
Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The left doesn't do that unless it is someone not in their party.

That's only because you confuse the works of the sinless one with the works of sinners.
Christ saved us WHILE we were sinners, not saved us only after we clean up our act.
Grace is unmerited favor, not tit-for-tat.

Then you need to show some heavy outrage towards the left, as they are the ones that have already proven they really care little about molestation when it comes to who sits in the White House.

The left towards both Clintons for the White House seat.

We already know the left has no problem with a molester or a supporter of a molester in the White House.
So their outrage of having a molester in the White House now is just pure double-standard hypocrisy.
While they try to convince the public that it is only the right that does not care about having a molester in the White House.
And you fell it and are skipping merrily along downplaying their own obvious support of molestation the same as they are.
:sheep: baaaaaaaaaa

Ya, thanks for the rant but I support nobody who's raped, molested or boasts about sexual assault etc, so go take your little parade someplace else.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
^ This ... the fact that he has shown himself a danger to America as well as other nations who have the displeasure of having to deal with him *should be* enough. He is too unstable to have access to the nuclear codes. His actions (the collusion with Russia) is treasonous at best. The fact that he condones and sympathizes with the alt-right and wishes to harm millions of children, disabled and others by taking away their healthcare should be enough.

He should be nowhere near the bloody launch codes and someone needs to deactivate his twitter account as well...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Oh please, I would want neither in the Whitehouse
Oh please, pay attention to the giant elephant in the room that you keep wanting to downplay.

The left wanted both the Clintons in the White House.
The left agenda is not about preventing a woman molester or about preventing a woman molester supporter in the White House as long as they are of their own party.
There is absolutely no agenda of the left to keep it out of the White House.
Their eyes are so caked over with so much mud of their own that they cannot see their very own hypocrisy.
And you are still supporting their hypocrisy.

And yes, you are a moron if you think Trump's statement meant he wanted to have sex with his daughter.
You are guilty of perpetuating that sick accusation also.
And I wouldn't blame Trump for punching someone in the mouth that spreads the accusation that he wanted to have sex with his daughter.
Low and pathetic.

All this outrage of Trump's sexual activity is nothing but a play of hypocrisy for political gain.
Because we darn sure know the left does not care if it is in the White House.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Ya, thanks for the rant but I support nobody who's raped, molested or boasts about sexual assault etc, so go take your little parade someplace else.
Whoosh ---- right over your head again.
Still cannot acknowledge the giant elephant in the room. ---- that the left had no intentions of keeping it out of the White House at all.
But still want to use it against their opponents.
Classic hypocrisy.
And the sheep gobble it up.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh please, pay attention to the giant elephant in the room that you keep wanting to downplay.

The left wanted both the Clintons in the White House.
The left agenda is not about preventing a woman molester or about preventing a woman molester supporter in the White House as long as they are of their own party.
There is absolutely no agenda of the left to keep it out of the White House.
Their eyes are so caked over with so much mud of their own that they cannot see their very own hypocrisy.
And you are still supporting their hypocrisy.

And yes, you are a moron if you think Trump's statement meant he wanted to have sex with his daughter.
You are guilty of perpetuating that sick accusation also.
And I wouldn't blame Trump for punching someone in the mouth that spreads the accusation that he wanted to have sex with his daughter.
Low and pathetic.

All this outrage of Trump's sexual activity is nothing but a play of hypocrisy for political gain.
Because we darn sure know the left does not care if it is in the White House.

I don't support any of them, do you get that?! I think they're all insidious, bloated, puffed up pieces of work and to your latter then you need to buy a clue:

You're a dope. You think saying that about your own daughter is normal?! (Not to mention the rest).

You wanna keep on giving this gargantuan, egotistical prat a break then you crack on with it.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Whoosh ---- right over your head again.
Still cannot acknowledge the giant elephant in the room. ---- that the left had no intentions of keeping it out of the White House at all.
But still want to use it against their opponents.
Classic hypocrisy.
And the sheep gobble it up.

Oh please, you're in no position to call anybody "sheep".


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Oh please, you're in no position to call anybody "sheep".
Still downplaying the giant elephant in the room to uphold the left's political party agenda (which has nothing to with keeping molesters or supporters of molesters out of the White House).


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I don't support any of them, do you get that?!
What you fail to see is that your view is not the view of the left's agenda.
The left wanted a molester and a supporter of a molester in the White House.
But when the right wants one in the White House ----- FOUL!

The outrage of the left is not over molestation being in the White House (we already know they wanted one there), but over a non-democrat being in the White House.

And his daughter comment had nothing to do with him desiring to have sex with his own daughter.
You will continue to be a moron for that sick accusation.

And it is not unusual at all for family member to comment on how attractive and desirable the women in their family look.
Nothing wrong with that.
And it most certainly does not have anything to do with them wanting to have sex with them!!!!!!!
So again, this is just another baseless snip at Trump for political gain only because anyone with common sense knows that his statement was NOT that he desired to have SEX WITH HIS OWN DAUGHTER.
You are the perverted crank for perpetuating that out of context nonsense.
Why do you do that?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What you fail to see is that your view is not the view of the left's agenda.
The left wanted a molester and a supporter of a molester in the White House.
But when the right wants one in the White House ----- FOUL!

The outrage of the left is not over molestation being in the White House (we already know they wanted one there), but over a non-democrat being in the White House.

And his daughter comment had nothing to do with him desiring to have sex with his own daughter.
You will continue to be a moron for that sick accusation.

And it is not unusual at all for family member to comment on how attractive and desirable the women in their family look.
Nothing wrong with that.
And it most certainly does not have anything to do with them wanting to have sex with them!!!!!!!
So again, this is just another baseless snip at Trump for political gain only because anyone with common sense knows that his statement was NOT that he desired to have SEX WITH HIS OWN DAUGHTER.
You are the perverted crank for perpetuating that out of context nonsense.
Why do you do that?

Oh of course it bloody was. If Trump was a democrat you'd be hauling him over the coals over his comments so all of this 'hypocrisy' you wanna see you can level it right back at yourself. Oh, and newsflash Tam, fathers do not go on about how they'd probably be dating their daughters if they didn't happen to be their father...He's a bloody creep just for that alone and you're a moron if you think otherwise. Crack on with your tired usual...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Oh of course it bloody was.
No it's not or the left would have shown mass public outrage against Bill and Hillary if they were indeed concerned with keeping it out of the White House.
Instead they fully supported both Bill and Hillary to sit in the White House.

If Trump was a democrat you'd be hauling him over the coals over his comments so all of this 'hypocrisy' you wanna see you can level it right back at yourself.
Ahhh, so just skip or downplay the hypocrisy of the left that does uses the same tactic.
There was no focus from the left to keep it out of the White House for their own candidates, and even encouraged all Americans to vote them IN!

Oh, and newsflash Tam, fathers do not go on about how they'd probably be dating their daughters if they didn't happen to be their father.
Yes they do.
And you are not paying attention to a very important part of your statement --- "if they didn't happen to be their father".
In no way is that saying that Trump desired to have sex with his own daughter.

My own son has said things similar about me when someone compliments me on my looks, with something like "Oh yeah, if she were not my mother I would be chasing her!"
You would have to have a sick imagination if you think that means he wanted to have sex with his mother.

And to watch you continue to act as if a statement like that does just shows what a sick mind you have.

He's a bloody creep just for that alone and you're a moron if think otherwise. Crack on with your tired usual...
Sick nonsense.
Trump was not saying he wanted to have incestual sex with his own daughter.
And your continued allegation that that is what he wanted to do just shows what a SICK SICK SICK mind you have.


New member
There was hardly a peep.

But for the 2016 election, MASS outrage.

Which just goes to show this is about Trump and not sexual molestation at all.
Otherwise there would have been mass public outrage toward Hillary as well for tirelessly supporting a woman molester in the White House for 2 terms.
Anyone that did speak up against Bill's misconduct was just labeled as a political witch-hunt and mud slinging.

If you want to talk about hypocrisy and a double-standard, Danoh, you are completely missing the elephant in the room.
This is all just a ploy to gain partisanship support, and has nothing to do with sexual misconduct.
But you will probably continue to keep your one-sided blinders on with anything that comes to Trump because of your hatred toward him, and ignore what's really going on.

I remember well, having often been labeled out of touch with the times for once more standing against Bill Clinton; this time, when his sordid Lewinsky affair was made public.

And I recall just as well my later disgust with both him and Oprah and her audience of mostly women wildly applauding him when she hosted him on her show, sometime after he left the Presidency in that one more disgrace he had made of The Office he had been entrusted with.

And Hillary had clearly had her own, almost life-long political agenda in mind, by then, when she stood by him.

But all those women who had somehow blocked from their minds what he did to various of their own before the entire world?

It is one thing to forgive.

But to condone?

Not in my book.

Not in The Scripture I supposedly hold to.

Sorry, Tam; I consider you and most of your pals on here brothers and sisters in the Lord; but I will not be brought under the power of your just as obvious own version of the above described disgraceful self-delusion.

The following passage of Scripture aptly describes your so called "Christian" false idol's exact inciting of all that ugliness in his supporters during his rallies...even now.

Acts 17:5 But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.

All that is merely the result of the very nature that killed our Saviour.

WE - of all people on TOL - ought to know "ye have not so learned Christ" Eph. 4:20.

You and your pals can glory in your shame all you like, and as obviously self-deluded about it as you just as obviously need to be.

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Romans 5:7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Yours in Him - NOT in some life-long corrupt New York "businessman" merely turned one more corrupt Politician, if not worse.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No it's not or the left would have shown mass public outrage against Bill and Hillary if they were indeed concerned with keeping it out of the White House.
Instead they fully supported both Bill and Hillary to sit in the White House.

Ahhh, so just skip or downplay the hypocrisy of the left that does uses the same tactic.
There was no focus from the left to keep it out of the White House for their own candidates, and even encouraged all Americans to vote them IN!

Yes they do.
And you are not paying attention to a very important part of your statement --- "if they didn't happen to be their father".
In no way is that saying that Trump desired to have sex with his own daughter.

My own son has said things similar about me when someone compliments me on my looks, with something like "Oh yeah, if she were not my mother I would be chasing her!"
You would have to have a sick imagination if you think that means he wanted to have sex with his mother.

And to watch you continue to act as if a statement like that does just shows what a sick mind you have.

Sick nonsense.
Trump was not saying he wanted to have incestual sex with his own daughter.
And your continued allegation that that is what he wanted to do just shows what a SICK SICK SICK mind you have.

Oh what absolute bollocks. The sleazebag said if she wasn't his own daughter he'd probably be dating her. What do you think dates generally lead to Tam? Oh, not to mention the age difference and all...quit projecting onto me Tam, I'm tired of it frankly. It's no wonder the press in general found his comments downright creepy at 'best'.

patrick jane

Oh of course it bloody was. If Trump was a democrat you'd be hauling him over the coals over his comments so all of this 'hypocrisy' you wanna see you can level it right back at yourself. Oh, and newsflash Tam, fathers do not go on about how they'd probably be dating their daughters if they didn't happen to be their father...He's a bloody creep just for that alone and you're a moron if you think otherwise. Crack on with your tired usual...
Fathers dote on their daughters and you're a creep for thinking Trump was publicly stating that he wanted sex with his daughter. Then again, men having sex together is just great in your book.


Hall of Fame
Oh what absolute bollocks. The sleazebag said if she wasn't his own daughter he'd probably be dating her. What do you think dates generally lead to Tam? Oh, not to mention the age difference and all...quit projecting onto me Tam, I'm tired of it frankly. It's no wonder the press in general found his comments downright creepy at 'best'.

The creepy part is that "he went there". He *thought* about it. A protective, decent dad would never entertain such a thought ...


New member
Nah, I say impeach for collusion and conflicts of interest BUT allow him to keep the twitter for at least a week. For my amusement. That is one melt-down I would not want to miss. :D

In the absence of that, you can always watch the various video recordings now on YouTube in which the late Mob Boss: John Gotti (who was just as over blown a narcissist as Trump), is bragging about how slick he'd been that the FBI almost never brought him down.

Talk about the overwhelmingly compelling power ever at work within the completely self-deluded narcissist - compelling his bragging about how slick he'd been, though obviously in prison for the rest of his life.

And no surprise that same self-deluding mechanism continues to compel something similar in his various supporters to this very day.

Sort of like how some still continue to put the War Criminal: Former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, on a pedestal; to this very day.

Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Sorry, Tam; I consider you and most of your pals on here brothers and sisters in the Lord; but I will not be brought under the power of your just as obvious own version of the above described disgraceful self-delusion.
I am disgraceful and self-deluded because I do NOT think molestation is OK?
What a joke you are!

You and your pals can glory in your shame all you like
My shame? For NOT thinking it's OK to molest?????
What's wrong with you?

YOU acting like you have a moral high-ground to stand on is funny.
Neither of us thinks molestation is OK, so whatever you just said about me applies to you as well.


New member
Whoosh ---- right over your head again.
Still cannot acknowledge the giant elephant in the room. ---- that the left had no intentions of keeping it out of the White House at all.
But still want to use it against their opponents.
Classic hypocrisy.
And the sheep gobble it up.

You want to talk classic hypocrisy?

I have been removed from calling you on your obvious double-standard in your just as obvious one-sided "Hollywood Pedophiles" thread.

And today, I was removed from Musti's one-sided thread against Caldry - merely for having called him on his often stated duplicitous desire for a forum where only he and your pals can look down your hypocritical noses at others all day long, free of opposition.

Lol - what's next - removing me from my own thread :chuckle:

You grace-less gospel of grace fools - you daily prove to one and all that the Cross you so self-righteously assert was enough in your obvious hypocrisy; was not enough for you, as far as anyone you would spit on is concerned.

Romans 5:7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

How you each continually spit on the following by your obvious duplicity..

2 Corinthians 5:13 For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. 5:14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: 5:15 And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

You're some characters - I'll give ya that much :chuckle: