History, Thomas Jefferson, and Khrushchev are just three who warned our citizens and leaders of a bleak future if our people did not do well. Our people ignored the warnings- me included. I trusted way too much and just got busy trying to live a happy blessed life. Funny how humanity wakes up too late... just read the Bible to see. People say often: "This is the most important election ever." Well, I had a friend to say: "Politicians always say that every time there is an election. They just want to drum up votes." I answered: "Well, all elections have been important, but we the people just ignored our responsibility and this is why we are where we are." Yet, now I really feel the onslaught of the inside attacks Khrushchev predicted. The enemies of our society are already within. So many it is hard to point just one finger. We can even point at our own protectors - our elected and appointed state and national leaders. Very sad... this is the most serious election ever!