Alt-righter plows into crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville

patrick jane

I'm having a ball watching you and Town slander me about my feelings on the lady being killed. or any of the harm that was done.
It's hilarious to watch ya'll in action.

Was she a member of ANTIFA?

I'm asking you because I don't know.
Was she a member of ANTIFA?

Ya'll are the ones raising a fuss and trying to make me look unsympathetic and uncaring and trivializing the lady.
Nothing like that went through my mind.
And you are both gutter slime for trying to paint me that way.
They've been conditioned to think that way, making up false accusations and fake outrage, just like mainstream media


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Free speech is exactly that. Whether you like it or not, whether you agree or not, Americans are FREE to speak about almost everything. Just because snowflakes only want to hear about socialist ideals and free government handouts, doesn't mean they can shut down speech they don't like.
They are shutting down White Nationalist sites and White Nationalist videos, articles, and posts on the internet as we speak.
Banned from youtube, facebook, google, etc.
But ANTIFA and BLM can carry on.
So much for free speech.

And they wonder why we hate the leftist agenda.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have shown no malice,
I didn't say anything about malice.

but only remorse and sorrow for the lady that was killed
No, saying you're remorseful isn't showing it, Tam, anymore than saying you're an optimist makes you hopeful.

So keep right on with your twisted story, you slanderous slimeball
It's your story. You can describe it any way that suits you.

Here it is again, for anyone wondering, in spoilers:

I did no such thing, you piece of filth.
Yeah, I'm just not going to do that. You find your level and stay with it though. You absolutely did. You remind me of the woman who called the former president's wife a gorilla and then declared she wasn't a racist. If that's all it takes then no. You clearly said you didn't mean to offer disrespect and that you felt for her, as you calmly went about demonstrating the insincerity of those statements.

For those who missed her dumpster fire of a post, here's the relevant (well, to this disagreement) part:

I'd noted that the young woman who died in Charlottesville had been fearful about the rally, but she went anyway, because she thought it was important to stand up to the Nazis, and White Supremacists, etc. She went unarmed and she went to stand peacefully. Then someone ran her down and killed her for doing it.

I think what she did is brave. I think I'd be proud of her if she were my child. I said so.

For holding a sign at a rally protest?
See, that's trivializing.

I haven't seen any account of her holding a sign, but I'd set out pretty clearly what for. I just did it again above this.

Then there was a whole lot of brave people there on every side.
There Tam plays the moral equivalence card. I think that's been addressed by enough people.

I feel awful about what happened to the lady, so I mean no disrespect toward her.
Then that's where the statement ends and you go another route to make any other point. But she doesn't. This is voluntary. Here comes Tam showing her "but" which is what people who don't really mean what they say do after they say what they think they have to in order to avoid looking like what they generally are.

But if we are going to throw around the word "BRAVE" to those that show up to a protest rally expressing their views where you are already leery that violence is likely to occur, then everyone there was "BRAVE".
Of course, anyone who can read understands that's not what I did.

Here comes the equivalence card again.
Can be said of all that were there.
And that was that..


Well-known member
So, they are calling everyone right of Bernie Sanders alt-right? Ok
Calling everyone a racist doesn't make it so. I stand by my claim that less than 1% of conservatives are racist.

Leftists are always racists. NatSocialists, communists, liberals, they're all the same. They're all the same model of statist tribalism, except communism starts out with economic "races" then devolves from there, eventually dealing with "undesirables." It's either the racism of low expectations for "helpless" minorities they don't WANT to succeed * (because then they won't need the ministrations of the Left), or flat-out hatred of (inevitably) Jews for just being Jews, or any other group that won't bow.

*Incidentally, that's the same exact reason Communism has always sought to destroy the middle class. Can't righteously rob from the Haves without a permanent class of Have Nots, so a class of upwardly mobile in-betweens - or a society that allows for them (like ours does) puts the lie to your class tribalism. THAT'S why Johnson's 'great society.' THAT'S why permanent and expanding welfare states. THAT'S why the ultimate goal of the socialization (gov't control) of EVERYTHING.


New member
To come to grips with the functions around here one must first accept that they are going to stay here and do this.
It's like a reluctant smoker who won't just go buy a carton because he's going to quit anytime now and doesn't want to invest in cigarettes he's not going to smoke.
That moron doesn't have any memory. He knows I don't have a PC. I can quote a whole post, but it takes an enormous amount of time to erase all the parts I'm not quoting and then go back and put quote function brackets around each and every section that is pertinent. Perhaps he does know that and is just deliberately slandering me about it.


like marbles on glass
I witnessed a terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Then the conspiracy theories began.

By Brennan Gilmore

Last Sunday evening, I received a worried call from my sister asking if I had spoken with my mother and father. I had spent the day doing interviews about the vehicle attack I witnessed the day before while protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville and had not been in front of a computer all day. She told me that my parents’ home address had been posted on a neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist message board.

“They are suggesting that you arranged the attack, Brennan,” she said. “There are death threats against you.”

On Saturday morning, I witnessed James Fields smash his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer and wounding 19 others. Although I immediately shared the footage with police on the scene, it took me a half-hour to decide to post it publicly. I was concerned about how the footage might be used by the "alt-right" and felt uncomfortable knowing that I had probably filmed someone’s death. I did not want the attention posting the video was likely to bring. I consulted with friends and family, some of whom were also at the counterprotest and some of whom were watching the coverage from outside Charlottesville. They all urged me to share the video, and when I heard from friends that some media outlets were suggesting that it might have been an accident or that the driver might have been attempting to escape an angry mob, I knew I had to post it. The video I took—and the scene I witnessed with my own two eyes—clearly showed the attack was intentional. Fields drove down two empty blocks and plowed straight into the crowd before fleeing in reverse.

So I tweeted it out. . . .

Hours after an interview I did with Alex Witt of MSNBC, neo-Nazi commentators started posting about me on 4chan, Reddit and YouTube. These crack researchers bragged that they had discovered I worked for the State Department (it’s in my Twitter bio), that I have a connection to George Soros (he very publicly donated to the campaign of my former boss, Tom Perriello), and that I spent time in Africa working in conflict areas (information available in major news outlets).

Desperate to lay blame on anyone besides the alt-right, they seized on these facts to suggest a counter-narrative to the attack, claiming there was no way that someone with my background just happened to be right there to take the video. Even ignoring the fact that someone with my background—raised in Virginia, UVA graduate, lives in Charlottesville, worked to resolve ethnic conflicts overseas, politically progressive—is exactly the kind of person you’d expect to find at a protest against Nazis, their theories were absurd and illogical. They wrote that I was a CIA operative, funded by (choose your own adventure) George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the IMF/World Bank, and/or a global Jewish mafia to orchestrate the Charlottesville attack in order to turn the general public against the alt-right. I had staged the attack and then worked with MSNBC and other outlets controlled by the left to spread propaganda. They claimed my ultimate goal was to start a race war that would undermine and then overthrow Donald Trump on behalf of the “Deep State.” . . . .

Normally, I would have just ignored these threats and certainly would not have commented on them publicly. I consider it an honor to be attacked by people who have none, and I am willing to put up with personal risk to speak out against Nazis. I believe that it is incumbent on white people in particular to take the risks necessary to confront and restrain white supremacists, given the inherent and intentional risk they present to all communities of color.

My parents feel similarly and took having their address posted online by hate groups in stride. Within days a letter showed up in their mail, containing four pages of text explaining why I would burn in in hell, as well as a suspicious white powder. While the powder was a hoax, their local police department took all the threats seriously, confiscated the letter and stepped up patrols around the house. My parents’ sole precaution was to pick the remaining tomatoes from their garden, “so the Nazis wouldn’t get them.” Even in the South, there must be a limit to our hospitality.

First, at some point during the week, it occurred to me that there was a pretty good chance these conspiracy theories had made their way to the White House. While they initially appeared only on obscure, wacko sites with pictures of bald eagles shooting machine guns, within 72 hours, they had gone “mainstream.” Infowars posted a “bombshell” investigation into Charlottesville that showed it was all a Soros plot, and I was the key operative. The president of the United States has been a guest on the very show that echoed theories suggesting I was, at best, an accessory to murder and, at worst, the orchestrator of the entire event, including hiring Nazi and antifa actors, staging a confrontation, and then working with allies in the mainstream “leftist” media to blind the world to the “reality.”

. . . .​

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You lowlife scum.
I said find your level. I didn't say it had to be this. This is your choice.

Vomit out...slander...Worthlessness.
you piece of filth.
you piece of trash.
you slanderous slimeball

And you mean libel. It's wrong, but at least use the correct term if you're going there. Slander is spoken/libel is written. Defamation is general.

Thanks for sharing your feelings.
She tried sharing her thoughts, but it didn't work out.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I witnessed a terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Then the conspiracy theories began.

By Brennan Gilmore

Last Sunday evening, I received a worried call from my sister asking if I had spoken with my mother and father. I had spent the day doing interviews about the vehicle attack I witnessed the day before while protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville and had not been in front of a computer all day. She told me that my parents’ home address had been posted on a neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist message board.

“They are suggesting that you arranged the attack, Brennan,” she said. “There are death threats against you.”

On Saturday morning, I witnessed James Fields smash his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer and wounding 19 others. Although I immediately shared the footage with police on the scene, it took me a half-hour to decide to post it publicly. I was concerned about how the footage might be used by the "alt-right" and felt uncomfortable knowing that I had probably filmed someone’s death. I did not want the attention posting the video was likely to bring. I consulted with friends and family, some of whom were also at the counterprotest and some of whom were watching the coverage from outside Charlottesville. They all urged me to share the video, and when I heard from friends that some media outlets were suggesting that it might have been an accident or that the driver might have been attempting to escape an angry mob, I knew I had to post it. The video I took—and the scene I witnessed with my own two eyes—clearly showed the attack was intentional. Fields drove down two empty blocks and plowed straight into the crowd before fleeing in reverse.

So I tweeted it out. . . .

Hours after an interview I did with Alex Witt of MSNBC, neo-Nazi commentators started posting about me on 4chan, Reddit and YouTube. These crack researchers bragged that they had discovered I worked for the State Department (it’s in my Twitter bio), that I have a connection to George Soros (he very publicly donated to the campaign of my former boss, Tom Perriello), and that I spent time in Africa working in conflict areas (information available in major news outlets).

Desperate to lay blame on anyone besides the alt-right, they seized on these facts to suggest a counter-narrative to the attack, claiming there was no way that someone with my background just happened to be right there to take the video. Even ignoring the fact that someone with my background—raised in Virginia, UVA graduate, lives in Charlottesville, worked to resolve ethnic conflicts overseas, politically progressive—is exactly the kind of person you’d expect to find at a protest against Nazis, their theories were absurd and illogical. They wrote that I was a CIA operative, funded by (choose your own adventure) George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the IMF/World Bank, and/or a global Jewish mafia to orchestrate the Charlottesville attack in order to turn the general public against the alt-right. I had staged the attack and then worked with MSNBC and other outlets controlled by the left to spread propaganda. They claimed my ultimate goal was to start a race war that would undermine and then overthrow Donald Trump on behalf of the “Deep State.” . . . .

Normally, I would have just ignored these threats and certainly would not have commented on them publicly. I consider it an honor to be attacked by people who have none, and I am willing to put up with personal risk to speak out against Nazis. I believe that it is incumbent on white people in particular to take the risks necessary to confront and restrain white supremacists, given the inherent and intentional risk they present to all communities of color.

My parents feel similarly and took having their address posted online by hate groups in stride. Within days a letter showed up in their mail, containing four pages of text explaining why I would burn in in hell, as well as a suspicious white powder. While the powder was a hoax, their local police department took all the threats seriously, confiscated the letter and stepped up patrols around the house. My parents’ sole precaution was to pick the remaining tomatoes from their garden, “so the Nazis wouldn’t get them.” Even in the South, there must be a limit to our hospitality.

First, at some point during the week, it occurred to me that there was a pretty good chance these conspiracy theories had made their way to the White House. While they initially appeared only on obscure, wacko sites with pictures of bald eagles shooting machine guns, within 72 hours, they had gone “mainstream.” Infowars posted a “bombshell” investigation into Charlottesville that showed it was all a Soros plot, and I was the key operative. The president of the United States has been a guest on the very show that echoed theories suggesting I was, at best, an accessory to murder and, at worst, the orchestrator of the entire event, including hiring Nazi and antifa actors, staging a confrontation, and then working with allies in the mainstream “leftist” media to blind the world to the “reality.”

. . . .​
Great share. Maybe some of the people who've been edging toward the "accident/frightened" absurdity of a defense for the murderer will reconsider the approach. Or will they edge into the realm of conspiracy theory and once upon a time...:poly:


like marbles on glass
Great share. Maybe some of the people who've been edging toward the "accident/frightened" absurdity of a defense for the murderer will reconsider the approach. Or will they edge into the realm of conspiracy theory and once upon a time...:poly:

It's the macro version of what happens here on TOL in the micro on a daily basis. People parroting wild conspiracy theories from various conspiracy sites (including Alex Jones), telling people they'll burn in hell, dismissing verifiable stories as fake news, and trying desperately to shift blame anywhere but where it belongs with the alt-right/white nationalists/white supremacists/Nazis.