If none of those things apply to who can be President or not, then why use this as any legitimate argument to remove Trump from office over it?
Why does the left try to force this on Trump when it was the left that supported both a woman molester (Bill) and a woman molester supporter (Hillary) to be in the White House?????????
Why is the left demanding mass public outage now?
Because Trump is not of their party line.
The left:
Let's put a woman molester in the White House ---- please elect Bill.
Let's put a woman molester supporter in the White House --- please elect Hillary.
But put a woman molester in the White House that is not of our party line ----
And then blame the right for not going along with their double-standard.
If their agenda was
really about molestation they would have disowned both Bill and Hillary as being acceptable for the White House.
But that's not what happened.
Instead, they supported both of them for the White House.
But now that it is someone that is not of their party line and all of a sudden it is ..... HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL! ..... while they accuse the right of being, get this ...... a supporter of a woman molester.
That little tactic does not fly for those that have their eyes open and can see that the guiding light of this stunt is politically motivated and not about a concern of molestation.