyed and lifted back up in three days/ aeons.

That is to say that it has happened and will happen.

What sort of specifics would you like to know?

Faith in the One Creator GOD of all existence and HIS benevolent nature and the Truth of HIS Word. That is to say that one believing the teachings of the Christ/ Spirit of GOD will, by their new nature, strive to live out belief and reciprocal love towards, and for the glory of GOD, regardless of the perceptions of man. Jesus is the Way and the example and to disregard His self-sacrifice is to throw away HIS Free Gift.

Again; what do you want me to go into specifics about?

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New member
Thank you, Pops.

Do you honestly think that is the ONE GOSPEL that saves?
Those who believe that will have eternal life?
Those who sincerely seek out the will of GOD in their own life do not do it for salvation(reward); but reciprically, in faithfulness, for the sake of all.

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New member
By all means, please do.

That's nice.

That's nice as well.

Well Pops. Maybe you can gander at my post #606 and answer it.


Which now doesn't mean a thing in the task he was given.

Woah there kiddo...Are you sure you wanna stick to that statement? The twelve Apostles have been promised that when Christ comes again and sits on the throne of His glory, they will sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28).

You might want to look into that.

See above.

I said he wasn't? That's news to me.

Like I said, you need to study Matthew 29:18 with more fervor...then get back to me.
Mathew 29:18 is not in my bible.

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Greg Jennings

New member
No, "Methodists," Romans,.....................(fill in the blank), believe that one can lose his/her salvation, i.e., they deny the eternal security of the believer. Thus, they "preach"/"teach" a subtil form of works-based "salvation," much like Calvinists.

Different cages....same dirty birds.

I am a member of the body of Christ, a forever justified saint, proclaimed by the LORD God; thus I proclaim, what He proclaims.

And you are grinding your big, bad wolf choppers, as you read this. Too bad. Accept it.

Get saved.

Again....which denomination are you?

Greg Jennings

New member
That isn't what you said, though, is it? You boasted that you admit when you're wrong, but most others don't.

Ah, the old, "How often do you beat your wife" question.

Oh, now you're pulling out the "I'm more enlightened than you are" card.

You have a full deck of those nifty little sayings, don't ya?

A. I told you exactly what you supposed to have pulled out of me.

B. You are too much of a coward to answer a straight question. Imagine that :chuckle:

C. I do believe I'm more enlightened than you. I don't know that. But based on the things you say and agree with, you're fairly primitive considering the age we are in. That's coming from a Trump voter, too. It seems perhaps you're a dinosaur, along with old John?

Greg Jennings

New member


Think you're smart, don't ya? :chuckle:

I don't think I said a word about converting you....or anyone else. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said it's the Spirit that does that work...not man.

Don't accuse me of being "overzealous" when you haven't gotten anything right yet. :popcorn:

No, I know that I'm reasonably smart. Not a genius, mind you, but I've got a good head. but I think you're fibbing. How did you find Christ? You have claimed your family did not bring you to him


Well-known member
A. I told you exactly what you supposed to have pulled out of me.

B. You are too much of a coward to answer a straight question. Imagine that :chuckle:

C. I do believe I'm more enlightened than you. I don't know that. But based on the things you say and agree with, you're fairly primitive considering the age we are in. That's coming from a Trump voter, too. It seems perhaps you're a dinosaur, along with old John?

Cool....another humanist....liberal at that.

Humanism is a false religion. Get saved.


New member
Thank you, Pops.

Do you honestly think that is the ONE GOSPEL that saves?
Those who believe that will have eternal life?
I went into further detail in that thread due to a very similar question. It is only a couple of posts down if I'm not mistaken.

It may give a more clear idea of what I am trying to say.

you are welcome Ms. gd

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Well-known member

So what is the actual verse you were referencing then?

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well, that was for nought....If you had really read that post, you would know. Instead you just skimmed it...not even bothering to open your ears. Your here not to learn, but preach.

Greg Jennings

New member
Cool....another humanist....liberal at that.

Humanism is a false religion. Get saved.

So I'm a Trump voter......who is a liberal? Do explain, genius GD

Unaware of what humanism is exactly. I value people for what they are. Not for what I want them to become. I have s moral compass that reaches beyond religious borders to my fellow man. Something that Christ EXPLICITLY told us to do.

Grow up, dinosaur

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Spirit of Jesus is GOD.

The Holy Temple which held the Spirit of GOD was destroyed and lifted back up in three days/ aeons.

That is to say that it has happened and will happen.

What sort of specifics would you like to know?

Faith in the One Creator GOD of all existence and HIS benevolent nature and the Truth of HIS Word. That is to say that one believing the teachings of the Christ/ Spirit of GOD will, by their new nature, strive to live out belief and reciprocal love towards, and for the glory of GOD, regardless of the perceptions of man. Jesus is the Way and the example and to disregard His self-sacrifice is to throw away HIS Free Gift.

Again; what do you want me to go into specifics about?

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What is the content of faith, required to be believed, to be saved?

It's a simple question. We go through this type of exercise in the secular world, i.e., succinctly writing down(fill in the blank)- why do you/many resist this in the more important "spiritual" realm?

Lay it out, in simple terms-"now speakest thou plainly,.."(John 16:29 KJV).

Time to check out-it's Miller time.