Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.


TOL Subscriber
Those who deny the effectual power of faith in the Christ of GOD are those who preach grace alone/ belief alone.

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The power of God is the preaching of the cross (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and it's most definitely by grace through His faith/not of ourselves/the gift of God/ not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV)! I take it, you deny it too, then. How sad for you (1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV).


New member
The power of God is the preaching of the cross (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and it's most definitely by grace through His faith/not of ourselves/the gift of God/ not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV)! I take it, you deny it too, then. How sad for you (1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV).
What is it you are accusing me of denying again?

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God's Truth

New member
:doh: You seriously cannot tell the difference between the faith OF Jesus Christ and faith IN Jesus Christ? Wow! You are blind!

Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

The "faith of Jesus Christ" speaks of His faith, by which we are justified
while "believe in Jesus Christ" is the believer's faith. :duh:

Simple and yet...

We have to have faith in Jesus that is what it means.


Are you kidding by saying that to Meshak when she goes against others who are saved? She has condemned many many times by saying I am a fake Christian, etc. She also says Paul is condemned. Where are we supposed to use scripture to build up those who are hypocrites? Don't you then share in their guilt?

You are doing it again. You have been slandering Christians just because they don't approve of your claims.

Do you remember you called clefty "a bitter" recently? You are still belittling him too.

You have such proud attitude of "know it all" like bully teenager.

John W just called Marhig "wolf" and you don't seem to be concerned because he is not talking about you.

You are so consumed about yourself. So childish. You are grudge holder.

You need to get rid of your bitter behavior.

Now you are attacking Marhig too just because you don't understand her explanation. You don't seem to have discernment of who is faithful or not.

grow up.

God's Truth

New member
You are doing it again. You have been slandering Christians just because they don't approve of your claims.
You are not speaking truth about me.
Do you remember you called clefty "a bitter" recently? You are still belittling him too.

You have not been following clefty and my discussion. Clefty says things to me that are not true and I can defend myself and my beliefs if I want and I do it without stooping to your evil level. Clefty said to me I do not obey if I do not observe the Sabbath. I told clefty that the BIBLE calls that person a bitter root.

You have such proud attitude of "know it all" like bully teenager.

You are the bully just listen to yourself. You try to demean me the worst you can. What kind of heart is that?

John W just called Marhig "wolf" and you don't seem to be concerned because he is not talking about you.

Marhig and you both know that he has called me worse things and for a longer time than he has done to Marhig, now what?

You are so consumed about yourself. So childish. You are grudge holder.
You describe yourself.

You need to get rid of your bitter behavior.
Now you are attacking Marhig too just because you don't understand her explanation. You don't seem to have discernment of who is faithful or not.

You are everything you falsely accuse me of being. I understand Marhig. I don't think she should use scripture to build up an awful person such as yourself. You put me down and stand up for clefty and Marhig because they do not believe Jesus is God. You are the fake Christian. You condemn Paul and so condemn yourself. You even false judge the Apostle Paul, yet say I have no discernment.

You are like those you complain about here. You are a false judge and you even say Paul is a bad person and condemn him.

You need to throw yourself on the floor in tears and repentance.


You are not speaking truth about me.

You have not been following clefty and my discussion. Clefty says things to me that are not true and I can defend myself and my beliefs if I want and I do it without stooping to your evil level. Clefty said to me I do not obey if I do not observe the Sabbath. I told clefty that the BIBLE calls that person a bitter root.

You are the bully just listen to yourself. You try to demean me the worst you can. What kind of heart is that?

Marhig and you both know that he has called me worse things and for a longer time than he has done to Marhig, now what?

You describe yourself.

You are everything you falsely accuse me of being. You put me down and stand up for clefty and Marhig because they do not believe Jesus is God. You are the fake Christian. You condemn Paul and so condemn yourself. You even false judge the Apostle Paul, yet say I have no discernment.

You are like those you complain about here. You are a false judge and you even say Paul is a bad person and condemn him.

You need to throw yourself on the floor in tears and repentance.

All I say to you is "grow up".

good day.

God's Truth

New member
That doesn't mean we have to stand by and watch as you wolves snarl and tear each others throats out. It's unpleasant to watch the blood and guts flying all over. Go away.

There is an ignore feature that you can use.
You can just ignore too.
I don't think you want to though.
