America Committing Suicide


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
But, if abstaining from submitting a ballot is voting, then until one submits his/her ballot, he/she has nevertheless voted; which would mean that upon submission of his/her ballot, he/she has now voted twice in the same race. Which would mean that every person who submits his/her ballot has voted twice in the same race--which I would imagine must be a violation of voting laws. So, the only way to avoid breaking the law by voting twice in the same race would be to abstain from submitting a ballot, since, whether one likes (or is even aware of) it or not, he/she has already voted without having submitted a ballot.
You either vote yourself directly, or you vote by proxy by abstaining. Not both.
If every person who did not submit a ballot nevertheless somehow--by his abstaining from submitting one--"gave half his/her vote to the Republican and the other half to the Democrat", then wouldn't all those "half-votes" just cancel each other out, and be totally immaterial to the outcome of the race?
If your proxy vote is the proportion of the total vote, and the Democrat wins, then your proxy vote helped elect the Democrat. If you instead of abstaining voted Republican, then you did your part.
Back in 2016, before election night, I remember hearing people doing the shtick about how "to not vote for Trump is to vote for Hillary", and trying to thereby make people seem somehow culpable (of what wrongdoing, I do not know) for sitting out that ballot.
They were trying to motivate people to vote. iow to not abstain, to not cast their vote by proxy.
Interestingly, after election night, I don't recall ever having heard those people praising those ballot-abstainers for (as it turned out) having helped defeat Hillary by their abstaining from that ballot.
Every otherwise Democratic voter who did abstain, did help the Republicans win.


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You either vote yourself directly, or you vote by proxy by abstaining. Not both.
Until you have voted directly (casted a ballot, I take it you mean) in an election, you have abstained from voting in it (which abstinence is, according to you, "voting by proxy"). So, since everyone who votes directly in an election necessarily abstains from voting directly in it until such time as he/she votes directly in it (since he/she cannot have voted directly in it before he/she has voted directly in it), he/she both votes directly and does what you call "voting by proxy".
If you instead of abstaining voted Republican, then you did your part.
But, according to you, to abstain from casting a ballot is somehow to vote for whichever candidate wins the election; so, if you abstained from casting a ballot, and it turns out that the Republican wins, then that must mean your abstaining from casting a ballot was you voting for the Republican, and having done "your part".


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Until you have voted directly (casted a ballot, I take it you mean) in an election, you have abstained from voting in it (which abstinence is, according to you, "voting by proxy"). So, since everyone who votes directly in an election necessarily abstains from voting directly in it until such time as he/she votes directly in it (since he/she cannot have voted directly in it before he/she has voted directly in it), he/she both votes directly and does what you call "voting by proxy".
Polls close. That's when you know which one counts.
But, according to you, to abstain from casting a ballot is somehow to vote for whichever candidate wins the election; so, if you abstained from casting a ballot, and it turns out that the Republican wins, then that must mean your abstaining from casting a ballot was you voting for the Republican, and having done "your part".
I lost you after "the Republican wins" since that's all I've been trying to accomplish.


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And too many Americans think that that's when their involvement ends
That's when the Democrats' involvement really begins in full effect, as I point out with the line in the footer of all my posts:

DNC = Dead-of-Night Criminals = "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"

way 2 go

Well-known member
California State Senator Dave Cortese has introduced SB 553, which aims to prevent workplace violence.023 The bill prohibits employers from forcing workers to confront active shoplifters and requires employers to provide shooter training and shoplifter training to prevent workplace assaults.1 The bill also requires Cal OSHA to adopt regulations requiring any employer not subject to healthcare regulations to adopt a workplace violence prevention plan as part of an employer injury and illness prevention plan requiring incident log.4 However, some argue that the bill could essentially legalize shoplifting, as no employee can approach someone who is shoplifting

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Well-known member
Fascinating to watch the Russian's body language in the beginning of the video. His left hand is nervously picking at the arm of the chair. His legs are crossed tight like a woman would, and while he is facing his interlocutor, his entire posture screams escape.
afraid of being epsteined

possible incoming housing crash , I wonder if this is the same for the U.S. ?

way 2 go

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