America Committing Suicide

way 2 go

Well-known member
what are those things called that take co2 out of the air :unsure:
oh yeah


maybe plant some of those instead

Greg Price


What I am about to tell you should be the most important story in America but no national media is talking about it. Read this entire tweet. One of the biggest invasions of property rights in American history is currently happening in South Dakota to expand green energy. This is footage that was shared with me by a South Dakota farmer named Jared Bossly, whose farm has been in his family for four generations. Bossly is one of over 80 SD landowners currently facing eminent domain lawsuits from a company called Summit Carbon Solutions who wants to seize their property and use it to build a carbon capture pipeline that will transport CO2 emissions from Iowa to North Dakota to be stored underground. The men in the video are surveyors from Summit. They entered his home and shop before going on his farm to survey the land all without permission while only his wife was home. They later falsely accused him of threatening to kill them (he talked to them for 6 seconds on speaker phone about how the sheriff should be there while they do it) and are taking him to court to get a restraining order so he can't be on his property when they come back. His hearing is tomorrow. Bossly tells me surveyors from the company have shown up to SD farms without permission, some with armed security guards like something straight out of Blazing Saddles, and have threatened the landowners who haven't agreed to give up their property. The Republican leadership in South Dakota has also abandoned them. In the last legislative session, bills to protect landowners from eminent domain from Summit failed. Gov. Kristi Norm has done nothing. Why? Because Summit has connections to massive GOP donors. They are also bankrolled by large investments, some of which are foreign, as well as benefit from massive federal tax credits for carbon capture expanded by Joe Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act." Meanwhile, South Dakotans whose farms have been in their families for generations, who have put their blood sweat and tears into their land, are now facing them being seized and ruined for the green energy grift. Their elected leaders have abandoned them and no one outside local media is talking about it. I'll soon be publishing a full story on this on my Substack with all the details.


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Smash and grab taken to the next logical level

2:54 The lady asks, "Why do you believe that you've seen such an uptick."

He immediately goes to Covid and drug sales....

Uh, no, sir, the reason we've seen such an uptick is because petty theft is no longer a punishable crime (at least not in any significant respect).

The "Broken Windows Theory" states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking, jaywalking, and fare evasion help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness. (Wikipedia)

We as a society have stopped targeting minor crimes, and so the petty thieves have seen this and realized they could be far more profitable as a result, and things will only get worse.


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There is no question but that the Democrats stole the election, but not in the way Trump wrongly asserted. It was not the machines. Rather, the Democrats corrupted and perverted our very democracy itself, and Republicans were asleep at the wheel for years. The GOP allowed Democrats to corrupt our democracy by turning Election Day into a month. And by fighting voter ID. And by creating same-day registration. And by unilaterally canceling a presidential debate. And by limiting poll watchers’ access. And by promoting universal mail-in balloting. And by legalizing vote harvesting. And by extending voting for felons. And by not cracking down on suspicious signatures on envelopes and ballots in the way that is done for all other elections. No true democracy allows those deviations. Israel, for example, has a one-day Election Day only. No one gets to vote by mail except for a few discrete groups that seem obviously appropriate: soldiers on active duty stationed away from home, hospitalized patients, diplomats stationed abroad, and the incarcerated. In Israel, of course no one does vote harvesting, and people must show ID, and they need to be registered in advance. And poll watchers are everywhere. That is how almost all democracies work except for Democrat-corrupted America.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
  • San Francisco may see more than two dozen more hotels default on their loans in the next two years as bills come due and revenues remain down
  • Earlier this week, the company that owns the largest hotel in San Francisco announced it will stop payments on a $725million loan and cede ownership
  • San Francisco is facing low tourism as the crime rate has spiked in the city and homeless is unrestrained
News of Park Hotels & Resorts' plan to surrender ownership of two of San Francisco's largest hotels is the beginning of what could potentially become a mass exodus of hotels from the city as 30 additional properties are facing massive loans due over the next two years.



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  • San Francisco may see more than two dozen more hotels default on their loans in the next two years as bills come due and revenues remain down
  • Earlier this week, the company that owns the largest hotel in San Francisco announced it will stop payments on a $725million loan and cede ownership
  • San Francisco is facing low tourism as the crime rate has spiked in the city and homeless is unrestrained
News of Park Hotels & Resorts' plan to surrender ownership of two of San Francisco's largest hotels is the beginning of what could potentially become a mass exodus of hotels from the city as 30 additional properties are facing massive loans due over the next two years.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.

But that's what happens when your government turns away from what is good.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Who gets the other half a vote?


The winning party gets the half vote. The loser ... loses. That's why it's half a vote. If instead you vote Republican, the Republicans get the full vote.

So vote Republican.


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The winning party gets the half vote. The loser ... loses. That's why it's half a vote. If instead you vote Republican, the Republicans get the full vote.

So vote Republican.

This is the kind of rationalizing you have to do when you do the irrational.

Not voting = 0 votes given to ANY party.

Dividing by zero is irrational.

Not voting does not equal "half a vote" to any party, because there's no vote to begin with.


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Then Democrats get half a vote by virtue of you not voting for Republicans and designating other voters to cast your vote for you in effect by proxy.
So then, in every election in which a Democrat is running against a Republican, until you have actually voted for the Republican by submitting your filled-out and signed ballot, you have voted against that Republican, and for the Democrat? And once you have submitted your ballot, you've now voted twice in the same race? First, not by ballot, and after that, by ballot.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So then, in every election in which a Democrat is running against a Republican, until you have actually voted for the Republican by submitting your filled-out and signed ballot, you have voted against that Republican, and for the Democrat? And once you have submitted your ballot, you've now voted twice in the same race? First, not by ballot, and after that, by ballot.
Close enough. When you abstain from voting you in effect are giving your vote to the actual voters, you are implicitly entrusting them with your vote. A proxy. So if a Democrat wins your state and you didn't vote, you contributed to that election result by proxy, meaning that you gave half your vote to the Republican and the other half to the Democrat. In order to make it an even vote, you'd have to actually vote, then the "half-vote" talk subsides since you're dealing in a full vote. (Which you would not give to the Democrat.)


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Close enough. When you abstain from voting you in effect are giving your vote to the actual voters, you are implicitly entrusting them with your vote. A proxy. So if a Democrat wins your state and you didn't vote, you contributed to that election result by proxy, meaning that you gave half your vote to the Republican and the other half to the Democrat. In order to make it an even vote, you'd have to actually vote, then the "half-vote" talk subsides since you're dealing in a full vote. (Which you would not give to the Democrat.)
But, if abstaining from submitting a ballot is voting, then until one submits his/her ballot, he/she has nevertheless voted; which would mean that upon submission of his/her ballot, he/she has now voted twice in the same race. Which would mean that every person who submits his/her ballot has voted twice in the same race--which I would imagine must be a violation of voting laws. So, the only way to avoid breaking the law by voting twice in the same race would be to abstain from submitting a ballot, since, whether one likes (or is even aware of) it or not, he/she has already voted without having submitted a ballot.

If every person who did not submit a ballot nevertheless somehow--by his abstaining from submitting one--"gave half his/her vote to the Republican and the other half to the Democrat", then wouldn't all those "half-votes" just cancel each other out, and be totally immaterial to the outcome of the race?

Back in 2016, before election night, I remember hearing people doing the shtick about how "to not vote for Trump is to vote for Hillary", and trying to thereby make people seem somehow culpable (of what wrongdoing, I do not know) for sitting out that ballot. Interestingly, after election night, I don't recall ever having heard those people praising those ballot-abstainers for (as it turned out) having helped defeat Hillary by their abstaining from that ballot.