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No, but your classifying Trump as a "Christian" man as if he's a virtuous guy is a complete crock. His comments on tape are enough to undo that before the plethora of charges against the crank.
Sexual comments do not disqualify one from being a Christian.
Nor does it disqualify one from being President.
Try again.


New member
I was never a fan of the Clintons either so the same would apply, sorry, no dice.

It IS about CORRUPT Trump.

Just as it HAD BEEN about CORRUPT Bill Clinton.

But o but the duplicity of the Trump supporting double-standard :chuckle:

What sullied characters the Trump supporters continue to prove to be.


New member
No, but your classifying Trump as a "Christian" man as if he's a virtuous guy is a complete crock. His comments on tape are enough to undo that before the plethora of charges against the crank.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Trump proving he'd meant what he has been recorded bragging about elsewhere - that he is more than merely a lewed individual...


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I was never a fan of the Clintons either so the same would apply, sorry, no dice.
Irrelevant if you were or fan or not.
Both did inappropriate things towards women.

No mass outrage towards Clinton.
Mass outrage towards Trump.


New member
Irrelevant if you were or fan or not.
Both did inappropriate things towards women.

No mass outrage towards Clinton.
Mass outrage towards Trump.

Rubbish - there was more than plenty of outrage against Slick Willy.

But as then with his self-deluded base - to - this - very - day, so now with your kind; as Trump supporters.

The exact same, ever excusing, deflecting, self-delusion you and your pals are now infamous for, on TOL.


Hall of Fame
No, but your classifying Trump as a "Christian" man as if he's a virtuous guy is a complete crock. His comments on tape are enough to undo that before the plethora of charges against the crank.

Trump is known as an thrice married adulterer, sexual predator by virtue of own admission (Access Hollywood), deadbeat insofar as paying HIS obligations (multiple bankruptcies) abuse of the legal system (filing frivolous lawsuits), serial liar (birther movement), etc. ...

So he he gives himself the label of a Christian and we (those who demand accountability) are suppose to pretend that this time he isn't telling another opportunistic lie?

Nope, not happening. I value America as well as the CHILDREN and less fortunate who he is willfully trying to harm.


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there was more than plenty of outrage against Slick Willy.
There was hardly a peep.

But for the 2016 election, MASS outrage.

Which just goes to show this is about Trump and not sexual molestation at all.
Otherwise there would have been mass public outrage toward Hillary as well for tirelessly supporting a woman molester in the White House for 2 terms.
Anyone that did speak up against Bill's misconduct was just labeled as a political witch-hunt and mud slinging.

If you want to talk about hypocrisy and a double-standard, Danoh, you are completely missing the elephant in the room.
This is all just a ploy to gain partisanship support, and has nothing to do with sexual misconduct.
But you will probably continue to keep your one-sided blinders on with anything that comes to Trump because of your hatred toward him, and ignore what's really going on.


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It IS about CORRUPT Trump.

Just as it HAD BEEN about CORRUPT Bill Clinton.

But o but the duplicity of the Trump supporting double-standard :chuckle:

What sullied characters the Trump supporters continue to prove to be.
Absolutely clueless.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sexual comments do not disqualify one from being a Christian.
Nor does it disqualify one from being President.
Try again.

It's not as if he said he found a playboy model attractive or something. It's the whole way he talked about being able to effectively assault a woman if his breath was fresh enough and because of his power women would let him and he'd get away with it. Not to mention the sleazy comments about his own daughter...



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If none of those things apply to who can be President or not, then why use this as any legitimate argument to remove Trump from office over it?
Why does the left try to force this on Trump when it was the left that supported both a woman molester (Bill) and a woman molester supporter (Hillary) to be in the White House?????????
Why is the left demanding mass public outage now?
Because Trump is not of their party line.

The left:
Let's put a woman molester in the White House ---- please elect Bill.
Let's put a woman molester supporter in the White House --- please elect Hillary.
But put a woman molester in the White House that is not of our party line ---- UNACCEPTABLE!!!!
And then blame the right for not going along with their double-standard.

If their agenda was really about molestation they would have disowned both Bill and Hillary as being acceptable for the White House.
But that's not what happened.
Instead, they supported both of them for the White House.
But now that it is someone that is not of their party line and all of a sudden it is ..... HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL! ..... while they accuse the right of being, get this ...... a supporter of a woman molester.

That little tactic does not fly for those that have their eyes open and can see that the guiding light of this stunt is politically motivated and not about a concern of molestation.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If none of those things apply to who can be President or not, then why use this as any legitimate argument to remove Trump from office over it?
Why does the left try to force this on Trump when it was the left that supported both a woman molester (Bill) and a woman molester supporter (Hillary) to be in the White House?????????
Why is the left demanding mass public outage now?
Because Trump is not of their party line.

The left:
Let's put a woman molester in the White House ---- please elect Bill.
Let's put a woman molester supporter in the White House --- please elect Hillary.
But put a woman molester in the White House that is not of our party line ---- UNACCEPTABLE!!!!
And then blame the right for not going along with their double-standard.

If their agenda was really about molestation they would have disowned both Bill and Hillary as being acceptable for the White House.
But that's not what happened.
Instead, they supported both of them for the White House.
But now that it is someone that is not of their party line and all of a sudden it is ..... HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL! ..... while they accuse the right of being, get this ...... a supporter of a woman molester.

That little tactic does not fly for those that have their eyes open and can see that the guiding light of this stunt is politically motivated and not about a concern of molestation.

I personally think he should be removed from office because he's an embarrassing clown, unfit to hold political office and a danger to the world stage at large. I think all allegations of sexual misconduct should be investigated to the hilt and calling the guy a Christian man is an absolute joke. The same would go for any politician on left or right but all of the sleaze surrounding Trump is something you far right wingers just seem to want to gloss over or downplay.


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It's not as if he said he found a playboy model attractive or something. It's the whole way he talked about being able to effectively assault a woman if his breath was fresh enough and because of his power women would let him and he'd get away with it. Not to mention the sleazy comments about his own daughter...

Again, the left wanted Clinton (both of them) in the White House.
WANTED them (a woman molester and a supporter of a woman molester) in the White House.

And Trumps comment about his daughter was not sleazy.
He was not saying he desired to sleep with his daughter, moron.
Any insinuation that he was is just sick.


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but all of the sleaze surrounding Trump is something you far right wingers just seem to want to gloss over or downplay.
Frustrating, isn't it.
Imagine how the right felt when the left was pushing for both Clintons to be in the White House.
It was not a concern for the left when it was their own candidate.
And then paint the right as being the uncaring ones of having a woman molester in the White House.
And like a good little dumb sheep, you are not only buying into their hypocrisy, but shouting their hypocritical mantra with them.


Hall of Fame
I personally think he should be removed from office because he's an embarrassing clown, unfit to hold political office and a danger to the world stage at large. I think all allegations of sexual misconduct should be investigated to the hilt and calling the guy a Christian man is an absolute joke. The same would go for any politician on left or right but all of the sleaze surrounding Trump is something you far right wingers just seem to want to gloss over or downplay.

^ This ... the fact that he has shown himself a danger to America as well as other nations who have the displeasure of having to deal with him *should be* enough. He is too unstable to have access to the nuclear codes. His actions (the collusion with Russia) is treasonous at best. The fact that he condones and sympathizes with the alt-right and wishes to harm millions of children, disabled and others by taking away their healthcare should be enough.


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I think all allegations of sexual misconduct should be investigated to the hilt
The left doesn't do that unless it is someone not in their party.

and calling the guy a Christian man is an absolute joke.
That's only because you confuse the works of the sinless one with the works of sinners.
Christ saved us WHILE we were sinners, not saved us only after we clean up our act.
Grace is unmerited favor, not tit-for-tat.

The same would go for any politician on left or right
Then you need to show some heavy outrage towards the left, as they are the ones that have already proven they really care little about molestation when it comes to who sits in the White House.

but all of the sleaze surrounding Trump is something you far right wingers just seem to want to gloss over or downplay.
The left towards both Clintons for the White House seat.

We already know the left has no problem with a molester or a supporter of a molester in the White House.
So their outrage of having a molester in the White House now is just pure double-standard hypocrisy.
While they try to convince the public that it is only the right that does not care about having a molester in the White House.
And you fell it and are skipping merrily along downplaying their own obvious support of molestation the same as they are.
:sheep: baaaaaaaaaa

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again, the left wanted Clinton (both of them) in the White House.
WANTED them (a woman molester and a supporter of a woman molester) in the White House.

And Trumps comment about his daughter was not sleazy.
He was not saying he desired to sleep with his daughter, moron.
Any insinuation that he was is just sick.

Oh please, I would want neither in the Whitehouse and his comments about his daughter were downright sleazy, so quit being a moron yourself Tam and stop kidding yourself. Guy is an absolute arse and a dangerous one at that.